Great Conjunction for me: All Big 3 are air signs

Hey everyone! My sun is gemini, my moon is gemini, and my rising is aquarius. I have never really felt these "shifts" before that people talk about on this sub, Twitter, etc, but I've always loved astrology and examining my birth chart.

But when I tell you I felt this conjuction thing - I really, really did! I didn't even know about it until I was doing some research for potential future astrology related specials (im a tarot card reader full time), and I realized the entire morning I was flying high and going live on Facebook to sell and I was getting all types of compliments on my energy!

Something really clicked and I've been in a great mood since and really motivated to speak and show up in my business. I swear to god I may believe in this stuff now!

Of course all the air in my chart may have something to do with all this.

submitted by /u/turnsyouon22
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