Aquarius man

I read the rules but I’m not sure if this is ok or not as it isn’t a birth chart post?

I am a Libra and I’ve been dating (not yet official as we’re taking it slow to make sure we’re a good fit) an Aquarius guy for 6 months. Our connection has been amazing (so far) which I find interesting as I’ve always been naturally attracted to fire signs and not so much air signs. I’ve also seen that Libras and Aquarius sun signs don’t tend to work romantically but I’m wondering if the rest of our signs are compatible?

Me: Libra sun, Aries moon, Sag venus, Sag mars, Cap rising

Him: Aquarius sun, Aquarius moon, Cap venus, Pisces mars, Cap rising

I’m pretty good with understanding sun and moon sign compatibility but know nothing else 😅. I’m aware that our compatibility isn’t solely dependent on astrology know.. it’s just nice to know lol

submitted by /u/Longdaysapart
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