December 30th, 2020: Venus Square Neptune, Vesta Square The Nodes

Louis Loeb

Louis Loeb

  • Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (18 deg)

  • Vesta in Virgo square the Sagittarius South Node/Gemini North Node (19 deg)


This is the crisis of wants versus transcendence. Venus in Sag looks for more (in relationships, finances and values) while Neptune dissolves boundaries, so at first glance this blend suggests limitless happiness. But the hard square triggers a longing for something that doesn’t exist or false beliefs about what you really want. An attraction can turn out to be an illusion. A desire can see you drifting into risky territory. A sacrifice based on certain ideals weakens you. You long for what you think will elevate you and the dream slips through your fingers.

Venus/Neptune is passive but the square is an active aspect, so this can result in lingering dissatisfaction- nothing makes you happy but you’re not motivated to do anything about it. If this is the case, the square still demands a change. Why are you dissatisfied? In some cases this can trigger a breakthrough if you’re able to align an idealistic desire with reality and truly make something better. But in order for this to happen you’ll need to be excruciatingly honest about what you want and what you can change. For example, the plight of *fill in the blank* tears at your heart. It’s horrible that people/animals have to suffer and things should be so much better for them. Is there something you can actually give (Venus) to improve that situation?

Sometimes this aspect will simply result in a bit of harmless fantasy - escapism is not always a bad thing. If the imaginary country makes you happy, spending some time there can be a soothing distraction. But if you base all your happiness and self-esteem on what’s unproven, you will be disappointed. 

Vesta Square The Nodes

Extreme focus is a pivot point. The big picture/promise/ideal from the past (South Node) is not holding up to scrutiny. There’s a problem (Virgo) and your fixation (Vesta) on it may have you frozen in place - all you can see is the flaw. Or perhaps you’re trying to deny the flaw - that won’t work either. 

The way forward (North Node) involves some flexibility as you consider more than one solution (Gemini). Identify the issue then open yourself up to different streams of information. Be curious and communicative. Be prepared to get it wrong (at times) before you eventually arrive at the right answer.

Vesta is also about what’s sacred, and in perfectionist Virgo we have an issue of purity. Consider how this concept has you at a crossroads now - you may need to confront a situation that’s been tainted or perhaps you need to loosen your definition of what’s clean/correct.

Venus, Neptune and the Nodes are part of a larger set of influences that began on December 9th. I’ve written a Patreon post (for $1 Patrons) about this entitled “Cutting Through The Confusion” : a day-by-day guide to the building square between Neptune and the Nodes and Neptune’s squares to the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius (plus other assorted hits to the Nodes).

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