How to overcome challenging affects of Rahu/North Node? Can it be tamed?

Hey all,

Does anyone have any advice about taming the obsessive thinking and intense desires brought on by rahu? My rahu is in the 7th house so I experience a lot of obsessive thoughts and general restlessness and recklessness in relationships. I recently started seeing someone and things are going good and it’s been fun but now I’m getting these intrusive obsessive thoughts of progressing the relationship fast and intensely. It’s super annoying since I want to continue enjoying the relationship in a mindful, controlled manner. My mood has been a rollercoaster between me being mindful and realistic about the relationship and then rahu taking over and making me an intense, obsessive maniac.

Can rahu be tamed? Am I supposed to surrender to Rahu? Do I mindfully observe what Rahu wants but then act in accordance to what my higher-self is telling me? Will Rahu ever go away? So confused...

submitted by /u/snapbanana
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