As both an Investor/Trader and a practicing Astrologer, as crazy as it all sounds... I just HAD to tell the story of WallStreetBets vs Robinhood with Astrological perspectives

I'm an introverted practitioner who doesn't really put myself out there (Sun in Aqua 0 degree) but fuck it, the actions taken this week were egregious and if you aren't adapting financially after the conjunctions in capricorn, then good luck to you frens.

I just needed to get this off my chest and cover the facts from a trader perspective hearing too many lies and bullshit about how retail deserved this. They didn't. Vid's not perfect, there's things I wish I addded... Mercury's about to go retrograde and invisible but whatever.

Here's how the rich once again took from the poor and the astrological factors behind the events that took place on reddit's Wall Street Bets forum vs Melvin Capital, the Citadel and Robinhood in January 2021 -

submitted by /u/Soriq
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