Hi, so Im a Virgo Sun and Aquarius moon, my ex is a Pisces Sun and Leo Moon. So we’re complete opposites. We’re not talking at the moment, but I always think about him. Have flashbacks, dreams, etc, I learned a lot from dating him. I want to get back into contact with him because what I feel for him is just so strong. Sometimes its like I can feel he’s thinking about me even though we’re not talking, and like it sounds weird but sometimes I feel like I can sense his emotions. One time we both confirmed we were thinking about each other at the same time, because I decided to text him after a strong urge. I’ve been getting lots of tarot readings and they’ve all been talking about how we’re not in contact right now, but we’re a divine union, twin flames, and this was all a lesson, and will get back in contact again soon. And I have this urge to message him, I’ve tried ignoring it, but the more I do the urge increases. Even though all odds seem to be against me right now, I just have this...