
Showing posts from December, 2020

Has anybody here ever tried to rectify their own birth chart? Esp when the time frame was smaller i.e doubt of half an hour. What in you opinion are major/important themes, dates or events that might help with this? Curious learner here.

submitted by /u/RebelFrmWaistUpwards [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Hailey Baldwin Bieber’s Rising Sign Guess

Hey :) I recently asked what everyone thought Selena Quintanilla’s rising sign was and I thought it was fun and my friend suggested Hailey. She has a Sagittarius sun and Taurus moon. submitted by /u/Mads_roses_ [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

2021 Yearly Horoscopes & Mantra For All Zodiac Signs

Photo: Chinnapong/ Getting to the end of 2020 feels like we should receive a medal of sorts, and the medal is 2021. But for many of us, 2021's yearly horoscopes are more than the beginning of a new decade, it's a time of change. We outgrew parts of our lives. We’re also being asked to step into a new mindset . No one ever knows what to expect when we’re beginning a month that starts a new year. While we all have optimistic vibes for the months ahead, sometimes we forget that we actually have to take charge of those things we want to change. This is especially true for us this year, and especially during the month of January. RELATED: Monthly Love Horoscope For January 1-31, 2021, By Zodiac Sign The major energy that will dominate 2021 is the shift into the Age of Aquarius. While we’ve been hearing about this for years, The Great Conjunction on December 21 officially kickstarted this new era which will bring about huge innovations and redirections

What to look for on your natal charts to help identify problems with communication and relationships with others

submitted by /u/slinky_42 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Is there any significance to birthdays lining up?

Two of my closet friends and I were born on the 28th in August, September, and October. Is there any significance to this astrologically? submitted by /u/thisname-was-yoinked [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Happy New Year 2021

2021= reduces to the #5 This is the Symbol of The Pope, the High Priest, The Hierophant and it symbolizes that each individual connects to their own spiritual authority. Here’s to you connecting to your higher self Blessings for 2021 from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology, Psychic via IFTTT

Can you work past negative aspects in relationships or do they doom a relationship?

As an example, my partner and I have a few aspects that may present emotional outbursts. This is true in our relationship, especially because my partner has ADHD which leads to emotional dysregulation. We are very good at communicating and usually on the same wavelength despite these negative aspects. So... can astrology be used as a tool to understand where challenges may arise in a relationship and work to fix them? Or is this set in stone that negative aspects lead to incompatibility? submitted by /u/ThrowRAdkdkfl [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Monthly Love Horoscope For January 1-31, 2021, By Zodiac Sign

Photo: red-feniks/ Your monthly love horoscope for January 1-31, 2021, by zodiac sign is here with words of Kate Rose sharing how astrology will affect your relationships this month. Keywords: zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

January 1st, 2021: Waning Inconjunct And Mercury Sextile Neptune

Anders Zorn Waning In... Read more → from Astrology Blogger via IFTTT

If your moon is not compatible with their sun, would it put a serious ceiling on good synastry?

Say you are a fire sign but your moon is more earthly like Taurus, would it actually be tough for you to have good synastry with other fire signs in relationships? Even if they have a moon that can touch your sun in a good way, say a fire moon, your earth moon will always square their fire sun. I been thinking about this because in this case, only a fire or air moon would be able to work out here. submitted by /u/anairoftruthhere [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

HELP! What does 7th house annual perfections mean? My 7th house in ruled my Saturn in Aquarius.

Wow, hi reddit. I made an account just to post about this because I can’t find an answer online. My annual perfections is in my 7th house containing Aquarius and Saturn. Especially after the return of Saturn on the 21st of 2020 this feels so cosmically aligned im blown away, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself since I don’t understand it completely. Can anyone share insight of what this means can entail or mean? Thank you! submitted by /u/kkrempell [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Let me read you 🙏🏼❤️

submitted by /u/Kateritarot [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Insight on 4th House Interpretation of paragraph two.

"It is a house of inheritance in its core, and the sign of Cancer here gives an emphasis on family matters that came into one's life only to be resolved. This is a position of gratitude, incredible opportunity, and all challenges left in one's genes. "Emotional issues will be truly important and the heart often won't go where it is supposed to, simply out of subconscious need to find what was left by other people, grandmothers and grandfathers who lost something, have been closed up, or were gone before their time." submitted by /u/theverbtotrust [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Is this abnormal in a chart?

