
Showing posts from April, 2021

Trying to understand synastry

If, for example, two people each have venus in a water sign, can they be square to one another? Is it based on the degrees of the sign? The midpoint between the signs? I understand that signs like pisces and Virgo are in opposition because they are both mutable nocturnal signs. But I don’t really understand squaring planets in synastry. submitted by /u/skert777 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

which is more accurate

is tropical or sidereal more accurate? Explain submitted by /u/Idkwhat_2999 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

May 1st, 2021: Venus Conjunct Black Moon Lilith

Painting by Franz Stuck: Tilla Durieux als Circe (Wikimedia Commons) Waning Trine between the Capricorn Moon and Taurus Sun (11 deg) Venus in Taurus conjunct Black Moon Lilith (21 deg) The Waning Trine suggests that goals can be easily shared and plans will fall into place. The essentials regarding money, security and core values can be strengthened if you use discipline and correct judgment. This is the ultimate "make it real' energy that encourages you to do more with what you already have by implementing ambitions and taking responsibility for your future. Slow, steady and practical will move you forward.  Venus/BML unites the taboo/controversial woman with accepted manifestations of female energy. In Taurus, we have an immensely powerful earth woman who creates abundance in her own unique way. This is the primordial expression of love with unabashed sexual power. Or, the growth of controversial values. Or the dark beauty of the survivor who loves her body a...

significance of chart ruler

good evening everyone! i'd like to understand how huge the impact of the chart-ruler is. i mean i understand how to point out someone's chart ruler by looking at their rising sign and then where the planet, which is ruled by that sign, is placed. but i don't understand what to begin with that information. e.g. a sag rising with jupiter in aquarius. does it mean that aquarius overshadows sagittarius? i am geniunly confused. because all i read is that i have to pay special attention to the chart ruler - but whyyy? tldr: does the "chart ruler- sign" overshadow the rising sign? submitted by /u/aestheticbrat [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Predictive Astrology

Has anyone in here ever predicted a certain event(could be anything) that happened in their lives by looking at their chart transits? submitted by /u/jwash1894 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Daily One Card Tarot Reading For All Zodiac Signs, May 1, 2021

Your daily one card tarot reading for all zodiac signs is here for Saturday, May 1, 2021, with a prediction using numerology and astrology during Sun in Taurus Season and the Moon in Capricorn. Keywords: zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Leo Risings vs Leo Suns

I had an odd, rambling thought last night as I was trying to sleep. For some reason I was comparing the people I know/have met throughout my life that have their Sun in Leo or their Rising in Leo. I'd like to first mention that I know very well that one must look at the whole chart to be able to properly draw a full conclusion, and my observation is just meant to be at a base level. The people I know in my life that have their sun in Leo almost feel as though they have a warmth to them; I almost feel as though I can feel the sun radiating through their personality. The people I know with Leo rising don't typically emit Leo energy to me, but in every case it absolutely makes sense to me. They look and act as if they have Leo rising. The Leo rising people in my life tend to either have larger heads (sounds terrible lol but these people are beautiful and very photogenic) or big, beautiful curly red or strawberry blonde hair. They also tend to naturally thrive when receiving...

Indicator of pain tolerance on birth chart

I was thinking what would be a great indicator of pain tolerance in your birth chart — I was thinking perhaps your Mars? Or perhaps your moon? But I think moon would be more in regards emotional pain — what do y’all think? submitted by /u/fuqdatshityo1 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Horoscope For Tomorrow, May 1, 2021

Your horoscope for tomorrow, May 1, 2021, is here with an astrology forecast for all zodiac signs starting on Saturday. Check out what the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Capricorn have in store for you. Keywords: zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

4 Gemini Power Colors That Bring Luck, Love & Success

Photo: Allexxandar/ Though this might sound hard to believe, color psychology is a real thing, and even in astrology zodiac signs have colors that bring out the best in them. According to Science of People, colors affect your behavior, mood, and impression on others. Power colors have the  ability to signal action  and even affect physiological reactions. So when a Gemini  wears the right color  it can boost confidence which is great for an interview, first date, or going out with friends. What color is Gemini? Geminis — those born between May 21 and June 20 — are outgoing and intelligent people, and when they wear the color yellow, this really shines through. This is because yellow is one of Gemini's ideal power colors. RELATED:  Your Zodiac Sign's Power Color, According To Astrology As an Air sign ruled by Mercury, Gemini are incredibly communicative, witty, and sociable. They are free spirits who welcome new changes and adventures ...

