I didn't heed the warnings and now I'm annoyed at myself

TL;DR: I got the Celestron 130eq and hate it even as someone who has never done this before. What should I get to replace it in the £200-£300 price range? No Dobsonian as I live in a flat and will be moving it around a lot (going from pointing out a 2nd floor window in a flat to an allotment).


I saw the online reviews of the Celestron 130eq and thought to myself "meh... I've never tried astrology before, how bad can it be".

I think I understand the mount and setup work and everything else. But after 3 months of owning it... I really kinda regret it.

The tripod is flimsy in that the legs curve out when fully extended and don't feel solid, so any movement around the telescope disturbs the view. Even on solid ground you have to tiptoe around it just to get a good image.

The telescope still moves, even with everything tightened on the mount and stand. If I try to make sure it's pointing at something and firmly locked in place, none of the screws for positioning turn so I can't hand tighten it. But if I nudge or touch the telescope at all it definitely tilts which is very annoying, and I have to use the awful red dot finder to realign. And then the focuser has a fraction of the tiniest point that it focuses on.

I don't know enough to know if some of these complaints are just part of owning a telescope or legit issues with the 130eq (does it get easier/better?), but something tells me (apart from the 50/50 reviews) I got a bad deal and have been taken advantage of as a beginner.

Any recommendations for something in a similar price range of 200-300 to replace this?

And if you know of any charities in Scotland that will take the 130eq let me know!

submitted by /u/LoganEight
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