I know its not abnormal to have a sigh come up multiple times in a chart but I was talking to a friend about my chart and mentioned how I have 4 scorpio placements. Is this unusual? Ill add a photo of my chart <3 submitted by /u/ohhsandy02 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Big 3: Vedic + Western

I recently found myself dabbling in Vedic astrology. Your big 3 is pretty quintessential to your natal chart, but I find that I resonate with both Vedic and Western in terms of my big 3. How does that work? I know that question is convoluted but I guess I don’t understand how I can resonate with both interpretations if the ascendant, sun and moon are truly that important to your chart. submitted by /u/carolinehx [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

January 2021 initiating revolution

January 2021 PLANETARY ASPECTS 2021 starts off with a Bang and chaotic energies as Jupiter, newly in AQUARIUS INITIATES THE REVOLUTIONS with a big hard square to URANUS in TAURUS, the planet which governs Aquarius in modern astrology on January 17/18TH and there is only one hit of this. This big aspect of Revolutionary energy is happening around the time of the U.S. Inauguration. Dont expect things to go smoothly. LOOK OUT for New Moon on the 12/13th at 23+ Capricorn conjunct-Pluto The New MOON is one degree away from the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020, which initiated Covid-19. This is a Deja Vu Groundhog Day event. A more powerful transformative limiting impact will be felt now. Expect bombings, like the recent one in Nashville, and the surreptitious planting of covert power and major resistance, anger and aggressiveness. Corporations, governments and big businesses will be striking with all their might. Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are all in Aquarius squaring

20 Facts You Need To Know About A Sagittarius Woman

Photo: getty The 11th sign of the Zodiac, those with a Sagittarius Sun sign are born between the dates of November 22 to December 21. Known as the Archer, this zodiac sign is fierce, adventurous, optimistic, spontaneous, and intellectual. Sagittarius is a Fire sign ruled by Jupiter, and because they are mutable , this means they tend to be flexible, and are fine with switching up traditions. Sagittarius Woman: Overview Sagittarian women are brimming with passion and energy. They are known to be super-curious and active. You'll likely see her spending her free time roughing it in a van for a road trip , or reading any new book she can get her hands on in her down time. To other signs, a Sagittarius woman may seem hard to pin down, as she always seems to be on the go and has wild ideas. But even if she appears difficult to get to know since she's never in the same place more than once and can't keep still, her personality is deep and free-spirited. RELATED:  20 Be

What Happens When You Break Up With A Gemini, By Zodiac Sign

Photo: getty While some zodiac signs won't see a Gemini break up coming, the Twins of astrology base their approach to breaking up on their ex's personality. Keywords: astrology , breakup , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

January 1st, 2021: Waning Inconjunct And Mercury Sextile Neptune

Anders Zorn Waning Inconjunct between the Leo Moon and Capricorn Sun (11 deg) Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (18 deg) The first day of 2021 offers a Waning Inconjunct, which means there’s an adjustment needed to the results of the Dec 29th Full Moon. While rules and responsibilities are still prevalent, take note of a creative impulse or moment of pride. You can celebrate an accomplishment, even if you’re not sure that it’s proper to do so. There’s room for a bit of ego. Mercury/Neptune is the whisper that coaxes you to pay attention to a dream. What’s vague or imaginary is given definition - put the fantasy into words or get serious about a compassionate/spiritual yearning. This is not a strong aspect and will slip by undetected if you’re not paying attention. And it won’t be a disaster if you ignore this, but sometimes the quiet voice offers more than you realize.  I’ve made a list with brief descriptions of the major influences for 2021 (“What’s Comin

Lunar cycle/calendar app or good astrology app/website

Hi everyone! I'm relatively new to astrology but have always been interested and fascinated by it. I'm in my Saturn return since Saturn entered Aquarius and this should be pronounced when Saturn conjuncts my natal Saturn next month. My natal Saturn is in the 9th house by the way, and the way it's representing in my life seems to be a change in fields of study. Not sure if it's expansion or replacement or neither to be honest as I'm very torn about whether I should pursue a new field (psychology) or stay in my field (nutrition). I'm almost done with my degree but contemplating grad school for psychology. So, I'm hoping to journal my experience during this time in hopes of receiving guidance from my intuition and perhaps my inner child. I'm thinking of using the lunar cycle and other planetary cycles to create journal prompts and for reflections. Although I secretly feel I will be propelled to doing whichever I was meant to do, though I'm not sure wh

You might actually lack compatibility with a sun sign you're supposed to be compatible with based on the generation you're a part of!

