Leo Risings vs Leo Suns

I had an odd, rambling thought last night as I was trying to sleep. For some reason I was comparing the people I know/have met throughout my life that have their Sun in Leo or their Rising in Leo.

I'd like to first mention that I know very well that one must look at the whole chart to be able to properly draw a full conclusion, and my observation is just meant to be at a base level.

The people I know in my life that have their sun in Leo almost feel as though they have a warmth to them; I almost feel as though I can feel the sun radiating through their personality.

The people I know with Leo rising don't typically emit Leo energy to me, but in every case it absolutely makes sense to me. They look and act as if they have Leo rising. The Leo rising people in my life tend to either have larger heads (sounds terrible lol but these people are beautiful and very photogenic) or big, beautiful curly red or strawberry blonde hair. They also tend to naturally thrive when receiving attention. (Not meant in a negative way.)

I don't really know what the point of this post is but I wanted to share my delirious, late night thoughts with y'all.

Have you noticed something similar? Are there any other signs that are more obvious for you to differentiate between sun and rising?

submitted by /u/WiseIndication7
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