January 1st, 2022: Events Unfold Naturally
Capricorn Sun trine Uranus Rx in Taurus (10 deg) Mercury in Capricorn trine Ceres Rx in Taurus (28 deg) Sun/Uranus is easily-integrated change. You don't have to break any rules to express your individuality- the opportunity happens naturally. You can tweak a tradition, adjust your focus or widen a definition. The rules seem less oppressive and authority blends with innovation. This is not the time to do things as you always have. Mercury/Ceres is nurturing, practical words. Care is expressed via concrete plans and commitments- you can see the results of what you say. Authority is expressed with firmness and compassion. Since Ceres is Rx you're returning to a previous nurturing or parent/child issue. Due to Mercury's Rx, this trine will occur again on Jan 27th, so there's more to be said. This energy is patient - discussions/ideas will emerge on their own so there's no need to make demands. If you're attempting to breath life back into a situation...