Jupiter in Pisces – A Wild Ride Through The Dream Scape

by Robert Wilkinson

On December 28 Jupiter resumed its transit of Pisces. This begins a few month race through that sign, quickening our Sag and Pisces planetary affairs, with quick closure and major opportunities opening wherever we have Pisces and early Aries in our chart. Expect expanded feelings, expanded contact with collective consciousness, and expanded sensitivity to the feeling atmosphere all around us.

I gave you a long article about the qualities of Jupiter in Pisces back in May. It was an extensive in-depth look at what we could expect, including what two of the greatest astrologers in history had to say about that placement. I also gave you a lot of information about Jupiter’s past transits of the signs and what they each meant within Jupiter’s “whole cycle.”

Rather than reprint the material, here’s the direct link to that long article. Jupiter in Pisces 2021-2022 – A Year of Expanding Our Ability to Feel All there is to Feel

In that article I wrote about Jupiter’s outer planet aspects as well as the Mars/Jupiter cycle for the Summer of 2021 which I’ll update now because Jupiter will make a lot of aspects as it races through Pisces before entering Aries on May 10. For your consideration, an addendum to the above linked article./p>

Jupiter’s Outer Planet Aspects in Pisces

In 2020, Jupiter made very important aspects setting long wave cycles into motion. Jupiter conjuncted Pluto three times in 2020, all in late Capricorn. These will be in effect through 2032, after which Jupiter again conjuncts Pluto, but at 15 Aquarius, the Angel Point. At the December 2020 Solstice, Jupiter made its fateful conjunction at 1 Aquarius with Saturn, creating the Grand Mutation ushering in a new 20 year Jupiter/Saturn cycle as well as a new 200 year era!

As it now enters Pisces, in January Jupiter is just coming off a quintile to Uranus, and makes a decile to Pluto. By mid-month Jupiter makes a novile to Pluto, leading to the semisquare by late February. February sees Jupiter sextile Uranus and beginning to make its fateful conjunction with Neptune which becomes exact in April.

Jupiter is conjunct Neptune all of March, and by the end of the month makes a septile to Uranus as well as Pluto, triggering the Grand Irrationality! This will be an extraordinarily important time of choice and change in collective consciousness, and primarily affect planets or points we have near 27 Capricorn-1 Aquarius, 19-23 Pisces, 11-15 Taurus, 2-6 Cancer, 23-27 Leo, 14-18 Libra, and 6-10 Sagittarius. We will see these developments heralded in the second and fourth weeks of March via the Solar and Mercury transits through the Pisces zone. April brings the exact Jupiter conjunction with Neptune, leading to its sextile with Pluto and semisquare to Uranus in early May just before it enters Aries.

Mars-Jupiter Cycles and Aspects

Mars-Jupiter cycles are very important in how things activate in the world. The one we’re in now began when they made a conjunction in March 2020 at 23 Capricorn, with major friction at their waxing squares in late July through mid-August 2020, and again when retrograde in October. The square culminated from Taurus to Aquarius in mid-January 2021.

When Jupiter enters Pisces, Mars is at 12 Sagittarius coming off a binovile to Jupiter. It forms a quintile to Jupiter through the first half of January, and then a sextile the last week of January through the first week of February. It then makes a fateful septile between February 15-26, moving into the semisquare the end of February through the first 10 days of March. By mid-Mars Mars is novile Jupiter, by the Equinox it is decile Jupiter, and then is in its closing phase of their cycle until they next conjunct at 4 Aries at the end of May.

And there you have it! Enjoy the ride on an endless sea of vast feelings, ancient ghosts, and the power of forgiveness to wash all things clean. Some may struggle with the lack of clarity of Pisces, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, just take a breath, forgive it all, and remember that just because you’re feeling something doesn’t mean it has anything to do with you. You may just be another “witness conscience” as you experience Jupiter in Pisces.

© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology https://ift.tt/3Hi79Vs


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