Idk about you, but I find it ridiculous that some "astrologers" demand prices which start from roughly 200$ and go up to 2000$ for their "educational" stuff (trashy webinars and whatnot). Who in their right mind pays those crazy high prices? Especially in this age, when everything we want to know about astrology (or anything really) is available online or in form of books - A LOT of it is even FREE. Nowadays, in order to call yourself an astrologer, it seems to be qualifying enough to have an IG account, a YT, and basically post and film the same stuff over and over again, because people just be copying each other. If you really have a couple hundred to spare, then please support ACTUAL astrologers, quality content creators (I'm talking Astrology Podcast members, Rick Levine and so on) on Patreon or something, but quit celebrating AstroHOElogers. I get it, the esoteric business is booming and everyone wants a slice of the pie, but some people are just right out...