So you've all heard the sayings that Cancers and Scorpios are supposed to get on well since they are water signs while Leos and Aries are supposed to be BFFs since they are fire signs. Well, I tried an interesting experiment today. I did a hypothetical synastry on Astro Seek chart for me and a woman who is of a sign that is supposed to be compatible with mines. I didn't have a birth time, only a birthday, and I didn't use a birth time for myself either. I came to realize that if she was born in the 80s, during any year, our compatibility would have taken a massive nose dive. What I found was that most people born in the 80s of that sign had a Moon that is incompatible with my sun, at least if they were born on the same day. The outcome was that it created an assload of squares and oppositions through my chart. Now I think that in a synastry chart, squares and oppositions are a must. Otherwise, the relationship gets boring and you feel more like friends than a couple. O

Being Plutonic versus being a Scorpio.

I often see this question asked around what is the difference between being a Plutonian versus pure Scorpio energy, like having a Scorpio stellium. Now often, there is an overlap. A Plutonian may be heavily Scorpio as well many times but you can have someone with Scorpio energy which leans more towards the martian side of the sign as opposed to its Plutonian sign. Yes, Pluto is a generational planet, and it doesn't mean a thing unless it starts touching your inner planets. In order for Pluto to even be in the discussion, it has to touch your personal planets like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus. On the contrary, this means that someone with no Scorpio placements in their chart can still be quite Plutonian if Pluto makes aspects to multiple inner planets. In other words, it is not so cut and dry as one might think. Effectively, a Plutonian without Scorpio in a lot of their chart would be lacking the Martian traits of the sign but is that actually putting this person in a

anyone have a sagittarius stellium and is not happy and giddy all the time

im tired of websites acting like we're on a coke high and feel invincible, down to do anything and excited all the time when really we can get so negative and pessimistic to the point of no return submitted by /u/loverromantics [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Photo I took of the 22° halo around the full wolf moon last night

Image - Last night was a wolf moon & the 13th full moon of the year. Here's a snazzy shot I managed to grab at 3am. - *Known as a moon ring, a winter halo, or a 22-degree halo, it's when "ice crystals suspended high above in thin wispy cirrus clouds refract the moon's light to form a perfect circle.* - Orions Belt is in the bottom center if you zoom in. submitted by /u/MomentImmortalizer [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How To Attract A Aries submitted by /u/CosmicJosh48 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Whats the difference between July and June cancers?

I have 2 cancer friends and Im a cancer myself and they tell me Ew June cancers. I'm just wondering why do My July cancer friends dont like June cancer people? Btw Im a June cancer submitted by /u/ToLearnOnReddit [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

I'm new to astrology and I wanted to know what my big three mean

My big three are sun in Gemini, Moon in Virgo, and Rising in Capricorn. Also if anyone know how this works out with compatibility with someone who is sun in Gemini, Moon in Capricorn, and Rising in Virgo. I'd love to know!! Thank you loads submitted by /u/AFamiliarNote [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

cusp identity crisis

okay so I was born in australia but I live in the US. my birthday is september 23, which would make me a libra, but astrology sites where you plug in the birth place tell me I’m a virgo. I’ve always just assumed I was a virgo cause that’s what I identify a lot with, but people always try to tell me that’s not true. I guess what I’m asking is because I was born on what would be the 22nd in the US, does that make me a virgo? or would I be a libra because the actual date was the 23rd? submitted by /u/biigblaziin [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Could someone please help me translate what this means?

submitted by /u/bdnsnakie [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Is the Rising Sign more than just a social mask?

View Poll submitted by /u/star-shoot [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Do the Moon and Venus Sign matter more than the Sun Sign when it comes to compatibility?

