Astrology Short Wave Healing Cycles in May 2024 - Mars Conjunct Chiron at 23 Aries

by Robert Wilkinson

Tomorrow, May 29 at 10:08 am PDT, Mars makes its third conjunction with Chiron in Aries. The first one fell at 10 Aries in mid-July 2020, and the second one fell at 16 Aries in mid-June 2022. 16 Aries has been the theme between then and now, since this new cycle begins at 23 Aries and will dominate the next two years. This conjunction sends us in new directions of self-initiative healing into our Higher Self!

As Chiron is not merely “the wandering, wounded healer” but also the first, best mentor and teacher we could ever have, it helps us to “heal into our Higher Self” by mastering whatever lessons of science, philosophy, logic, healing, and yes, astrology we are offered. As Mars is conjunct Chiron in Aries, it implies that the next two years we’ll heal by learning how to take the initiative in healing ourselves or mentoring others in our own unique way.

Remember, Aries can only do what it does in its own way. As the first sign, it literally is inspired motion itself, moving on its own initiative toward whatever Light and/or heat it feels will bring the seed life to the surface, where it may acquire substance in Taurus. Chiron in Aries is healing and mentoring us in Aries ways; with Mars in its home sign of Aries conjuncting Chiron, it’s “flame on” to our healing, our learning, our teaching, and our journey from suffering in our woundedness to being a Master of breaking the link between the pain of life and the suffering of the lower ego.

Of note is that this conjunction has the Moon at 26 Aquarius, the same degree as Saturn occupied at the 2022 conjunction. That means the tests of the past two years involving “picking up and delivering spiritual power” have healed us and others in significant ways, with the next two years nurturing us in the same theme. And with Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius, healing ideas and relationships are on the way!

The Sabian Symbol for the Mars Conjunct Chiron

This conjunction is at 23 Aries. While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now in recent Lunation articles, this is where we go into depth. Of some importance is this is the degree of the April 2024 Inferior conjunction between Mercury retrograde and the Sun, implying that the healing and/or mentoring energies of the next two years may be related to memories, or indirect insights from the past which will be triggered at various points in this cycle just beginning.

It is said that the third third (decan) of any sign deals with the individual, psychological, and spiritual levels of life, and being the Sagittarius decan of that sign, invokes a sub-influence of Jupiter with an extra dose of Venus.

The Sabian Symbol we’ve been given for the 23rd degree of Aries is "A woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load.” In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols published in The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “first maturity of conscious life in any phase of experience,” “sense of value and delicacy – or wastefulness,” and “innocence.”

In the Astrological Mandala, he states the keynote is "fecundity,” and states the previous two phases which dealt with assertiveness and “desire for fulfillment” are here integrated and combined in an “expected child.” He says this “offspring” can “take various emotional and cultural forms,” but in any case, because he infers it’s “a light Summer dress,” this represent our ability to be receptive in order to “reap the fruits of our dynamic activity.” He offers this “suggests inner fulfillment,” and we are told it is in the span of Examination and is the synthesizing degree of the emotional, social, and cultural level of the Scene of Potency in the Act of Differentiation.

Dr. Marc E. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, states that this symbol is about “the soul’s basic anchorage in the privacy of its own functioning, and of the centering of real personality in the elements of its own particular genius.” He says it’s about “the ultimate unimportance of purely superficial distinctions among various individuals, and the enduring worth of any experience for which the self accepts a complete responsibility.”

He offers us the keyword RETICENCE. He further states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree is "the unimpeachable integrity of the (person) whose fullness of life becomes a practical contribution to the circumstances in which (they) dwell.”

So we enter a time of renewing how we “attack on the problems of life” (Mars) or take the initiative so we may heal into our Higher Self, or mentor or be mentored according to the themes related to the conjunction. As Aries is “what you see is what you get,” it may be that some will demonstrate their Higher Self by a taking a fearless stand on some basic principle requiring honesty and straightforward dealings.

The next two years we will heal and be mentored by taking a new look at our maturity and an ability to brings things to completion so we may “reap the fruits of our dynamic activity.” We may find forms of “inner fulfillment” as we trust our Soul’s integrity and center ourselves in our “own particular genius” while ignoring the unimportant superficialities of life.

As this degree synthesizes our outer and inner functions, the “doing” and “Being” of our Soul’s expression in a time of emotional, social, and cultural potency and the activating Fire that Aries symbolizes, find a new higher way of focusing your social and/or emotional power to grasp opportunities for a more focused and potent self-expression.

Chiron In Aries Will Dominate the Decade

The cycle created by this Mars/Chiron cycle will last through their next conjunction at 29 Aries in May 2026. This begins a much larger Mars/Chiron dance at this time in history.

This era was “pre-formed” by the Mars-Chiron conjunction at 29 Pisces in late December 2018. That’s a degree of things “coming apart” at the end of cycles, and it’s easy to see how many things ended in our world in 2019 and the first half of 2020. That conjunction influence ended and a new one began with Mars’ first conjunction with Chiron in Aries at 10 Aries in July 2020, initiating a long term Aries healing influence. That initial cycle lasted June 2022 when a new cycle began at 16 Aries. Those themes lasted through now, and the themes of 23 Aries will be in play through their next conjunction at 29 Aries in May 2026. That means Aries is the way to heal for many years to come, especially given Saturn will be transiting all of these conjunction points between May 2026 through April 2028!

If You Want To Know More About Chiron

Chiron is a greater force within us than most understand. It is truly that part of us which mentors our personality traits so we can become integrated personalities expressing the Love, Wisdom, and Intelligence of our Higher Self. This article is a fairly good exploration of Chiron’s traits and powers, so please take a look if you want to know more about this amazing power within you to become more than you have ever dreamed of!

Chiron, the Wandering Wounded Healer and Metaphysician Guiding Our Hero's Journey

For more about Chiron in Aries specifically, I wrote this in April 2018 when Chiron first entered Aries. In it I gave you some personal anecdotes for what happened in my life the last time Chiron was in Aries, so if you’re interested in that take on this position, please revisit Chiron in Aries

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology


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