Having a bit of crisis, someone help me confirm-or-bust some myths

Browsing through the astrology side of Tumblr and two posts caught my eye in the bad way; one saying that draconic astrology was apparently created based on a misinterpretation of some ancient astrology text and therefore it was somehow "fake" and I didn't know if it meant fake in the sense of "doesn't really describe my soul or childhood or past life or whatever and any indications it might are just as Barnum-effect as a buzzfeed quiz and it is completely invalid and worthless and any site that uses it is "canceled"" or fake in the "you still can use it if you want" same way that wicca isn't an invalid practice just because it may not match up exactly with what ancient pagans did, and one saying that not even sidereal astrology (which a lot of people think does) uses Ophiuchus and there's no reason it should be a valid zodiac sign for anyone just because it's behind the sun now. Any help so I A. know the truth and B. don't feel so like "everything I knew is wrong" that for all I know e.g. the teen magazines were right and it's just my sun sign that should be looked at?

submitted by /u/StarChild413
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from Astrology https://ift.tt/3j1u1Of


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