Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto Show Our Spiritual Evolution In Solar Returns Across Time – Pt. 2
by Robert Wilkinson Today we look at “evolving Solar return charts” which show the movement of the outer planets in each successive Solar Return chart year over year. How the transiting planets evolve through the signs over time shows us how each is leading us forward into future experience. In a Solar Return chart, the movement of Mercury and Venus can place Mercury only in the sign of the Sun or a sign to either side of it. Venus can be in the sign of the Sun or any of the four adjacent signs. Mars is often in the same element in consecutive 2 or 4 year sequences, bouncing between similar signs. However, after that it often bounces between different elements. For most of us, Jupiter is always in the sign which follows its previous Solar Return position. However, depending on in the year you were born, Jupiter may repeat its previous Solar Return sign, or may skip a sign, depending on Jupiter’s speed and when it goes retrograde. For example, you could have Jupiter in Leo for two c...