Horary newbie. 4 specific questions about practice and missing objects. I’m working on my second chart. Successfully found an object already! :)

1) would a pen (writing utensil) be signified by the second or third house? I read different takes on this. I’m very new to horary and the other day I decided to draw a chart to find a missing object. It felt right because I really felt frustrated I couldn’t find my favorite pen that had gone missing a week prior and then it occurred to me “draw a chart and try it.” I was wondering the same thing at the time but I found that with a second house Taurus and third house Gemini, both of the ruling planets were both in the 8th house (Scorpio). The process was confusing because I actually don’t know if I analyzed the chart correctly but I must have done something right. Small victories and learning! :) I ended up finding it hidden away under the bed in guest room that’s also partially being used as storage for now.

2) I was waiting for curb side pick up today at a store and it dawned on me, “oh my gosh! My other pen.” I am not some kind of strange pen person, I swear. Maybe a little. When I find a pen I like, I really like it. Well, I had a pen back in college and I used it forever. Kept swapping the cartridges out for new just to keep this pen. For years I wondered what happened to it and I was really sad I lost it. Well, I drew the chart on my astrology app in a parking lot. Regarding direction (north, west, east, south), would it from the parking lot?! Haha. I never thought about this and I felt like drawing the chart there was a bit impulsive but I think everything happens for a reason, as it felt right at the time. If it matters at all I am about 85% sure the pen is not in my possession. I think it may be in a storage room at my parents’ home but I’m obviously not sure. I haven’t seen it in years although it’s been on my mind haha. So I guess my question here is if the coordinates found are from the exact place the chart is drawn?

3) A couple people recommended for me to use whole sign houses and said it was easier and just as accurate. Is this true? I can see how it would simplify things but I worry that it would compromise accuracy due to the nature of it.

4) If I drew the chart in whole sign can I change it back to Regiomontanus or will that make it inaccurate since I’m kind of messing with the chart?

Sorry for any noob questions. I appreciate all the help!!

This is a link to the current chart I am working on: https://ibb.co/34RYLFY

submitted by /u/tamedwild
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