You might actually lack compatibility with a sun sign you're supposed to be compatible with based on the generation you're a part of!

So you've all heard the sayings that Cancers and Scorpios are supposed to get on well since they are water signs while Leos and Aries are supposed to be BFFs since they are fire signs. Well, I tried an interesting experiment today. I did a hypothetical synastry on Astro Seek chart for me and a woman who is of a sign that is supposed to be compatible with mines.

I didn't have a birth time, only a birthday, and I didn't use a birth time for myself either.

I came to realize that if she was born in the 80s, during any year, our compatibility would have taken a massive nose dive. What I found was that most people born in the 80s of that sign had a Moon that is incompatible with my sun, at least if they were born on the same day. The outcome was that it created an assload of squares and oppositions through my chart.

Now I think that in a synastry chart, squares and oppositions are a must. Otherwise, the relationship gets boring and you feel more like friends than a couple.

On the other hand, too many squares that are not accompanied by trines and conjunctions (of benefic planets) to balance them out? You got yourself a shitshow.

So you might wonder why 50 years ago, it was so common to see Scorpio men marry Cancer women and Leo men marry Aries women. Then all of a sudden, the generation changed and it seemed like you saw more Scorpio men with Aquarius women and Leo men with Scorpio women.

I actually think sun sign compatibility is dictated by the generation.

submitted by /u/anairoftruthhere
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