All of the scorpio risings at r/astrology.What is it like to be a scorpio rising?

I feel like it is the most mysterious ascendant in astrology, I want to know your experience. submitted by /u/Forki341 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Astrology Class - Difficult Planetary Positions and Aspects Do Not Doom Us

by Robert Wilkinson Today’s short session reminds us that while “traditional astrology” may try to sell the illusion that some sign positions are horrible, and some aspects condemn us to a life of suffering, as it was sung long ago, “it ain’t necessarily so!” There seems to be an attitude in some astrological circles that everything the ancient Greeks and Romans stated about Astrology is the final word on the subject, and everything they wrote is gospel. And yet, 50 years of study and practice of Astrology has led me to throw out almost all they said in the light of direct observation. Any planet in any sign could make for excellent personality traits and skills if we find the right attitude toward that part of our internal makeup. I remember when I first began studying in 1971, the books taking a traditional approach told me I had terrible afflictions which ensured I would always struggle. I read that some of my sign positions were strong (Sun and Mars in Aries, Venus in Taurus, P...

Aspects/Transits indicating Health Problems

submitted by /u/electric_blue_18 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Advice on transit readings

Any sources or anything to help me learn to read how transits are effecting me? I’ve got my birth chart down I think. It took me awhile to understand houses and stuff, but now It’s not clicking on how to apply it to life. I feel like I’ve grasped the basic rundown of astrology but Any information after that turns to mush in my brain. I’m a visual over explained for dummies type learner. Please help. submitted by /u/letmefall45 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Your Zodiac Sign's Monthly Love Horoscope For May 1-31, 2021

Photo: Chris Troch/ May's love horoscope changes the narrative for all zodiac signs, and the next 31 days could be groundbreaking. With the balance of Taurus energy slowly creeping into active and communicative Gemini, we’re able to make decisions, agreements, and plans that are based on growth but also our authentic truth.  May's monthly love horoscope requires that each zodiac sign takes action when it comes to love. While we have a couple of retrogrades to contend with, they don’t occur until the end of the month which means that for most of May it’s a great time for forward action and movement.   May is the start of the 2021 eclipse season which means this is where the year gets interesting. Eclipses are the universe's way of jumpstarting great change either by creating more sudden endings and beginnings than we normally see.   RELATED:  Your May 2021 Monthly Tarot Card Reading RELATED:  Zodiac Signs...

Negative Stereotyping of Signs

It’s sad, and although it is not a problem reserved for astrology, it presents emotional challenges that block people from venturing deeper into themselves. Where did it start? And how do we stop the progression of it? submitted by /u/Mystic-Alignment [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Green thumb

What aspects and placements would show talent for gardening and plants nurturing? submitted by /u/Pearlsplash [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

If the ruler of any house is 0° , what does this mean for the house or the Area in life the house is aspecting

Thank you submitted by /u/wiesbadenerdolores [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Is the tiedness of an aspect important, so does f.e. a sextile of 1 ° Seperation have a bigger pr different influence than one with 6° or 0°

Thank you submitted by /u/wiesbadenerdolores [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

If a baby is born inside a moving airplane, what will his/her birthplace would be?

Sorry, i'm not really good in english. But if someone was born while inside an airplane, what should they put as their birthplace in their natal chart? Especially when the parents were not sure what town or city there is below them when the baby was born... submitted by /u/irishpauline [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

In a flash, Sun conjunct Uranus

Pablo Carlos Budassi, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons April 30 at 12:54 pm PDT/ 3:54 pm EDT/ 8:54 pm GMT The SUN/ SOL consciousness our Stellar awareness, has its annual conjunction with shockingly weird URANUS at 10+ degrees TAURUS. The Shock of the SUN conjunct URANUS reverberates out as an awakening to HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS and LIGHT at its highest expression.   URANUS rules many things CRYPTOCURRENCY, NFT’s Technology, Uranus was the first planet discovered using a telescope in 1781 by Hershel the planet was named after him originally and the symbol is an H for his name. Cryptocurrency, robotics, NFT’s, hi-tech is Uranian innovation, science, detached. The crypto market which has been hot as hell in 2021 will be highlighted even more. Have you bought crypto? I’ve been aware of Bitcoin since 2015, a hippie guy told me about it. The financial markets the BULL/TAURUS will experience radical shifts, be careful with CRYPTO investments. Anything that is “weird.” UR...

