
Showing posts from November, 2020

Astrology more like astrologay

submitted by /u/Redditisgay123456789 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

A word on astrology scammers...

Idk about you, but I find it ridiculous that some "astrologers" demand prices which start from roughly 200$ and go up to 2000$ for their "educational" stuff (trashy webinars and whatnot). Who in their right mind pays those crazy high prices? Especially in this age, when everything we want to know about astrology (or anything really) is available online or in form of books - A LOT of it is even FREE. Nowadays, in order to call yourself an astrologer, it seems to be qualifying enough to have an IG account, a YT, and basically post and film the same stuff over and over again, because people just be copying each other. If you really have a couple hundred to spare, then please support ACTUAL astrologers, quality content creators (I'm talking Astrology Podcast members, Rick Levine and so on) on Patreon or something, but quit celebrating AstroHOElogers. I get it, the esoteric business is booming and everyone wants a slice of the pie, but some people are just right out...

full moon / eclipse in gemini

how is everyone spending their full moon? submitted by /u/jadeave [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How to decipher which signs are in what houses when it's on a cusp??

I was curious to see where Gemini and Sag were in my birth chart in correlation with this lunar eclipse and I realized many of my houses are between two signs. Since I'm a Scorpio rising I'm assuming that would be my first house, therefore Sag would be in my second house. I've used a few different websites to see my chart but they either say Sag and Gemini are in 1&7 or 2&8 and I am confused!!! Can you have two signs in one house? If not, how do you figure out which sign is in which house? TYIA! submitted by /u/pretzelvania444 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

What Does A Virgo Look Like?

Photo: Prostock-studio/ What does a Virgo look like? Find out why astrology tells more about your zodiac sign than personality traits and love compatibility. Keywords: zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Mercury’s Transit of Sagittarius

Master of Calamarca M... Read more → from Astrology Blogger via IFTTT

About the Moon Sign Book from 1941

submitted by /u/fergleza [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Can I get help?

not sure where to look Nov 23rd 1988 2:45am Can anyone help me find information about my sign? submitted by /u/yeahsurebudok [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

love a good lunar eclipse in gemini moment ​ we need wuhan's astrological chart lol submitted by /u/riajyuu [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

This gave me a good laugh

submitted by /u/jellydonuut [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Stand up Gemini's for the Gemini axis eclipse season

So, last night my landlord stopped by and gave us all letters stating we will be getting a new lanlord (but we will most likely not have to move). Thought that was funny considering how close to the lunar eclipse this was. ​ I would be interested in hearing if any of you have had any similar experiences. I am a a June 20th Gemini Asc and Sun with Cancer moon. ​ So I am taking a look at the next eclipse transits. I'm still in a learning phase here but these appear to be the biggest transits during this eclipse for myself. I'm really hoping for some good news on the work front here but the Uranus Sextile Mars at 0 degrees has me wondering, I'm hoping Neptune moving forward can aid in shining light here. What are you other Gemini's facing here? Short term Transits Mars Square Moon3° orb Mercury Sextile Jupiter3° orb Long term Transits Uranus Sextile Mars0° orb Pluto Opposition Moon2° orb Neptune Sextile North Node2° orb Neptune Trine Moon3° orb https://p...

Mercury's Transit of Sagittarius

Master of Calamarca Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 1st at 2:51 pm EST . Communication and thoughts expand outwards, seeking new knowledge and faith in the future. This is the transit of the Big Story, the joke and the carefree view of all things. The promise sounds good and the sales pitch is convincing. It’s a necessary part of raising your eyes to the horizon - you can only move in the direction that you’re focused on. If you keep looking over your shoulder or dwelling on the grim details you won’t progress. But when this energy is distorted we get fanatical ideals, no logic, no sensitivity and over-zealous preachers. This is the sign of truth and half-truths (inconvenient facts slow down the narrative so the uglies are glossed over). Note that Mercury sits in its opposite sign here and the sign of the South Node (Mercury rules the Gemini North Node) so this can be chance to question/discuss the culminating story as part of your path forward. The past and future will ...

