Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto Show Our Spiritual Evolution In Solar Returns Across Time – Pt. 2

by Robert Wilkinson

Today we look at “evolving Solar return charts” which show the movement of the outer planets in each successive Solar Return chart year over year. How the transiting planets evolve through the signs over time shows us how each is leading us forward into future experience.

In a Solar Return chart, the movement of Mercury and Venus can place Mercury only in the sign of the Sun or a sign to either side of it. Venus can be in the sign of the Sun or any of the four adjacent signs. Mars is often in the same element in consecutive 2 or 4 year sequences, bouncing between similar signs. However, after that it often bounces between different elements.

For most of us, Jupiter is always in the sign which follows its previous Solar Return position. However, depending on in the year you were born, Jupiter may repeat its previous Solar Return sign, or may skip a sign, depending on Jupiter’s speed and when it goes retrograde. For example, you could have Jupiter in Leo for two consecutive Solar Returns, or your Jupiter could jump from Leo to Libra.

The years the sign position repeats would show continuing opportunity to learn about Jupiter in that sign. The years Jupiter skips a sign shows the need to reorient to the view of the previous year, since Jupiter has jumped to the third sign from its previous sign.

Saturn is always in the same sign or the next sign in consecutive Solar Returns. Uranus is in the same sign for 7 Solar Returns, Neptune is in the same sign for 14 Solar Returns, and Pluto is in the same sign for 20 or more Solar Returns. Again, there are rare exceptions to this in people who are born around the time a planet leaves one sign and enters another.

Besides the steady beat of the advancing positions of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto as they bring lessons from evolving parts of the signs they occupy, something I found extremely important are the aspects they make to our Sun over time. These show us how our Light is relating to the Transpersonal Forces which the outer Triad weave as the global Spiritual Field.

Solar Returns and Evolving Transits Across Years

Because transiting Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto move so slowly, they begin to make significant aspects to our Solar Return Sun, and by extension, other planets in our natal charts. Remember anything which makes an aspect to your Sun also makes other aspects to other planets. With Jupiter and Saturn, they make successive aspects in each Solar Return. Not so with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Each year an outer invisible planet moves one or more degrees forward, they get closer and closer to whatever aspect they’re making to the Solar Return Sun. Then the aspect is partile (exact) when it’s within a degree and a half forming and separating, and then begins the separating aftermath phase with each subsequent Solar Return. We have the approach of the experience, the experience of the experience, and the aftermath of the experiences that aspect brought to our Sun (or whatever planet it aspected.)

For example, Uranus was at 2 Aries approaching my Sun at 12 Aries in my 2011 SR, and in 2012 Uranus was at 5 Aries. In 2013 it was 9 Aries, in 2014 it was 13 Aries, almost an exact conjunction. The separating phase began when it was 17 Aries in 2015, and continued to wane in 2016 at 20 Aries. However, that began Uranus’ Solar Return approach to my Mars at 24 Aries. That conjunction was exact in 2017 when my Solar Return Uranus was 24 Aries, waned in 2018 when Uranus was at 28 Aries and approaching my natal Mercury at 30 Aries.

Again, there are always other aspects going on. When Uranus was at 5 Aries, it squared my natal Uranus at 6 Cancer, while when it was at 13 Aries it sextiled my Moon and trined my Pluto/Ascendant. While at 24 Aries, it quintiled my Moon and Uranus, tredeciled my Ascendant and triseptiled my Saturn. So besides Uranus camping out on my Aries stellium for years, it also triggered all these aspects as well!

Besides these aspects to my natal chart, there was another HUGE aspect in play between 2010 and 2015 besides Uranus conjunct my Sun. When Uranus entered Aries in March 2011, it immediately began to square Pluto in early Capricorn. The square was tight that Summer, waned that Winter, and on my Solar Return in 2012, Uranus was 5 Aries and Pluto as 10 Capricorn, almost exactly square my Sun at 12 Aries.

In my 2013 SR, Uranus was 9 Aries and Pluto was 12 Capricorn. In my 2014 SR, Uranus was 13 Aries and Pluto was 14 Capricorn. So during the years Uranus conjuncted my Sun at the Solar Returns, Pluto was also squaring it! And yes, that friction was front and center in my life between 2010 and 2015!

During those years, Uranus led me to renovate and revolutionize my entire life. I had to “step off the chasm into the unknown void” as forces beyond my control made me see that I was in the wrong place to do my Being. At the same time, Pluto challenged me to be mature and organized in taking responsibility for changing what I needed to in a calculated way.

