Lunar cycle/calendar app or good astrology app/website

Hi everyone! I'm relatively new to astrology but have always been interested and fascinated by it. I'm in my Saturn return since Saturn entered Aquarius and this should be pronounced when Saturn conjuncts my natal Saturn next month. My natal Saturn is in the 9th house by the way, and the way it's representing in my life seems to be a change in fields of study. Not sure if it's expansion or replacement or neither to be honest as I'm very torn about whether I should pursue a new field (psychology) or stay in my field (nutrition). I'm almost done with my degree but contemplating grad school for psychology.

So, I'm hoping to journal my experience during this time in hopes of receiving guidance from my intuition and perhaps my inner child. I'm thinking of using the lunar cycle and other planetary cycles to create journal prompts and for reflections. Although I secretly feel I will be propelled to doing whichever I was meant to do, though I'm not sure what that is. I wonder if there's a good app or website that shows these? I'm new to using so I'm not sure if there's something there. Do you use a calendar for the lunar cycles, an app/website/software to check the movements of the celestial bodies? I'm hoping for an app if possible because it's easier and more convenient, but other sources are welcome as well.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/__annapurna__
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