January 29th, 2021: Mars Conjunct Black Moon Lilith

Mars in Taurus conjunct Black Moon Lilith (11 deg)
BML’s survival skills heat up with an assertive boost from Mars- this is about the taboo woman doing what’s necessary to survive, which may include taking the first step or defending herself. There’s a hint of violence.
Sexual energy is consciously expressed and there’s a wild edge to it. This has a subjective, ruthless vibe: other people aren’t considered. There can be rage as well, as BML’s anger about being cast out is triggered.
Handled poorly, this aspect will be very destructive (you can cut yourself and damage your security). Handled well, this can be liberating and empowering as an “unacceptable” facet of female energy is given physical form. The difference between destruction versus empowerment lies in the awareness of anger and what your values are.
Rage can be motivating, used to build something lush and lucrative. The urge to prove yourself or compete (in the face of judgement and rejection) can be helpful if it’s used to build rather than tear down. Distorted BML often takes the form of vengeance (sex used as a weapon) and this invariably backfires.
Consider how anger, sex and instinct take corporeal form. Pay attention to what’s happening with you physically (unacknowledged anger often manifests in the body). How can you assert values that are crucial for you but will invariably trigger resistance in certain people?
from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology https://ift.tt/3onrxdW
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