Being Plutonic versus being a Scorpio.

I often see this question asked around what is the difference between being a Plutonian versus pure Scorpio energy, like having a Scorpio stellium. Now often, there is an overlap. A Plutonian may be heavily Scorpio as well many times but you can have someone with Scorpio energy which leans more towards the martian side of the sign as opposed to its Plutonian sign.

Yes, Pluto is a generational planet, and it doesn't mean a thing unless it starts touching your inner planets.

In order for Pluto to even be in the discussion, it has to touch your personal planets like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus. On the contrary, this means that someone with no Scorpio placements in their chart can still be quite Plutonian if Pluto makes aspects to multiple inner planets. In other words, it is not so cut and dry as one might think. Effectively, a Plutonian without Scorpio in a lot of their chart would be lacking the Martian traits of the sign but is that actually putting this person in a weaker position?

Not exactly, they do say Pluto is a higher octave of Mars, so how might it manifest in a Plutonian that may be lacking Mars in their chart?

Mars is drive, aggression, and how we go after what we want. It is that which drives us to go after what we want hard with a focus towards that single thing. I use Mars here almost synonymously with Scorpio since it is the traditional home of the sign.

Pluto digs deep and makes you ask why you want what you want. It tightens up your view on why that very thing, be it a bigger paycheck or a hot spouse, matters so much to you.

In destruction, Mars destroys the target and is often on its way. Pluto is not satisfied with destroying something or cutting something out, Pluto goes at the root of it all.

Think about it like this.

A Martian is a solider, he aims to eliminate the opposition who is usually another soldier. Mars wins the battle and then cheers.

A Plutonian is a warring king, a general out to prove a point, A Genghis Khan and a conqueror. For Pluto, battles mean nothing when they are won. Even winning a war means nothing because the opposition can come back even stronger. For Pluto, the goal is total annihilation, going at the root and taking care of the issue for good. Eliminate their ideas, their way of life, and erase them from extinction.

What is one sign you're dealing with a Plutonian? When everyone else is celebrating a victory or win but there is one person going "hold on a minute now, let's not get too excited". Plutonians will do that, a lot, because they are cautiously optimistic.

Not to get that dark on you but relate it to your own life and its idea.

Mars is the battle for the day. If you get up on time and had a productive day, then Mars has won the battle and served its purpose. You did not sleep in or watch Netflix all night, you simply got up and had a productive day. Mars will cheer.

Pluto on the other hand will not, it is not happy with you getting up to have a productive day if the next day, you sleep in all depressed. No, Pluto is more fixated on you building a system where lazy and unproductive days just don't happen.

Even on a society level, Pluto is about big scale changes.

Mars is about the small battles and the need to get even on a person to person level. A Martian will beat up a skinhead and be happy.

Pluto is about large scale battles and changes, it is not happy even if a 100 skinheads catch a beatdown because it knows there are still skinheads in society harassing people. A Plutonian is about elimination of the idea, the group, and taking care of the problem at its root. For Pluto, it is about making sure the problem does not become recurring.

So how would a Plutonian differ from a Martian or Scorpio, especially if they do not have much of either in their chart?

One certain way is scale. Plutonians have different standards for success. For a Plutonian, it is not enough that justice is delivered to the one person that did something wrong. For a Plutonian, success is when the very thing that enabled the perpetrator to get away with the crime or caused him to commit it is wrong. What's the point of celebrating if the crime is just going to happen again?

The other answer is the long-game for one. Mars is sudden, even in patient signs like Scorpio and Capricorn where it sits in a good place. Mars is action above all else, shoot first and ask questions later. Overtime, even a Scorpio Mars will have had its victory and kind of moved on from the situation after having had its fill.

Pluto is not like that. Pluto is more patience and striking when the time and trends are right. Plutonians take action when they know that the trends of the time are on their side instead of just taking action anyways. A Plutonian will still go into battle but it won't do it blinding, it understands people.

You can expect a Plutonian to go into hiding and show weakness when the trends and circumstances are against them. When they do start to favor their desires and their chances, expect them to spring up like the Phoenix and go at things with a drive that is amongst the most unrivaled.

Plutonians catch people by surprise because when things were happening which were not in their favor, they were there taking notes and waiting to strike right when the time was right. When the time came, their goal was to eliminate the struggle, obstacle, or problem at its root.

submitted by /u/anairoftruthhere
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