Those were years of self-discipline where I had to be clear and shine my Light in order to block, blunt, or put the brakes on the collective corrosive and/or chaotic circumstances indicated by Pluto in Capricorn. The voids of the squares challenged me to demonstrate the best Cancer and Libra responses as I could, appropriate to each situation.

I revolutionized my life in major ways during that period. I began archiving the Aquarius Papers, and thanks to a generous donation to my Fifth Ray Foundation I could begin publishing my books. The Solar Return Pluto square my Sun in 2011-2013 made it clear I needed to get free of controlling, corrosive and toxic people and environments. So I made a major move into what became a transitional period where I had to practice compassionate dispassion as I was blessed to care during the transitions of several Beings who were important in my life.

So the planets representing the spiritual field move forward a little each year, and the complex of aspects they make with each other shows the evolving spiritual matrix we grow within each year. So the SR marks important points in time when we check back in with our Great Light which illuminates the various other planetary players in our yearly dance of Solar evolution.

Our Solar Return Saturn’s Relationship To Our Sun Across Time

Given Saturn takes 29 years to make a complete circuit around the zodiac, it means we have 14-15 Solar Returns after the conjunction which feature waxing aspects to our natal Sun and then 14-15 Solar Returns where it makes waning aspects to our natal Sun. An example follows:

In at my 2006 SR it was 5 Leo, making a forming waxing trine my Sun. In my 2007 SR it was 19 Leo, also waxing trine my Sun, but wider and separating. In 2008 it was 3 Virgo in no aspect to my Sun, but in 2009 it was 17 Virgo, triseptile my Sun. (Obviously it was making other aspects to the rest of my natal planets during this time as well.)

In 2010 it was 1 Libra, in wide waxing opposition to my Sun, and in 2011 it was 15 Libra, in close waning opposition to my Sun. In 2012 it was 28 Libra in pentelftile to my Sun, and in 2013 it was 11 Scorpio and made a waning quincunx to my Sun. In 2014 it was 23 Scorpio in no aspect to my Sun, and in 2015 it was at 5 Sagittarius, again forming a trine my Sun, but waning rather than waxing. Perhaps the 2015 Solar Return was in some way related to a Fire understanding or harmonization relative to the 2006 Solar Return.

In 2016 Saturn was at 17 Sagittarius in a separating waning trine to my Sun, and in 2017 it was at 28 Sagittarius, biseptile my Sun. And, just as there was a Fire trine relationship between my SR Saturn in 2006 and 2015, in 2016 there was another Fire trine relationship with my SR Saturn in 2007.

In 2018 it fell at 9 Capricorn, waning square my Sun, and in 2019 it was at 20 Capricorn, binovile my Sun. In 2020 Saturn was at 1 Aquarius in a very close waning quintile to my Sun, in 2021 Saturn was at 12 Aquarius in an exact sextile to my Sun (and conjunct my Moon at 14 Aquarius!) In my 2022 Solar Return Saturn was at 23 Aquarius, a waning septile, in 2023 it was at 3 Pisces in novile to my Sun, and in 2024 it was 14 Pisces in a wide semisextile.

In the 2025 SR, Saturn will be at 25 Pisces in a partile conjunction with my Jupiter, and in 2026 it will be at 6 Aries square my Uranus. No doubt 2026 will in some way be related to what Uranus awakened about 11-13 years ago.

Saturn positions across the years had different relationships with various planets in my chart. In 2018-2019, Saturn in Capricorn in my SR had Earth trine relationship with Saturn’s position in my 2008 and 2009 Solar returns. In 2020, Saturn was in close trine to my 2010 Solar Return Saturn. My 2021 Solar Return featured Saturn at 12 Aquarius in close conjunction with my Moon, sextile my Sun, quintile my Mars and Mercury, square my Venus, and biquintile by Uranus.

In 2022, Saturn was at 23 Aquarius, exactly sextile my Mars and still in the 7th house. In 2023 it was at 3 Pisces, still in my 7th but in a different sign making radically different aspects to all my planets than in 2022. This year it was at 14 Pisces, conjunct my North Node, novile my Mars, semisquare my Mercury, sextile my Venus, biquintile my Ascendant, triseptile my Pluto, and biquintile my Neptune.

So not only does each planet do a dance with our Sun across the years, but we also have other aspects in other cycles going on. A Solar Return planet moves forward across the years, and makes many different aspects to all our planets, in the case of Saturn over the course of its 29 year cycle.

Our Solar Return Jupiter’s Changing Relationship To Our Sun Over Time

The principle of planets advancing forward from one Solar Return to the next of course also applies to Jupiter. Again, as a general rule it moves forward one sign per year. In my 2010 SR it was 18 Pisces, in 2011 it was 16 Aries, in 2012 it was 14 Taurus, in 2013 it was 12 Gemini, in 2014 it was 12 Cancer, and in 2015 it was 13 Leo. In 2016 it was at 16 Virgo, in 2017 it was at 20 Libra, and in 2018 at 23 Scorpio.

In 2019 Jupiter was at 25 Sagittarius tredecile my Sun, in 2020 it was at 25 Capricorn in no aspect. In 2021 it was be 24 Aquarius, semisquare my Sun. In 2022 it was at 22 Pisces, and in 2023 it was at 20 Aries. In 2024 it was 18 Taurus, and in 2025 it will be at 16 Gemini. So each year it makes a distinctively different aspect to my Sun, showing how the Great Light shines on the coming year’s “flavor of truth and adventure.” as the years roll forward.

Of course, in the case of all the outer planets, when they conjunct our Sun it’s an important time, and in the case of Jupiter, it opens a lot of doors. I had an exact Sun conjunct Jupiter in my 1999 Solar Return chart, implying those energies would play a “Jupiterian” role in my life from Apr 1999-2000, and those SR energies would play a part in the approximate 12 year cycle defined by Jupiter conjunct our Sun.

The next time Jupiter was near my Sun at a Solar Return was in 2011, when it was 16 Aries. That began a new long wave Sun-Jupiter cycle in my life, and looking back, within 2 weeks I was given a divine signal I had been waiting for, and began packing boxes to move. By the next solar return we were already well underway to a new life in a new location! I renewed that cycle with Jupiter at 20 Aries in my 2023 Solar return, and the year which followed liberated me from an old way of life and opened a major life changing freedom and adventure!

The Ruler (Dispositor) of the Sun in the Solar Return

Another important factor in how the Illumination principle works in a Solar Return chart is to see what sign the ruler of the Sun is in and the aspects made to and from that dispositor. A Sun in Cancer should always look at the position of the Moon in a SR. Sun in Gemini or Virgo should look to the Mercury positions, Tauruses and Libras should look at the SR Venus, and so forth.

In my case, the worldly ruler of my Sun in Aries is Mars, so I need to take a closer look each year since Mars has a major role in how my Sun will express itself in the year which follows. In my 2012 SR it was retrograde in Virgo, while in 2013 it was direct at 16 Aries. In 2014 it was retrograde in Libra, and part of a Cardinal Cross, which I definitely experienced from day one!

In 2015 it was at 1 Taurus, stimulating my natal Mercury-MC conjunction at 30 Aries, and in 2016 it was at 8 Sagittarius, very close to the 2015 Saturn degree and in a fairly close trine to my Sun. In 2017 it was at 16 Taurus, trine the 2016 SR Jupiter and Pluto. As you can see, this also yields a pattern of various house emphases as the years roll on.

In 2018 my SR Mars was 9 Capricorn, exactly conjunct Saturn. This made several important aspects to planets in my chart, indicating how the Mars/Saturn long wave ongoing lessons impacts those parts of my personality. In 2019 Mars was at 1 Gemini, making an entirely different set of aspects to my planetary personality sectors.

In 2020 it was exactly conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius, showing the beginning of my focus on building a long term group dedicated to a greater good. In 2021 Mars was at 17 Gemini; it was within that solar return year that I published my book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. (As an aside, that should have some resonant effects in August 2024 when Mars conjuncts Jupiter on that exact degree!)

In 2022 Mars was at 20 Aquarius, and the next year in 2023 it was at 4 Cancer, breaking a 4 year run of Mars in Air signs! This year’s SR chart had Mars at 8 Pisces, bringing renewal, and the 2025 SR shows it’s in 24 Cancer. By looking at the sign, house, and aspects of your Sun’s dispositor in the SR, you’ll see how your Light/Life takes on various backdrop sign shadings across the years.

Besides the aspects your Sun’s ruler makes to planets in your natal chart, the aspects made to your Sun’s ruler by the other planets in the SR chart are very important in how your Solar dispositor expresses the backdrop to your Life/Light in the coming year. It’s why looking at the evolving patterns of your various planetary rulers across the years helps us see an entirely different dimension about what moves us each year, and across years.

© copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology https://ift.tt/shYG96M


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