December Horoscopes

  There’s a huge change coming our way this December — and it’s about time too. We are whooshing forward into 2021 — and into the next decade, as we enter a brand new era. It’s very exciting, and the new birth happens exactly on the Solstice point! It’s also a fiery month ahead, with […] The post December Horoscopes appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer . Read more → from Astrology Blogger via IFTTT

Stop talking to her.

submitted by /u/K19081985 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

I don’t know what time I was born. Does that mean my chart won’t be as accurate?

Do I need to know the exact time I was born for the chart to be accurate? submitted by /u/runningwsizzas [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

What do you think the family dynamics would be here?

Mother: Capricorn Father: Pisces Daughter: Virgo/Libra (Cusp of Beauty) Son: Scorpio submitted by /u/yolthrice [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How do we Feel About Scorpio Moons (12th House :D)

I feel like this is one of the worst placements to have lmao. Such a chaotic sign in my moon and the darkest house... any opinions? submitted by /u/gucci__princess [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Gemini -Forecast

submitted by /u/poppyluu [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How accurate is Snapchat?

I just found out about the Snapchat feature and I'm curious about how accurate it is. It seems to me to be really basic, but I don't know much about astrology so... submitted by /u/na_yo_so [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

does anyone else get bummed when your sun changes houses or signs?

it takes me awhile to get used to the energy submitted by /u/luckyspaceships [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How is Dolly Parton a Capricorn and not an Aquarius?

I genuinely don’t understand like she’s the most Aquarius ever submitted by /u/eveisshady777 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

50 Famous Celebrities Born Under The Gemini Zodiac Sign

Photo: shutterstock When it comes to Gemini celebrities, there's no shortage of them. And when you're a Gemini zodiac sign as well, it can be easy to relate to these actors, musicians, or athletes, both on and off-screen/stage/court. Perhaps astrology can provide some insight into  why certain people who are Geminis become famous . Because celebrities are called stars for a reason! List of 50 Famous Gemini Celebrities Here's a list of famous Geminis — singers, songwriters, movie stars, and athletes — who show us what success looks like. RELATED:  85 Famous Celebrities & Their Zodiac Sign Personality Traits, Per Astrology While you may not recognize all of them, many are big-name celebrities. And that means they have all the wonderful Gemini eminent personalities you love so much. Which celebrities were born between May 21st and June 22nd? 1. Marilyn Monroe Birthday : June 1, 1926 Though she was a sex symbol in the 1950s, Monroe was among the smartes...

Daily Tarot Card Reading, December 1, 2020

Your daily tarot card reading is here for Tuesday, December 1, 2020 for all zodiac signs with a prediction using numerology and astrology during Sun in Sagittarius Season, and the Moon in Gemini. Keywords: zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

discussion about cancers

ok so my friend is careful with me because im a cancer and apparently my zodiac is sensitive and a lot of things said about cancers are due for emotion and i highly disagree about what are said about cancers people say cancers are nurturing, sensitive, compassionate, self-protective, security-seeking and offering, loving, and displaying a goofy, ingratiating sense of humor. emotional and intense, Overly Sensitive and moody and i simply dont think thats true yes i am intense i have a weird humor i am loving and nurturing but im not overly sensitive or sensitive in the matter i dont really have emotions to unleash i was labeled as a boring person since i dont show what people want i do agree with putting on a different face because i copy and paste emotions to look not boring i also fight a lot so i dont get why people think cancers are like that submitted by /u/strawberry_milkers [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Are Cusp signs real?

Born January 20th Am I a Aquarius or a 29 degree Capricorn ? submitted by /u/jayteddyy [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Changing Communications

Good day friends, I do hope that everyone had a peaceful Thanksgiving holiday. Five months later of Neptune retrograde, the harsher aspects of our reality will finally begin to weaken and fade again as Neptune stationed direct over the weekend, Saturda... Read more → from Astrology Blogger via IFTTT


submitted by /u/whoop-t-whoop [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Should I use sidereal astrology or tropical?