View Poll submitted by /u/star-shoot [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Found this quote about 6H stellium and it’s definitely me: “People with 6th house stellium don't even step out of the house completely and they are already planning about what to do once they are back.” 😆

submitted by /u/Short-girl [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Astrology and investing

I recently heard that Wall Street bankers would consult astrologists to help them make investing decisions. Has anyone else heard about this? Is there any validity to it? How do you go about learning how to read charts in relation to finance? submitted by /u/Extension-Conflict-9 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

December 31st, 2020: Venus Conjunct The South Node And Square Vesta

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels Venus conjunct the Sagittarius South Node (19 deg) Venus square Vesta in Virgo (20 deg) Continuing Dec 30th’s influences, Venus over the South Node suggests the completion of a relationship, financial or self-esteem issue. This could be something from the past that’s returned or the conclusion of a current issue. The common theme will be moving away from the promise, ideal or expansion of this issue and taking a hard look at the details. Potential happiness is no longer good enough - you deserve specifics. Venus square Vesta is the crisis between what you want/love versus what you’re focusing on. Fixation on a flaw may challenge your happiness or the seductive energy of charm and adventure may be distracting you from what needs to be fixed. Decide where your priorities lie. Is it time to step away from a situation that’s broken? Are you ignoring what’s healthy in favour of what could be (but never is)? These aspects are part of a larger

How did you feel during this last full moon in Cancer?

I personally felt very emotional, sad and lonely. I realised i lost most of my friends during this pandemic, mostly because i barely even talk to people anymore. Before I was feeling alright with the fact that I don't go out for drinks and dinner but suddenly it hit me hard. How was it for you? submitted by /u/bobb99y [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

The first round of Quarantine babies being born are Capricorns and I feel that in my soul.

As a Capricorn I'm already pissed that I didn't consent to being here lol submitted by /u/Virgomoon23 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Would anybody be interested in joining a subreddit where you post your chart + pictures of how you decorate? I always wish it exists but idk if anyone would participate.

submitted by /u/7ii7spider7ii7 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Is the Conjunction with Sun a dignity or debility?

I read the interpretations on astrology websites and it sounds like a dignity. But then when I check an astrology software ZET 9, it shows being within 8 degrees of the sun is a debility (combust). Even if it it's within 17 degrees, they still mark it as a debility (under beams of the sun). submitted by /u/Self-Humble [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Astro-Notes: Louie Buller Gohmert August 18, 1953

Image above of the US Capitol Building in Washington DC A Few Astro-Notes Concerning the Obsessive Mr. Gohmert by Jude Cowell If you're curious about the career path of Rep. Louie Buller Gohmert Jr (R-TX) and a few bio details, you may wish to check out his Wikipedia page where you'll see that Baby Louie was born on August 18, 1953 in Pittsburg, Texas but was "raised" in Mount Pleasant, Texas. Read more → from Astrology Blogger via IFTTT

Is the Moon sign more important than the Sun sign for synastry/compatibility?

Curious. submitted by /u/GreenAwareness [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Just wanted to say

As 2020 comes to a close i just wanted to say a big F*** YOU to the Pluto saturn jupiter conjunction thats caused all this chaos and destruction on earth this year. You will not be missed submitted by /u/ahgirl111 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Pluto Transit Conjunct Natal Moon

Pluto is exactly conjunct my Natal Moon at 20 degrees. Really losing my my mind right now. I lost all of my savings due to tuition and my car breaking down. My relationships with my parents are absolutely broken. Any hopeful insight about this tough transit? EDIT: Pluto is in my 4H, I have struggled with family issues since I was a child. Now they are coming to a head. submitted by /u/capmoon222 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

People with North Node in LEO

please tell me what your career or second have of life entails? how does it relate to your LEO NN and what house is it in? mine is in the 12th house but im only 21, so im not there yet. submitted by /u/Classic_Purpose_3034 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT


Any one out there with only air & fire in their charts and have no balance or surround yourself with people that can ground you. A drifting Balloon submitted by /u/Unscentedcream [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

ASTROCARTOGRAPHY: saturn line experiences?

I plan on moving to a city for work but my saturn line goes directly through it. it kinda makes me nervous!? any insight? submitted by /u/hellmouthx [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Love Horoscope For Thursday, December 31, 2020

Photo: Your love horoscope for Thursday, December 31, 2020 is here while the Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Cancer entering Leo. Venus is in Sagittarius. Here's what's in store for all zodiac signs in astrology. Keywords: zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Exalted planets and planets in their fall

Do you have any exalted planets or any planets in their fall in your chart? If so, do you feel any affects of these placements? The only one I have is a Libra sun so I'm curious. submitted by /u/pretzelvania444 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Businesses well suited for the new Aquarian burst?

