Triplicity rulers in chart interpretation/timing technique

Ancient astrology techniques question. TL;DR has anyone used triplicity rulerships in their chart readings? If so, how and how did it go?

I'm reading the Carmen Astrologicum by Dorotheus of Sidon and I'm surprised and inspired by the emphasis he puts on triplicity rulership over house rulers. I've been trying it out on my natal sect luminary (Sun) and on some friends and family and have found it to be quite accurate at delineating a broad, high level view of the native's life narrative. I always love when I discover new techniques to apply to chart readings, especially timing, even though it's not as granular as say, secondary progressions, annual profection, or zodiacal releasing.

I'm very curious if this is a technique other folks use in their practice, be it for determining general condition and quality of life, or even using Dorotheus' and later Valens' timing techniques using the synodic cycles of the planets or the ascensional times of the signs to determine the changing of the triplicity ruler from the one of sect to the one out of sect later.

Or have you tried using triplicity rulerships as timing techniques for other planetary significations like Venus's rulerships for a high level timing for Venus topics?

If you use this or have used this let me know!.

submitted by /u/San_QG
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