I’m still in the works of understanding astrology, but I’m ultimately a confused mess with the different types of charts. According to my tropical chart I’m an Aries sun, Leo rising, and Capricorn moon with my Venus in Aquarius, but according to sidereal I’m a Pisces sun, Leo rising, Sag moon with my Venus is Capricorn. Those are very big differences imo. Now I’m quite lost and have no idea what I should be using. Which chart is more realistic? I guess I’m also not understanding how there can be multiple charts? Someone please help me understand ๐Ÿ˜ฌ submitted by /u/pygmytree [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Hey does anyone want to tell me something interesting from my natal chartt? scorpio sun aquarius rising and pisces moon

submitted by /u/justlivingbutdead [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

I found this astrology book from almost 80 years ago

submitted by /u/fergleza [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

What is it in Rachel McAdam’s chart that makes her eyes so piercing?

submitted by /u/IndependenceHon [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Weekly Forecast: November 30 – December 4, 2020 – Sadge Mercury Senses And Plans

Early Monday morning, in the wee hours of the morning, the full moon eclipse in Gemini is exact. The poop has popped; the log has jammed. The Gemini Moon moves on. It sextiles Mars and squares Neptune. Whatever happened, it … Read More... Read more → from Astrology Blogger via IFTTT

Todays lunar eclipse is conjunct my north node and i had an amazing shift everything is amazing. What are the interpretations for having a lunar eclise conjunct your natal north node? (Plus also having a nodal return this year)

submitted by /u/Fearless-Leek-1460 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Astrocartography/Astrogeography Experiences?

I listened to a great podcast with Dara Dubinet introducing this concept. From what I gathered, it's a map that plots the locations all over the globe of where each planet was angular at your time of birth. You can find your map by entering your birth info at and using the "Free Horoscopes" navigation bar and clicking "AstroClick Travel." I'm really curious if anybody else has used this method and made connections with their planetary lines and certain experiences they've had in a particular location. For example, I just moved to South Dakota a month ago and have been working extremely hard on my routine, career, and life has felt like it's condensing for me. Then I found out it's RIGHT (literally exactly) on a Saturn line for me. I am FEELING the Saturn vibes hard. My sister moved to LA a year ago and we found it's right at a cross-roads of her North Node line and a Saturn line. Also, my husband has been wanting to visit Alaska ...

Sun, Moon, Rising and Mercury all in the same sign.

Hi there. Sorry for the newbie question, I just haven’t been able to find much by researching this. My sun, moon, rising and mercury are all in Libra in the 1st house. Is there much significance to this? Still learning, thanks for your help and patience ☺️ submitted by /u/Halfwaycro0ks [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

twins & astrology

i’m sure this has already been a discussion on here but i’d like to hear from people who know more about astrology than i do. i’ve been learning about birth charts and houses and whatnot and i got to thinking about some friends i have that are twins. their birth charts are damn near identical but they are very different people. this isn’t a post trying to disprove astrology, i just genuinely want to know if there’s an explanation for this and if so, what it is. thank you! submitted by /u/apprehensivemudd [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

astrology discord

hi everyone:) my friend just created their discord and i think it’s pretty cool. we share memes, birth charts , give each other readings and just overall talk about astrology. i think it’s pretty cool so feel free to join and all is welcome discord link here :D submitted by /u/maakaiila [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Is scorpio rising at 29° technically a cusp? Are degrees important when trying to read a natal chart?

I get very confused with degrees and dont quite understand how they work so I'm just wondering what significance they have. Thanks to all who take the time to read or answer! submitted by /u/novahcaine [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

I’m probably gonna die tonight

Well maybe not die but somethings going to happen to me if any of this is true. The lunar eclipse on my 21st birthday tonight. submitted by /u/Cromlorde [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Do you resonate more with vedic or western? If western which house system?

Hi guys! I know that vedic came first.. But I resonate much more with my western chart.. I was wondering what you guys have to say in your personal experience? What system do you use? What feels more true for you? If western.. Which house system do you use? submitted by /u/danicaliforniaa_ [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

I do not feel good omens around the Saturn and Jupiter meeting.

Personally I'm feeling more chaotic energy more fire but not good fire if anything, a fog of dark and mix of fire. Am I just crazy or is this on par with what this meeting brings? I want to know exactly what the Saturn and Jupiter meeting means, considering the fact I know little to nothing about any of this astrology stuff, I seek knowledge and insight on this topic, as this whole community facinates me, though while I may feel this way towards this meeting between Saturn and Jupiter my feelings maybe misplaced so I come to the place where this topic is well known by many and not so much by others, also do use this as a talking place and a speculative place, communing with each other can lead to a lot of insight and theories. This Saturn and Jupiter meeting feels dark but significant, while to me it seems dark but I feel the dark will bring rise to something bigger but the veil is huge on what that maybe at least for me anyway which should be taken with a grain of salt. submi...