Flashes of insight April 30 from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic via IFTTT

Chiron conjunctions

I am curious about chiron in conjuction with multiple planets. I can find all sorts of information regarding chiron conjuct the planets individually but I struggle to consolidate its meaning with multiple planets. And what if one of the planets is exalted. Is this good? Or is wound magnified? Does anyone have placements like this? Im most interested here in venus (exalted) and mercury, but I am certainly interested in hearing other peoples combos and how they play out. My beginner interpretations with mercury/venus/chiron (5th house) would be about wounds related to creative blocks and a wound that somehow creates difficulties speaking and relating to others from the heart. On the dark end this could be sexual trauma. It seems that love,pleasure and communication are all at stake here. What do you guys think? submitted by /u/multicats [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Which Naruto Character Are You, By Zodiac Sign?

Photo: suzuki ibina/ Naruto is one of the most-watched anime of all time, but which character are you, by zodiac sign? Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Daily One Card Tarot Reading For All Zodiac Signs, April 30, 2021

Your daily one card tarot reading for all zodiac signs is here for Friday, April 30, 2021, with a prediction using numerology and astrology during Sun in Taurus Season and the Moon in Sagittarius entering Capricorn. Keywords: zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

April 30th, 2021: The Doorway

Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (10 deg) Pluto Rx in Capricorn square Ceres in Aries (26 deg) Sun/Uranus delivers change via impatience/risk taking/disruption. The sudden urge to overhaul your routine, the abrupt update to what you own or the itchy sense that your current circumstances have become too small are examples of this transit in action.  Uranus triggers change through detachment. A loss or surprise is meant to pull you away from what has become limiting. Taurus stability is excellent but the dark side of this is preservation of what's no longer fertile (the barren soil of fear, suppression or reliance on something/someone that keeps you trapped).  Detachment forcibly opens your eyes to what else is out there. Detachment blasts you with a hard light so you can see and feel how the old relationship/habit is dry and hollow. Allow yourself to be pulled away, even if you experience unnerving moments of weightlessness.  Some of you may already have an exc...

Which planets or houses might have the biggest impact on work ethic?

Somewhat new to astrology and this question just popped into my head. I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question or if the answer is supposed to be obvious. submitted by /u/s1hya [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Lilith speaks mercury conjunct in Taurus 21/22 degrees

from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic via IFTTT

Love Horoscope For Friday, April 30, 2021

Photo: Ruslan Huzau/ Your love horoscope for Friday, April 30, 2021, is here while the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Taurus and the Moon in Sagittarius entering Capricorn. Here's what's in store for all zodiac signs in astrology. Keywords: zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

A full moon 🌕

What is a full moon and how are we able to identify one in a chart when we are looking at future days aspects/Transits To elaborate I have not seen in the books and researched I’ve surveyed describing this question. I would love to be able to understand others understanding?! submitted by /u/calvinj617 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Horoscope For Tomorrow, April 30, 2021

Your horoscope for tomorrow, April 30, 2021, is here with an astrology forecast for all zodiac signs starting on Friday. Check out what the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Sagittarius entering Capricorn have in store for you. Keywords: zodiac , daily horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

What do you think about the Nodes shifting into Taurus and Scorpio in 2022?

I've taken a peek into 2022 and damn, this is going to be quite a wild ride (I don't know whether that will be good or bad), but the Nodes seem to add extra intensification to the square that we are going to have. These may be musings for the year ahead (specially when considering April and October next year), but what do think the Nodes will add to the mix for their stay in Taurus and Scorpio, respectively? submitted by /u/SaltySpaniard [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Triplicity rulers in chart interpretation/timing technique

Ancient astrology techniques question. TL;DR has anyone used triplicity rulerships in their chart readings? If so, how and how did it go? I'm reading the Carmen Astrologicum by Dorotheus of Sidon and I'm surprised and inspired by the emphasis he puts on triplicity rulership over house rulers. I've been trying it out on my natal sect luminary (Sun) and on some friends and family and have found it to be quite accurate at delineating a broad, high level view of the native's life narrative. I always love when I discover new techniques to apply to chart readings, especially timing, even though it's not as granular as say, secondary progressions, annual profection, or zodiacal releasing. I'm very curious if this is a technique other folks use in their practice, be it for determining general condition and quality of life, or even using Dorotheus' and later Valens' timing techniques using the synodic cycles of the planets or the ascensional times of the sign...

