Astrocartography/Astrogeography Experiences?

I listened to a great podcast with Dara Dubinet introducing this concept. From what I gathered, it's a map that plots the locations all over the globe of where each planet was angular at your time of birth. You can find your map by entering your birth info at and using the "Free Horoscopes" navigation bar and clicking "AstroClick Travel."

I'm really curious if anybody else has used this method and made connections with their planetary lines and certain experiences they've had in a particular location. For example, I just moved to South Dakota a month ago and have been working extremely hard on my routine, career, and life has felt like it's condensing for me. Then I found out it's RIGHT (literally exactly) on a Saturn line for me. I am FEELING the Saturn vibes hard. My sister moved to LA a year ago and we found it's right at a cross-roads of her North Node line and a Saturn line. Also, my husband has been wanting to visit Alaska for a while, and I've been hesitant for no apparent reason...come to find out I have a Pluto line running through the middle.

Please let me know what you've found!

submitted by /u/waxing__croissant
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