Best books to learn astrology.

Sleeper cell here needing to learn astrology, please help. submitted by /u/Mikecool51 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

This Illuminati game is launching its Kickstarter pretty much DURING the eclipse and I'm kind of fascinated by the implications of this.

The successor to Steve Jackson's Illuminati: New World Order card game is launching their kickstarter ( ) either right at or juuuuuuust before the eclipse begins and the number of ways that this seems spookily advantageous has my noggin tickling. ​ So, lunar eclipse in Gemini, powerfully effecting communication, yeah? But then it's also conjunct with Aldeberan which is the star of the elite (the Illuminati). This seems like a super, almost suspiciously auspicious time to launch a crowdfunding effort for something related to conspiracy theories and the Illuminati. ​ I know some schools of thought say you shouldn't start things during an eclipse, but this seems specifically chosen and well-chosen at that. Anyone disagree? submitted by /u/throwaway99752 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Recently discovered a YouTube astrologer who calculates horoscopes and predictions based on rising signs and not sun signs. How accurate is this?

EDIT: to all the people downvoting this post and replying sarcastically, how would you feel if you went to the dr (assuming you’re not one) and asked a question that to the doctor has a really obvious answer but to you is a genuine question. With power comes responsibility, if you know more than others about a certain subject and you shame them because of their ignorance when they are asking questions precisely to learn then you’re better off not saying anything at all. You know were being a mean person gets you. That’s all! submitted by /u/Bruxa1111 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Lilith Astrology - UNLEASHED DIVINE FEMININE ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป- What Lilith Means in Your Chart + How to Read Lilith

submitted by /u/WizdomLives [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Daily Tarot Card Reading, November 30, 2020

Your daily tarot card reading is here for Monday, November 30, 2020 for all zodiac signs with a prediction using numerology and astrology during Sun in Sagittarius Season, and the Moon in Gemini. Keywords: zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

How you handle astrology predictions with anxiety

I have loved learning astrology more in depth and understanding the chart. Something I find difficult at times is seeing predictions into certain areas of my chart and I’ll begin to get anxious for fear that this potentially not so great thing is then going to happen. For example, I am a Sag with a Sag rising and I am seeing predictions with popular astrologists that the Full Moon is going to be a particularly hard one in the relationship area for Sag risings. I’m in a very happy and healthy relationship with my live in bf, but of course seeing this has made me extremely anxious of losing him which would make no sense realistically. I know in my heart that not every prediction is going to be relevant per person but my head that follows astrology so closely can’t help but to feel on edge when I see it. I hope/think/ and if this makes sense, what do you guys do to work through this anxiety? submitted by /u/CtnCandi [link] [comments] from Astrology v...

Signs associated with the house degrees?

Is the degree of the house (ex. My first house is 19 degrees Scorpio) relevant? This guy on tik tok said that each degree corresponds to a sign( 1 is Aries, 2 Taurus and so on), so if my first house is 19 degrees Scorpio, the primary energy of the house would be Scorpio but I have a little bit of libra in there as well? I googled it but couldn’t find anymore info on this. submitted by /u/danielledelicious [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Aquarius man

I read the rules but I’m not sure if this is ok or not as it isn’t a birth chart post? I am a Libra and I’ve been dating (not yet official as we’re taking it slow to make sure we’re a good fit) an Aquarius guy for 6 months. Our connection has been amazing (so far) which I find interesting as I’ve always been naturally attracted to fire signs and not so much air signs. I’ve also seen that Libras and Aquarius sun signs don’t tend to work romantically but I’m wondering if the rest of our signs are compatible? Me: Libra sun, Aries moon, Sag venus, Sag mars, Cap rising Him: Aquarius sun, Aquarius moon, Cap venus, Pisces mars, Cap rising I’m pretty good with understanding sun and moon sign compatibility but know nothing else ๐Ÿ˜…. I’m aware that our compatibility isn’t solely dependent on astrology know.. it’s just nice to know lol submitted by /u/Longdaysapart [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

MARS and PLUTO retrogarde in natal chart

i have other planets in retrogarde like neptunenorth node,lilith etc but im more interested in mars and pluto retrogarde what does it mean to have them both in natal chart submitted by /u/theintrovertboss [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Natal chiron conjunctions?