I'm an Aquarius sun, Cancer moon + rising. As an interesting side note, my numerological year aligns with the universal year- so 2021 will be a 5 year for me personally, and the planet. Cool stuff. Anyways, I'm wanting to start a new business venture that's well aligned with the Aquarian energies of innovation in unusual ways, impacting the community/greater good, and creativity. I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas. Any thoughts? I've thought of starting a ghost kitchen (for delivery only via apps) that might also sell handmade frozen dishes to pop in the oven. But this is pretty much nil on Aquarian themes. submitted by /u/parapar89 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Happy full moon in Cancer everyone! My moon sign is Cancer, anyone know what that means for me tonight? (Also, this is my first time photographing the moon and I thought it turned out alright!)

submitted by /u/jellydonuut [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Sure it’s already been posted a lot but here’s a spooky picture of the full moon in cancer. Aka the last of the year.

submitted by /u/em2140 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

was taking pictures of the full moon and when I got home some of them had these weird patterns?

submitted by /u/leahventrella [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Mars aspecting north node synastry

I read about the soft aspects to the nodes meaning a soulmate connection. But does the hard aspects mean it’s karmic. (Mars opposition north node in particular) Can hard aspects ease up over time if the couple come to find some common ground? Especially with more communication, since Mercury rules over communication between planets and points in hard aspect to each. ( One of the partners has a Gemini Mercury and something tells me communication kind of creates a fertile bond over something that was meant to be a hard aspect.) The planets/points are in friendly signs Mars in Sag and North node in Gemini. Called the celebration signs. And probably the most compatible signs. Basically I’ve read online this aspect can be overbearing and what I’m asking is it whether it’s over or not? The SYNASTRY IS AMAZING. It’s just this aspect that worries me. I don’t wanna ditch such a precious question cuz of one aspect. submitted by /u/AmNotARobot123 [link] [comments] from Astrology h

Are the types of transits you get unique to you?

I looked at a friend’s transits, and their negative transits tend to deal with aggression and interpersonal misunderstandings. For whatever reason, my negative transits are always about public scandals, my integrity being smeared, and delusions. submitted by /u/Rare_Fondant1682 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

CoStar astrology app relationship reading offers?

hi! don’t know if this post is allowed, was just wondering if anyone knew about how the CoStar AI generated relationship readings work. i know they aren’t alerted if i make an offer, but if i purchase someone else’s relationship reading, will they be alerted once i’ve done it? just wondering because i feel like it’ll make for an awkward conversation... LOL thanks in advance! submitted by /u/spicy_meatba11 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Heavy extended transits experiences?

I just thought about this from seeing a comment on a post. Has anyone experienced heavy extended transits, like transits that were extended significantly by retrogrades. For example, Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct my sun and opposite my moon for the majority of this year because after passing over in the beginning, they’d retrograde back over my planets and then went over again, it’s the most grueling thing I’ve ever went through and I definitely broke down lol. I went through the first time fine and honestly didn’t notice but the retrograde and going back over kicked my ass for sure. Mercury was also in that mix of going through the ringer twice. submitted by /u/notafrequentflyerr [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Mayan Astrology: Zodiac Signs & Horoscopes For 2021

Photo: Natali Glado/ What's your zodiac sign ? If you were to look yours up using Mayan astrology, you may be surprised that it's nothing like what you're used to. While most of us are familiar with Western Astrology and the zodiac signs associated with it, we often are unaware that various cultures around the world, like the Mayans, had their own system for diving up the year into specific spiritual signs . The Mayans were located in Central America and their majestic temples are still located across Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize which can be visited. RELATED:  Will You Find Love In 2021? Here's How To Make It Happen! Although the Mayan culture is well-known for their ritualistic human sacrifices , they also practiced an intense form of astrology which begins with their own unique calendar called a Haab. The Mayan empire peaked in 600 A.D., and during this time they developed a complex and divine connection to the earth and stars around them

