Your May 2021 Monthly Tarot Card Reading

May 2021 Monthly Tarot Card Reading, By Zodiac Sign

Welcome to your May 2021 Monthly Tarot card reading! I've laid out the cards for each zodiac sign, and it sure does look like we're in for a lesson-packed month of May.

This month we come to understand that everything that happens to us is in some way, our responsibility.

May 2021 is about accountability.

We are, indeed, responsible for our lives and our behavior. In the same way, that perception is everything, responsibility - a very hard lesson to completely understand - is what we're working with.

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Once we get the idea of how we are truly responsible for how the book of our lives is written, we come to know exactly how powerful it is to be a human being.

May is always a beautiful month, and many people feel this way.

But we are individuals and we experience this beautiful month in the way that only we can - when we take responsibility for our actions. Let's make those actions loving and kind.

May 2021 monthly tarot card reading, by zodiac sign:

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Eight of Cups

This month's keywords: Forward, create, independence, and optimism.

May is going to gift you with an abundance of love - and accomplishment. At this point in your life, you are someone who has worked hard to build relationships; you have no intention to let those connections go to waste, and so May is going to be spent tending to friendships and get-togethers.

You are a very loved person, and those in your social circle tend to both trust you and rely upon you for guidance and wisdom.

A friendship like yours is rare, and so those in your circle cherish you for who you are, in all of your uniqueness. May is also going to have you scheduling events and things to do for the rest of the summer.

You've built such a solid foundation - everything is in order, with very little promise of chaos.

You can take this month to work on yourself without much worry about taking care of anyone else.

It's all good in May, and what you do today is going to allow you even more freedom in June.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Six of Pentacles, reversed

This month's keywords: clarity, focus, listen, discernment, and persistence.

Setbacks are par for the course this month, but they are nothing you can't handle, nor are they too upsetting. What's bound to happen is a miscommunication that happens at the top of the month and creates the condition for the rest of the month.

It could come in the form of getting information wrong from a friend or misinterpreting someone's words and paying a dire price due to that misunderstanding.

There's a very good chance that this setback-in-motion is work-related, and though your money and finances are safe - you may not be as happy with what is going on in May as you were at a previous time.

This is a good month for sorting things out; you are such a strong and driven person - it's time to put that strength into focus.

You crave a new start - you feel the ambition for more in your bones. It's time to kiss laziness goodbye and welcome into your life the concept of direction and concentration.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): The Lovers, reversed

This month's keywords: remember, connection, attitude, perception, and foundation.

When we receive The Lovers card in reverse, we automatically get nervous - do not worry, this isn't a sign of anything negative.

What it is definitely a sign of is the idea that you must pay close attention to your relationships - romantic or platonic, as they are like flowers - they need attention.

And you may have to play the role of sunshine and water, so to speak. If we leave our love life to do its thing, oftentimes it does nothing, and one day we wake up to find that we have no love life.

This is a warning card, and it says that in May, you may very well be someone who is in the process of neglecting the very best thing in your life, your partner - or your good friend.

Friends and lovers are the best part of our lives, we cannot take them for granted, nor can we just assume they'll always be there - even if we ignore them.

Use this beautiful month to grow back the trust you may be in danger of losing with your partner.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): The Wheel of Fortune, reversed

This month's keywords: plan, devote, think, discipline, and positivity.

There is no clearer sign than getting The Wheel of Fortune card in reverse.

This card generally represents the idea that there is nothing we can't do if we put our minds to it. In reverse, it's a reminder that we need to think things through, and that leaving 'everything' to chance is an unwise move.

During this month, you are going to fall into that trap of feeling bored and possibly apathetic.

This is a result of something you don't want to deal with. You had wanted something to happen and when it didn't go your way, you threw your hands up and decided, "Who cares?"

Well, that kind of attitude is the first step to chaos and disorder, and that is when The Wheel of Fortune spins and ends up giving you the opposite of what you want.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Five of Wands, reversed

This month's keywords: arguments, disagreements, group, compassion, and organization.

The month of May has all the potential for a great month for you, Leo, except you will absolutely need to take it down a bit, and what's meant by this is that your pushy ways with people - no matter how well-intended - can be too much for them to take, and will result in chaos and things falling apart.

You tend to

Keywords: zodiac

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