January 30th, 2021: Mercury Retrograde And A Waning Inconjunct

Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding from Pexels

Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding from Pexels

  • Waning inconjunct between the Virgo Moon and Aquarius Sun (11 deg)

  • Moon trine Black Moon Lilith in Taurus (11 deg)

  • Sun square Black Moon Lilith in Taurus (11 deg)

  • Mercury stations Rx in Aquarius (26 deg-10:51 am EST)

The Waning Inconjunct presents an annoying adjustment to the results of the January 28th Full Moon. A flaw or inconvenient detail is making itself known, and while you may want to ignore this, know that it won’t go away.

Allow your attention to be drawn to the specifics.

The Moon trines Black Moon Lilith, suggesting that attention to detail will help you integrate controversial issues involving values, female sexuality or security. But the Sun’s square to BML also points to a crisis - there’s tension between airy detachment (and the group) versus earthy, subjection fixation on what’s best for the individual (ignoring the group). This crisis will expose self-interests that conflict with society. Analyzing the specifics (Virgo Moon) will come in handy as you discover how to make this better - how to ground yourself in what’s authentic and healthy.

Mercury’s Rx in Aquarius can ignite a series of questions and reviews regarding the group, your place in society or messages you’ve been receiving from others. A second look can reveal surprising info that liberates you. Or, what you thought was liberating may not be, after all. As usual with Mercury retrograde, expect delays, changes of opinion and reconnections with people from the past.

Note that Mercury rules Virgo, so the frustrating details/flaws from the Waning Inconjunct will involve this Rx transit. Look again, question what’s “normal” and watch for messengers to reappear. Look beneath the surface of the new idea or radical speech and you’ll discover some inconsistencies. Mercury stations direct on February 20th.

Check out this post for a listing of all the Mercury in Aquarius aspects (with dates and degrees). 

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology https://ift.tt/36mgsU7


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