December 30th, 2020: Venus Square Neptune, Vesta Square The Nodes

Louis Loeb Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (18 deg) Vesta in Virgo square the Sagittarius South Node/Gemini North Node (19 deg) Venus/Neptune This is the crisis of wants versus transcendence. Venus in Sag looks for more (in relationships, finances and values) while Neptune dissolves boundaries, so at first glance this blend suggests limitless happiness . But the hard square triggers a longing for something that doesn’t exist or false beliefs about what you really want. An attraction can turn out to be an illusion. A desire can see you drifting into risky territory. A sacrifice based on certain ideals weakens you. You long for what you think will elevate you and the dream slips through your fingers. Venus/Neptune is passive but the square is an active aspect, so this can result in lingering dissatisfaction- nothing makes you happy but you’re not motivated to do anything about it. If this is the case, the square still demands a change. Why are you dissatisf

Great Conjunction for me: All Big 3 are air signs

Hey everyone! My sun is gemini, my moon is gemini, and my rising is aquarius. I have never really felt these "shifts" before that people talk about on this sub, Twitter, etc, but I've always loved astrology and examining my birth chart. But when I tell you I felt this conjuction thing - I really, really did! I didn't even know about it until I was doing some research for potential future astrology related specials (im a tarot card reader full time), and I realized the entire morning I was flying high and going live on Facebook to sell and I was getting all types of compliments on my energy! Something really clicked and I've been in a great mood since and really motivated to speak and show up in my business. I swear to god I may believe in this stuff now! Of course all the air in my chart may have something to do with all this. submitted by /u/turnsyouon22 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How would you describe your nodal return?

I’m currently going through mine (NN in Gemini in 10th house). From what I’ve been reading, your nodal return is supposed to consist of events which lead you towards fulfilling your NN. This is all feels awfully schematic, so if people want to chime in with their own experience and whether it mirrored the theoretical explanation, please do so! submitted by /u/VineStellar [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

natal chart question.

if someone doesnt know what time they were born at. they know they were born in the morning so i can u put 12 am? submitted by /u/ouranos0797 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Good for reminding yourself of important dates and what is happening?

submitted by /u/dylwinning [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Water signs inherently more psychic?

I’m an Aquarius sun, Pieces moon, Capricorn rising who is compleeeetly disheartened by a bunch of posts where people talk about water signs being the most naturally psychic etc. I want to develop my psychic abilities so much, is it going to be a lot more difficult because of my aqua sun? submitted by /u/angelbaits [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Full Moon in Cancer, taken in Vancouver Canada. The traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Coast Salish people.

submitted by /u/UnforfeitableElf [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

I am an aquarius. When do I get magic powers?

Suddenly I'm way hotter and more magnetic since December 21st. Im thinking more clearly and way sexier. Trust me. When do I acquire kung fu or chi? THIS IS A SHIT POST BUT AQUARIANS RISE UP. Let's break the wheel bitches submitted by /u/liarliarchickendin [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Which aspects are actually "bad" aspects and astrologers just say "hard" aspects to make it easier for others to digest?

submitted by /u/bobb99y [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How do you cope with the hard aspects on your birth chart?

I recently started reading my birth chart and in the beginning it was all flowers. I found great aspects like sextiles, great conjunctions and a stellium (which made me super excited and feeling like I was special). Soon after, I started reading the hard aspects it became very difficult for me to continue because I don't want to believe that certain things could happen to me in my life and don't agree with certain characteristics that my map tells me I have. Also, I realised that having a stellium does not make me a special person which kind of sucked lol. How was it for you? submitted by /u/bobb99y [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How rare is it for a couple to have a phenomenal synastry chart but for that relationship to not go anywhere or have any attraction?

Like their sun and moon are conjunct on one end and trine on the other. Their venus trines the venus of the other. The saturn conjuncts the sun. Yet despite a lot of these ideal aspects, the relationship goes nowhere and there is no attraction and interest. submitted by /u/anairoftruthhere [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

stick to my original sign?

hello! sun sign : taurus moon sign : taurus venus sign : aries i watch a few tarot readers on youtube, and a couple of them mention your “venus sign”. i understand that the moon sign is your emotional core, while venus is your emotional style. would it be smart to also tune in to tarot reads for aries as well? or just stick with my sun and moon sign? submitted by /u/greenbean2030 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT