May 1st, 2021: Venus Conjunct Black Moon Lilith

Painting by Franz Stuck: Tilla Durieux als Circe (Wikimedia Commons)
Waning Trine between the Capricorn Moon and Taurus Sun (11 deg)
Venus in Taurus conjunct Black Moon Lilith (21 deg)
The Waning Trine suggests that goals can be easily shared and plans will fall into place. The essentials regarding money, security and core values can be strengthened if you use discipline and correct judgment. This is the ultimate "make it real' energy that encourages you to do more with what you already have by implementing ambitions and taking responsibility for your future. Slow, steady and practical will move you forward.
Venus/BML unites the taboo/controversial woman with accepted manifestations of female energy. In Taurus, we have an immensely powerful earth woman who creates abundance in her own unique way. This is the primordial expression of love with unabashed sexual power. Or, the growth of controversial values. Or the dark beauty of the survivor who loves her body and feels secure with who she is.
This combo of energies is pungent and seductive- the unshakable "I am." Some may find the BML influence "dirty" but she is who she is, you know? And when she joins forces with Venus, what was previously unacceptable becomes essential for happiness (in this context). Pay special attention to how this plays out regarding the female form, money (in exchange for a woman's services) or the creation of something that's sensual and pleasing but a bit dangerous.
If you choose, you can carry this Venus/BML energy forward using the momentum of the Waning Trine. Also known as the Disseminating Trine, it facilitates sharing with others. And Venus favours relationships, so this could be an opportunity to openly express a different kind of power in visible, physical ways.
from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology
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