I've got chiron conjunct... Also, comment your experiences with your chiron energy:) wishing you well View Poll submitted by /u/itsjoanoclock [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

please, give me some GOOD news for 2021

y'all, I'm begging. I've had a very bad week mentally filled with anxiety and panic attacks and manic episodes. thought I'd come on here and read for a bit hoping to find good insights for 2021, and I haven't! actually, the debate over 12/21 being either exciting or worrying is actually making me want to throw up. I just want some good news for 2021 if you've got it. please. submitted by /u/horrorflicks [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Natal Moon Opposite Venus- Love yourself to get love She makes a great point in how to deal with oppositions near the end submitted by /u/FragmentedAll [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Is there a way to know my rising and moon sign without knowing what time I was born?

The title says most of it. I was adopted and I know the location and what day I was born but not the time. Can I find theses out somehow? Thank you!! submitted by /u/KatieVBa [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Can anyone help me understand my chart better?

Hi everyone! I really trying to do more self reflection and am hoping some of you can help me understand my chart a little better, here is a link of my full chart: My big three are: Capricorn sun, Taurus moon, and Scorpio rising. Thank you so much! submitted by /u/skyesweets [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How To Make A Sagittarius Man Obsessed With You

Photo: abriendomundo/ Don't try to capture a free spirit, draw them towards you. Here's how to make a Sagittarius man obsessed with you, according to astrology. Keywords: zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

New to this so any help understanding what this means would be very much appreciated

submitted by /u/probablydwt [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

เคธเคซเคฒเคคा เคฎेเคฐा เคนเฅ˜

เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें เค†เคœ เคคเค• เคเคธा เค•ोเคˆ เคคाเคฒा เคจเคนीं เคฌเคจा เคœिเคธเค•ी เคšाเคฌी เคจ เคฌเคจी เคนो। เคธเคซเคฒเคคा เค†เคชเค•ा เคนเฅ˜ เคนै เค…เค—เคฐ เคจเคนीं เคฎिเคฒ เคฐเคนी เคนैं เคคो เค‰เคธเค•ी เคšाเคฌी เคขूंเคขो। เคช्เคฐเคซुเคฒเคœเค—เคฐเคตाเคฒ เคœ्เคฏोเคคिเคทाเคšाเคฐ्เคฏ เคชुเคจाเคตाเคฒे submitted by /u/Praful_Jagarwal [link] [comments] from Astrologyเคธเคซเคฒเคค_เคฎเคฐ_เคนเฅ˜/ via IFTTT

Horoscopes for November 29th, 2020 to December 6th, 2020

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels Overview November 30th features a Full Moon eclipse i n Gemini. Ruled by Mercury (which also rules the North Node) this result will hi-light choices, information and duality as well as your path forward. Mercury’s entrance into Sagittarius (Dec 1st) can broaden perspectives while delivering intensified surges of “truth” and wisdom. Mercury’s trine to Chiron Rx ( Dec 4th) i s favourable for the open and honest discussion of wounds.  Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on December 5th, increasing the intense flow of love/affection and the desire for more authentic connections. Neptune dissolves boundaries so there can be more to give and receive.  Aries The eclipse in your communication sector delivers a major answer, decision or message. There’s a choice to be made or something that you need to communicate and this will point you towards the future. The other side of the story may be revealed and issues with siblings can b...

Horoscopes for November 29th, 2020 to December 6th, 2020

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels ... Read more → from Astrology Blogger via IFTTT

The astrology communities here on reddit are so toxic and I’m tired of it.

There are people constantly COMPLAINING. I’m tired of it. The subreddits will be great for a couple of days then here goes someone pissed off because someone asked a repetitive question about a placement or chart posts. JUST DONT ANSWER THE QUESTIONS THEN! Edit: Also stop being so hard on the beginner astrologers. They are all just trying to learn. If you are tired of seeing repetitive posts. Guide them into the right direction to learn and stop throwing a fucking fit submitted by /u/HotDamage8 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

What does it mean to have these in natal chart

Sun quinux Mars 0 degree, Venus trine Pluto 0 degree,Mars conjuct Chiron 0 degree,Sun semisquare Venus 0 degree,Sun semisquare moon 0 degree,Jupiter oppossiton pluto 3 degree,Venus sextile jupiter 3 degree.These are only some of aspect which i;m curious about on my natal chart i have a lot others too submitted by /u/theintrovertboss [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Slow moving planets early in life

Does anyone want to tell me about how they experienced slow moving transits early in life. I’m midway through college and I’ve had Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter conjunct my sun and opposite my moon and node. My early life wassss intense. Even for the quicker planets like Saturn and Jupiter, they happened when Pluto was conjunct my sun. After learning more about astrology I realize that this won’t ever happen again, thank goodness lol. I like to look at the bright side and think I’ve learned a lot, anyone have experience with this. submitted by /u/notafrequentflyerr [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Gift for Women / Zodiac Jewelry Constellation Necklace Zodiac | Etsy

submitted by /u/hummuseaterr [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Prominent LILITH in natal chart

What does it mean meand and true lilith in 8th house ... lilith sextile moon lilith sextile venus lilith trine pluto lilith semisquare mars lilith semisquare chiron lilith conjuct neptune lilith conjuct jupiter lilith contraparalel saturn lilith contraparalel sun lilith contraparalel/quinux ascedant mean lilith trine mercury submitted by /u/theintrovertboss [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Horary newbie. 4 specific questions about practice and missing objects. I’m working on my second chart. Successfully found an object already! :)

1) would a pen (writing utensil) be signified by the second or third house? I read different takes on this. I’m very new to horary and the other day I decided to draw a chart to find a missing object. It felt right because I really felt frustrated I couldn’t find my favorite pen that had gone missing a week prior and then it occurred to me “draw a chart and try it.” I was wondering the same thing at the time but I found that with a second house Taurus and third house Gemini, both of the ruling planets were both in the 8th house (Scorpio). The process was confusing because I actually don’t know if I analyzed the chart correctly but I must have done something right. Small victories and learning! :) I ended up finding it hidden away under the bed in guest room that’s also partially being used as storage for now. 2) I was waiting for curb side pick up today at a store and it dawned on me, “oh my gosh! My other pen.” I am not some kind of strange pen person, I swear. Maybe a little. When ...

Natal chart in relation to life stages?

I don't know too much about astrology, never read too much about it. This one day this guy says that your sign "changes" as you age? Like, your sun sign is most present from age x to y, moon sign more present from age w to z, etc. Is that true? I never heard about this. submitted by /u/nine_thousands [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

5 Zodiac Signs That Are Cancer Soulmates

Photo: olegganko/ Here are the zodiac signs that are Cancer soulmates, and the perfect love match for relationships and romance, according to astrology and horoscope compatibility. Keywords: zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Horoscope For Tomorrow, November 29, 2020

Your horoscope for tomorrow is here with your zodiac signs astrology forecast for November 29, 2020, during the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Taurus entering Gemini. Keywords: zodiac , daily horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

November 28th, 2020: Moving Forward With Neptune Direct

Dante Gabriel Rossetti ... Read more → from Astrology Blogger via IFTTT

What zodiac sign do you think the person who bought these books is!

submitted by /u/astro-shrub [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Don't relate to my sun sign at all.

Hello! I was hoping someone could give me some insight as to why I feel this way. My sun sign is a Taurus, yet I feel very "disconnected" from Taurus traits and can't really relate to it at all. I have my Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Node in Gemini and would honestly consider myself much more of a Gemini than a Taurus based on how I think and act. I also relate to my rising in Leo and moon in Pisces- it's just the Taurus that throws me off. I've heard that your sun sign is like the "essence" of who you are, which is why I'm so confused seeing how I can feel so different from what my "essence" is supposed to be! submitted by /u/littlebiscuittt [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

