Mars aspecting north node synastry

I read about the soft aspects to the nodes meaning a soulmate connection. But does the hard aspects mean it’s karmic. (Mars opposition north node in particular)

Can hard aspects ease up over time if the couple come to find some common ground? Especially with more communication, since Mercury rules over communication between planets and points in hard aspect to each. ( One of the partners has a Gemini Mercury and something tells me communication kind of creates a fertile bond over something that was meant to be a hard aspect.)

The planets/points are in friendly signs Mars in Sag and North node in Gemini. Called the celebration signs. And probably the most compatible signs.

Basically I’ve read online this aspect can be overbearing and what I’m asking is it whether it’s over or not? The SYNASTRY IS AMAZING. It’s just this aspect that worries me. I don’t wanna ditch such a precious question cuz of one aspect.

submitted by /u/AmNotARobot123
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