Is this why some people resonate with rising more?

So I’ve always wondered what factors might play into someone resonating with one of these placements more than the other. For me personally I’ve always felt strongly connected to my Scorpio ascendant and analyzing my chart I see some factors that might play into it. So my ascendant is at the beginning of the sign and has almost all the first house in that sign in Placidus. Also my sun is in the 4th house which is said to have an affect of “hiding” or internalizing the planets there. My sun also is in detriment being in Aquarius. I also have many bad aspects in particular squares from Saturn, Jupiter, and mars. So yeah wondering what others experiences are with this and if they have similar experiences.

Also I do think I have strong Aquarius energy its just when Im asked which part I resonate with the most I really do feel it would be my rising sign.

submitted by /u/atmosfear212
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