How you handle astrology predictions with anxiety

I have loved learning astrology more in depth and understanding the chart. Something I find difficult at times is seeing predictions into certain areas of my chart and I’ll begin to get anxious for fear that this potentially not so great thing is then going to happen.

For example, I am a Sag with a Sag rising and I am seeing predictions with popular astrologists that the Full Moon is going to be a particularly hard one in the relationship area for Sag risings. I’m in a very happy and healthy relationship with my live in bf, but of course seeing this has made me extremely anxious of losing him which would make no sense realistically. I know in my heart that not every prediction is going to be relevant per person but my head that follows astrology so closely can’t help but to feel on edge when I see it.

I hope/think/ and if this makes sense, what do you guys do to work through this anxiety?

submitted by /u/CtnCandi
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