November 28th, 2020: Moving Forward With Neptune Direct

Dante Gabriel Rossetti Neptune stations direct in Pisces (18 deg) Mercury in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Capricorn (25 deg) Pluto in Capricorn sextile Juno in Scorpio (23 deg) Neptune Neptune’s direct station means progress. There may be a brief intensification of disillusionment and uncertainty, especially if you have anything from 18-19 deg of the Mutable signs. But then the current will pull you forward. What’s no longer valid will be permanently dissolved, making room for the expansion of a new potential. If you want to see what’s possible, look ahead. Some of you may be just beginning the process of Neptune’s dissolution if you have anything from 20 -23 deg Mutable. If so, know that it’s easier if you voluntarily release what’s fading/no longer functioning.  Mercury and Pluto Mercury’s supportive sextile to Jupiter encourages optimism in the face of secrets or taboo information. You can peer into the shadows without being overwhelmed as hopeful perspec...

please read my chart to me i am very confused

submitted by /u/auxyc0done [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

can you explain to me how i am based off my big 3?

i’m a scorpio sun, virgo rising, and libra moon woman :p submitted by /u/auxyc0done [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Most intelligent signs?

Obviously anyone can be smart but is it true that the smartest signs are Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo, and Gemini? I have big placements with all 4 of them so it would definitely make sense that I was an overachiever in school. Virgo sun, Gemini moon, Aquarius rising, Scorpio Mars submitted by /u/zomiwells [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Triple Sag

Hi Reddit community! I'm new to Astrology and also new to Reddit. I've just recently gotten into Astrology, and my Aunt told me she did my star chart when I was born (super cool) and told me confidently that I'm a triple Sagitarrius. She said she's never come across a triple anything before, and I'm reaching out to the Reddit community to find out more! What characteristics do a triple anything display, what does that mean, and more specifically...what does being a triple Sagittarius mean for who I am and what my future brings? Any resources or stories or tips to share? submitted by /u/krob171414 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Natal Mars Square Saturn- Frustrating Impotence Great Overall Video by Jewel addressing Mars submitted by /u/FragmentedAll [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

In Vedic astrology, I am a Libra sun which is apparently not good because the Sun and Venus conflict with each other. How can I use my Leo moon and Leo rising to balance this placement?

I have definitely noticed the negative effects of being a Libra sun in my life, namely being very indecisive, pushover-y, not being taken seriously, heavily doubting myself, and not getting the recognition for my accomplishments that I desire. However, my moon and rising are both in Leo, which hypothetically counteracts all of these downfalls. How do I tap into my Leo placements and improve myself so I can feel fulfilled in life? submitted by /u/residentperspective- [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

zodiac since

i love that i am a gemini and you to submitted by /u/hi65483552935576 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

newbie question

my favorite time of year has always been October-January. and somehow I just realized today that my main three (Cap sun, Scorpio moon, Sagittarius rising) are all back to back beginning on Oct. 24 with Scorpio season and rounding off with January 19 with Capricorn szn and Sagittarius szn in the middle. is that just a coincidence? I really don't know and would love insight submitted by /u/horrorflicks [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Guess my sign

submitted by /u/emotionallyshitty [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How would u describe me by my top 3 signs???๐Ÿ˜Œ

Scorpio sun, libra rising and Sagittarius moon. Thanksss๐Ÿค submitted by /u/brookkklyn [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Horoscopes coming out opposite?

Hey y’all ๐Ÿ‘‹ Have noticed that whenever I’ve taken a look at horoscopes, vague or not - the opposite happens Has this happened to anyone else? submitted by /u/Growthhaxx [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How much do you believe in your Natal Chart (birth time and place)

We all know horoscopes are usually generalized but with birth time and place do you take it with a grain of salt or believe 100% of it? submitted by /u/gucciearwax [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

How to overcome challenging affects of Rahu/North Node? Can it be tamed?

Hey all, Does anyone have any advice about taming the obsessive thinking and intense desires brought on by rahu? My rahu is in the 7th house so I experience a lot of obsessive thoughts and general restlessness and recklessness in relationships. I recently started seeing someone and things are going good and it’s been fun but now I’m getting these intrusive obsessive thoughts of progressing the relationship fast and intensely. It’s super annoying since I want to continue enjoying the relationship in a mindful, controlled manner. My mood has been a rollercoaster between me being mindful and realistic about the relationship and then rahu taking over and making me an intense, obsessive maniac. Can rahu be tamed? Am I supposed to surrender to Rahu? Do I mindfully observe what Rahu wants but then act in accordance to what my higher-self is telling me? Will Rahu ever go away? So confused... submitted by /u/snapbanana [link] [comments] from Astrology via ...