November 28th, 2020: Moving Forward With Neptune Direct

Neptune stations direct in Pisces (18 deg)
Mercury in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Capricorn (25 deg)
Pluto in Capricorn sextile Juno in Scorpio (23 deg)
Neptune’s direct station means progress. There may be a brief intensification of disillusionment and uncertainty, especially if you have anything from 18-19 deg of the Mutable signs. But then the current will pull you forward. What’s no longer valid will be permanently dissolved, making room for the expansion of a new potential. If you want to see what’s possible, look ahead.
Some of you may be just beginning the process of Neptune’s dissolution if you have anything from 20 -23 deg Mutable. If so, know that it’s easier if you voluntarily release what’s fading/no longer functioning.
Mercury and Pluto
Mercury’s supportive sextile to Jupiter encourages optimism in the face of secrets or taboo information. You can peer into the shadows without being overwhelmed as hopeful perspective reminds you of the benefits. Jupiter’s expansive energy will push certain thoughts or statements even further - be prepared to look deeper or add an additional layer of intensity to an already heavy statement. Benefits will increase in proportion to what’s uncovered.
Pluto/Juno continues yesterday’s conversation (Mercury conjunct Juno/sextile Pluto). Pluto adds depth and commitment to a partnership agreement. Power is easily shared - both partners will gain strength and resources from the contract.
Combined with Neptune direct, these influences suggest pushing past hidden blocks as awareness of what’s truly achievable increases.
from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology
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