May 2021 Astrology Forecast: Jupiter into Pisces - The Astrology Podcast

submitted by /u/astrologue [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Your May 2021 Monthly Tarot Card Reading

Welcome to your May 2021 Monthly Tarot card reading! I've laid out the cards for each zodiac sign, and it sure does look like we're in for a lesson-packed month of May. This month we come to understand that everything that happens to us is in some way, our responsibility. May 2021 is about accountability. We are, indeed, responsible for our lives and our behavior. In the same way, that perception is everything, responsibility - a very hard lesson to completely understand - is what we're working with. RELATED: Reliable Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least RELATED: 6 Responsible Zodiac Signs Who Always Pay Their Dues Once we get the idea of how we are truly responsible for how the book of our lives is written, we come to know exactly how powerful it is to be a human being . May is always a beautiful month, and many people feel this way. But we are individuals and we experience this beautiful month in the way that only we can - when we take responsibility for ou...


I’m a beginner w astrology and I have no idea where to start :( can someone please give me some tips I’d appreciate it. submitted by /u/ineservoir [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

What is better for compatibility, a person with more masculine/yang signs in their chart with someone who has more feminine/yin signs, or masculine/yang with masculine/yang and vice versa?

I've has some trouble finding an answer to this, although I absolutely know how much goes into compatibility/synastry so it can be subjective. What are your experiences with this part of compatibility/synastry? submitted by /u/Wordsforeachday [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

What is the difference between Transits, Secondary Progressions & Solar Arc Progressions?

Transits I know about, but when it comes to these 3 what is the main difference? submitted by /u/ANeptunianBeing [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Would you say having mercury in Leo or in the 11th house would be great at being an influencer or something in the media?

With mercury being in Leo, I can see it being well at grasping people’s attention because of how expressive and loud they are in their communication. With mercury in 11th , the ability to social network and make many friends easily just by how they communicate is another good position I can see working well as an influencer because of the ability to connect with people .... would you agree on this? submitted by /u/New-Flounder8616 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

One Card Tarot Reading For The Week Of May 3 - 9, 2021

Welcome to the weekly one card tarot reading for all zodiac signs starting May 3-9, 2021. It's a new month, and according to the tarot, the first week of May will be filled with lessons, and many of them are about patience and diligence . RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have A Rough Time During Pluto Retrograde RELATED: Which Of The 3 Zodiac Stages Of Life You’re In, Based On Your Sign We can't always expect everything to go our way, even if we concentrate and focus on making things happen according to plan. That's just life - sometimes it smacks you in the face, just a little. This week will contain those kinds of wake-up calls for many of us. And so, we walk in with courage and determination; if trouble befalls us - we pick ourselves up and forge on. Let's see how this week will play out for us, according to the Tarot. One card tarot reading for the week of May 3-9, 2021: Aries (March 21 - April 19): Queen of Cups, reversed This may be the kind of week wher...

Dane Rudhyar - Pluto Rules Both Aries and Scorpio

by Robert Wilkinson Some time back a friend of the site posted this Rudhyar piece on a spiritual astrology facebook page. It’s a powerful piece by Dane Rudhyar exploring how transpersonal Pluto manifests on the social and personal levels of existence, and why it should be associated with Aries. First, some backstory. Rudhyar had finished The Sun is Also a Star just before the two times we met in the late 70s, and this section ties into the octave relationship between Mars and Pluto. If you’re wondering about what “planetary octaves” are, I explain the concept in Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Planetary octave relationships are the key to understanding how the outer spiritual planets have their energies “stepped down” by the inner planets which are their “lower octaves.” These octaves are how the “above” is translated into the “below” in our experience, and how the invisible spiritual energies of human existence are made manifest in our world. Interestingly, my old fr...

Your Weekly Love Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs, May 3-9, 2021

Photo: AN Photographer2463/ As we head into the first full week of May, we’re already feeling a shift of energy from allowing things to happen in our lives to now taking charge over the direction we want things to head in. What does your weekly love horoscope have in store for your zodiac sign? A big part of this will be the Venus in Gemini transit that we see towards the end of this week that is peppered with important transits and quiet days which allow us to assimilate into this new energy. Venus in Gemini while stereotypically known for being indecisive actually can be quite the opposite. This is a time when we will be able to be clearer about what makes us feel good, what makes us happy — and also who we truly have deep feelings for. Even if it seems we’re not quite ready to do anything about our new awareness just yet, we will ultimately be one step closer to knowing our own truth. RELATED: One Card Tarot Reading For The Week Of May 3 - 9, 2021 RELATE...

Why Cancers Are The Most Hated Zodiac Sign

Photo: Allexxandar/ Here's why Cancers are so moody and pessimistic and this is what makes them the most hated zodiac sign in astrology. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT