
Showing posts from March, 2023

April 2023 Monthly Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs

Photo: Chikovnaya via Canva Pro/Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay via Canva April 2023 is an amazing month for all zodiac signs. The Sun will leave Aries to enter Taurus, and Mercury retrograde begins. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

The Tarot Horoscope For April 1, 2023

Photo: VeraPetruk from Getty Images via Canva Pro A free one card tarot horoscope is here for each zodiac sign for April 1, 2023. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs 'Feel Needier Than Usual' On March 31, 2023

Photo: Chikovnaya via Canva Pro/Tyler Sherrington via Pexels from Canva  Three zodiac signs feel needier than usual on March 31, 2023, during the Moon in Leo. Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius get what they want today. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

March 31st, 2023: Confidence

Waxing Trine between the Leo Moon and Aries Sun (10 deg) Here's a confidence-boosting influence. This part of the monthly lunar cycle supports individuation and natural expression. With Leo and Aries there are added benefits of courage, pride and extroversion. You can step forward and display your creation/purpose/self and it will feel easier than usual. Nothing is forced - events align in such a way that the spotlight is right there , waiting for you. You don't have to seek approval and you don't care what others think. This is about the courage to stand up and stand out- your audience will find you without any effort. Painting by Paul Fischer: Wikimedia Commons from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology via IFTTT

Friday, March 31, 2023 Love Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs

Photo: chonesstock and Chinnapong from Getty Images from Canva Pro Venus will be effected by Uranus today while both are in Taurus. To find out how this impacts your love horoscope for March 31, 2023, read your zodiac sign's astrology forecast for Friday. Keywords: zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Each Zodiac Sign's Tarot Horoscope For Friday, March 31, 2023

Photo: Chikovnaya and Sontenn both via Canva Pro Today's tarot horoscope for Friday, March 31, 2023 there's a sense of hope in the air for all zodiac signs. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

How To Keep A Capricorn Madly In Love With You

Photo: Victoria Rusyn, Sathaporn Khrutpong and Buntysmum / Canva When being with someone for quite some time, it becomes easy to fall out of love. You don't even realize it until it's too late. If you want to keep a Capricorn in love with you, here are a few things you can do based on their zodiac sign. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

The April 2023 Monthly Love Horoscope For Every Zodiac Sign

Photo: rizelleannegalvez via Canva Creative Studio This month's horoscope for April 2023 is packed with many changes that impact each zodiac sign's love life. Here are the important dates for the month, and the best day of the month for each zodiac sign. Keywords: astrology , Relationships , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Can someone help me clarify this one detail? (Descendant signs)

Although I understand the general meaning of ones Descendant sign, that influences one's attraction towards its' opposite sign, there's one thing that confuses me about it. Namely, which direction? For example: when a person have Ascendant in Aries, does that mean that they tend to be attracted to Libras? Or was it the other way around? That Libras tend to be attracted to the Aries Ascendant. submitted by /u/ARWINGx1 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Today's Love & Relationship Horoscope For March 30, 2023

Photo: jon666 and Reptile8488 from Getty Images Signature from Getty Images both via Canva Pro/Hapless Hermit and eikira from Pixabay via Canva Lilith is retrograde on March 30, 203, and her darkest energy brings out a unique twist to today's love and relationship horoscopes for each zodiac sign in astrology. Keywords: astrology , Relationships , zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

March 30, 2023 Horoscopes Are 'Unexpected’ For 3 Zodiac Signs

Photo: Dstocks from D-Stocks, Atstock Productions, Tee_Photolive from Getty Images and via Canva Pro March 30, 2023 horoscopes bring unexpected events into the lives of three zodiac signs. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs See Huge Improvements In Their Life This Week Thanks To The Rare 5 Planet Alignment

Photo: NicolasMcComber from Getty Images Signature and themotioncloud via Getty Images both via Canva Pro Huge improvements in their life this week, thanks to the rare five planetary alignments between Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Every Zodiac Sign's Tarot Horoscope For March 30, 2023

Photo: George_Chernilevsky from Pixabay via Canva/HappyNati from Getty Images via Canva Pro Today's tarot horoscope for March 30, 2023 brings an element of surprise and wonder for every zodiac sign in astrology. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Non-romantic composite/synastry chart resources

Does anyone know of any resources that create composite charts and give you a summary that isn't romantic? I'm starting to learn about composite charts so having a tool that also gives some explanations is good, but at least on AstroSeek when I looked at their synastry tool it frames the comparison in a romantic context and that's not necessarily the only kind of relationship I want to use it for lol submitted by /u/miggysbox [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Pluto on the ascendant

I have read that Pluto on the ascendant is a rare event. Is this true? How many of you have had Pluto transit on their Ascendant? What does this transit indicate and how does it impact a person? Does it impact their appearance? Since the 1st H is about physical aspects? But I’ve read it can be quite a transformative experience? submitted by /u/buckshh [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs Love The Wrong Person On March 29, 2023

Photo: George_Chernilevsky from Pixabay via Canva/Riddhima's Images and FatCamera From Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro Three zodiac signs will fall in love with the wrong person, and on March 29, 2023, unrequited love hurts in a major way. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

March 29, 2023 Horoscopes Are Romantic For 3 Zodiac Signs

Photo: Vingeran from Getty Images Signature and Ivantsov from Getty Images both via Canva Pro March 29, 2023 is one of the best horoscope days of the week for three zodiac signs due to how much romantic energy comes their way. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

April 2023 Luckiest Day Of The Month & Horoscope For Every Zodiac Sign In Astrology

Photo: Chikovnaya and Sadeugra from Getty Images Signature both via Canva Pro The Eclipse Season starts in April 2023, and it creates one lucky day for each zodiac sign in astrology with positive effects on all horoscopes. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Tarot Horoscope For Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The tarot for Wednesday, March 29, 2023 provides insight and wisdom for all zodiac signs in astrology. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Tuesday's Love Horoscope For March 28, 2023

Photo: Gambar Madu and saiyood from Getty Images via Canva Pro We have a bit of erratic energy today with Venus conjunct Uranus taking place on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. From falling in love to falling out, today's love horoscope is nothing short from interesting. Keywords: astrology , zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

March 28th, 2023: Mercury Conjunct Jupiter

First Quarter Square between the Cancer Moon and Aries Sun (8 deg) Mercury in Aries conjunct Jupiter (18 deg) The First Quarter Square can be volatile as anger/impatience stirs things up. The urge to withdraw or strike out are signs that deeper feelings must be acknowledged- you're not being "too sensitive." If you feel it, it's valid. Use the turmoil to make some changes - if you're being pushed, if you don't feel safe or you're trying to avoid the whole thing (spoiler - you can't) you need to step up and assert your needs. Look after yourself and honour the sensitivities of others (maybe they're being pushed by you).  Mercury/Jupiter adds big thoughts and courageously optimistic speech. The messenger can point you towards something beneficial. Words rush out, fuelled by passion and righteousness. Great for looking ahead to something better and considering a potential that you would never have approached in the past. But there is a

April 2023 'Promising' Monthly Tarot Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs

Photo: Streakside via Canva Creative/Trendify via Canva This month's April 2023 tarot horoscope is promising, and it bodes nicely for all zodiac signs in astrology. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

March 28, 2023 Horoscopes Are 'Dynamic' For 3 Zodiac Signs

Photo: Kimberrywood from Suchoa Lertadipat's Images, Waikee Chan/500 px from Getty Images via Canva Pro March 28, 2023 brings intuition into the picture for three zodiac sign igniting their daily horoscopes with dynamic energy. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs Hearts Are Easily Broken, Due To The Moon In Cancer March 28, 2023

Photo: Liza Summer and Jeremy Muller both from Pexels, and Sketchify Japan via Canva/LittleBee80 from Getty Images, Lineartestpilot via Canva Pro Some people are sensitive and there are a few reasons why these three zodiac signs have hearts that are easily broken on March 28, 2023. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Tarot Card Horoscope For Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Photo: roriisha's Images, yganko and olgarai all via Canva Pro Every day brings an opportunity to read a new tarot card and get some insight. What will today's tarot card horoscope for Tuesday, March 28, 2023, have in store for your zodiac sign? Read on to find out. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Every Zodiac Sign's Love Horoscope For March 27, 2023

Photo: Designer Candles via Canva Pro/George_Chernilevsky and ewxy from Pixabay via both Canva Today's love horoscope brings advancements in love and romance for all zodiac signs in astrology starting March 27, 2023. Keywords: astrology , Relationships , zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs With 'Fun’ Horoscopes On Monday, March 27, 2023

Photo: OpenClipart-Vectors, nskumar1968 from Pixabay via Canva/cometary from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro After a transformative and powerful weekend, today’s Gemini Moon brings some social playful energy. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs Go Back To Their Ex During Moon Square Neptune On March 27, 2023

Photo: Clubfungus from Pixabay via Canva/Icons8 Photos via Canva Pro Some people need space to see what they had, and for three zodiac signs who go back to their ex on March 27, 2023, the distance only made their hearts grow fonder. Keywords: astrology , Relationships , zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Should Cancer and Leo be considered a pair in the same way that the other signs are all part of a pair?

Gemini and Virgo are a pair. Taurus and Libra are a pair. Aries and Scorpio are a pair. Sagittarius and Pisces are a pair. Capricorn and Aquarius are a pair. Although there are differences due to element and modality you can still see a lot of similarities within each of those pairs because of the ruling planet. That leaves only two signs, who are ruled by the Sun and Moon. Does this mean we should consider them the final pair? Do they have similarities that bind them together like the other pairs do? I would throw into the ring that they are both loyal to their tribe and can light people up/illuminate them in their own way, but they are also both quite melodramatic. What are your thoughts on this? submitted by /u/ErisedFelicis [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

For parents/aunts/uncles/extended fam: What are your children’s prominent natal placements and how are they playing out, and are you the one playing out those placements?

Random example of what I’m asking: You have a niece who has prominent 3rd and 8th house placement and you set up a trust for her while she’s in a 8th house year. How are you playing out their natal chart? submitted by /u/PinkFurLookinLikeCam [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Tarot Horoscope For March 27, 2023, By Zodiac Sign

Photo: JMBee Studio via Canva/Tempcraft via Canva Pro Your free tarot horoscope for March 27, 2023 is here for each zodiac sign in astrology. Check out what's in store for you. Keywords: zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs Have 'Tedious' Weekly Horoscopes, March 26 - April 1, 2023

Photo: Win.winartlab and be32 from Getty Images via Canva Pro/4144132 from Pixabay via Canva This is one of those weeks where things go rough in a big way, and that's why the weekly horoscopes for three zodiac signs are tedious starting March 26 - April 1, 2023. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Super Sunday Spectacular Celebrating the 2023 Birthday of the Extraordinary David Lindley

by Robert Wilkinson A giant in the music world recently left the building. He created the legendary psychedelic group Kaleidoscope, and recorded with Jackson Browne, Ry Cooder, Warren Zevon, Linda Ronstadt, Curtis Mayfield, Dolly Parton, Graham Nash, Rod Stewart, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Joe Walsh, James Taylor, and too many more to list here. David Perry Lindley (March 21, 1944 – March 3, 2023) was a multi-instrumentalist of the highest talent. Today we’ll showcase some of his work, with Jackson Browne’s tribute in Billboard magazine as a closer. Here are a couple of his albums with Kaleidoscope. Side Trips A Beacon From Mars He played on Graham Nash’s album Songs for Beginners He was Jackson’s go-to guy throughout his career, and is all over these albums! For Everyman The Pretender Running on Empty Lives in the Balance He teamed up with the divine Ms. Linda on these albums! Heart Like a Wheel Prisoner in Disguise Simple Dreams Check out his work with Warren! Warre

Tarot Horoscope For March 26, 2023

Photo: Antusnok Tanya via Canva Pro Each day, a tarot horoscope can bring a bit of insight into a situation, and today's one-card pull based on your zodiac sign for March 26, 2023, is revealing. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs Have 'Rewarding' Weekly Horoscopes, March 26 - April 1, 2023

Photo: Candiix from pixabay via Canva/Felicia Smith via Canva Pro Hard work finally pays off for three zodiac signs this week. During the weekly horoscopes for March 26 - April 1, 2023, there's rewarding experiences and positive outcomes. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs Fall In Love With A Friend During The Moon In Gemini On March 25, 2023

Photo: Piixypeach and martin-dm from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro/Andrei Nigrin from Pexels via Canva Falling in love with a friend is as natural as can be when you're one of these three zodiac signs whose relationships grow into more during a Gemini Moon. Keywords: astrology , Relationships , zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

March 25, 2023 Horoscopes Are 'Incredibly Rewarding' For 3 Zodiac Signs

Photo: Chikovnaya via Canva Pro/Sketchify and BlenderTimer from pixabay via Canva We need a lucky break on March 25, 2023, and this means a rewarding horoscope for three zodiac sign due to Mars entering Cancer this Saturday. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

How Each Zodiac Sign Expresses Love In A Relationship

Photo: iStock Love means something different to all of us, and astrology may play a part in how we act in relationships. Whether you're a protective Taurus or adventurous Gemini, here's what your zodiac sign is like in love and relationships. Keywords: astrology , Relationships , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Each Zodiac Sign's Tarot Horoscope For March 25, 2023

Photo: Bigc Studio via Canva Pro Each zodiac sign's tarot horoscope for March 25, 2023, is upright, indicating action and a smooth day. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Capricorn Woman Traits And Unique Characteristics

Photo: Irina Rudnick via Unsplash / Life On White, Raya Design, And Birdy Via Canva The Capricorn woman is highly misunderstood, but is hard-working, loyal, and reliable to a fault. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

What are some accurate ways your placements or aspects have manifested in your life?

What are some placements and / or aspects in your chart that have made you be like 'wow!', just because of how relevant or applicable they are to your life? Like the kind of accurate descriptions that confirm or strengthen your belief in astrology. submitted by /u/f0ntaine0fy0uth [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Taurus As A Mom: Best And Worst Traits & Parenting Style

Photo: Andrew A via Unsplash / Nikiko, Lisaabeth Studio, DAPA Images And Chikovnaya Via Canva If you have Taurus as a mom, consider yourself lucky! Find out the Taurus mom's parenting style and unique traits as a parent. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

What is something you feel isn’t talked about enough when it comes to transits?

As the title states. What do you feel is overlooked when it comes to reading transits? submitted by /u/DaSumofBum [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Your Child's Best Personality Traits, Based On Their Zodiac Sign

Photo: Melanie Rosillo Galvan via Unsplash / KNMedia, Andrei Nigrin and Chikovnaya via Canva It's exciting to watch your children grow up and into their personalities. Your child's zodiac sign can predict what kinds of skills, behavior, and talent you can expect. Find out your child's zodiac sign's best personality traits. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs Find Out Who Loves Them On March 23, 2023

Photo: HaplessHermit from Pixabay via Canva/Icons8 and Clicknique from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro/ It takes a lot of courage to say you care, and when someone finds out that a person has feelings for them on March 23, 2023, it changes the relationship dynamic completely. Keywords: astrology , Relationships , zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

3 Zodiac Signs Love The Wrong Person On March 23, 2023

Photo: DanFLCreativo, Icons8, Chelsea Gonzales from Sparklestroke, Markus Weber from Getty Images  and Chikovnaya all via Canva Pro Love that goes unrequited can leave someone confused and dismayed. Three zodiac signs who love the wrong person experience this level of pain on March 23, 2023. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Each Zodiac Sign's Pluto In Aquarius Horoscopes Starting March 23, 2023

Photo: Sketchify, Icons8 and burdaki from Getty Images via Canva Pro Today begins a monumental shift in astrology that will be in effect until 2043 as Pluto, the lord of the underworld, shifts into Aquarius on March 23, 2023 for the first time in over two hundred years. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

8 Lucky Aspects In The Natal Chart

Photo: KNMedia, Blende12, Tumisu, Jessica Aceret, Life On White, Science Photo Library And Billion Photos Via Canva Though everyone has a dose of astrological luck thanks to benefic planets Jupiter and Venus, those with these lucky aspects in the natal chart may face fewer challenges in life. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

5 Unique Traits Of Those On The Scorpio-Sagittarius 'Cusp Of Revolution'

Photo: Tyler Nix via Unsplash / Olha ZS And Golfloi17 Via Canva Being on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp means you have a unique mixture of traits from both signs. Find out the dates of this cusp sign and how it affects your personality. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

A Relationship Becomes Exclusive For 3 Zodiac Signs On March 22, 2023

Photo: Chikovnaya and Creative priyanka from codenamerahul via Canva Pro/Engin_Akyurt from Pixabay via Canva Three zodiac signs are ready to take their relationship to the next level, and on March 22, 2023, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces commit to one another. Keywords: astrology , Relationships , zodiac , love horoscope read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

March 22, 2023 Horoscopes Are 'Inspiring' For 3 Zodiac Signs

Photo: Chikovnaya, Lay Low from Pexels via Canva Pro New projects, great opportunities, and healing are a few of the reasons why March 22, 2023 horoscopes are so inspiring for three zodiac signs in astrology. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

The 24 Most Powerful Sun And Moon Sign Combinations

Photo: Megan Ruth via Unsplash / Sylwia Design, KNMedia And Artulina Via Canva The best Sun and Moon sign combinations have a little extra oomph. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

March 22, 2023: Daily 'Tarot' Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign

Photo: Antusenok Tanya and Bombdesign via Canva/Jacob Varghese from Studio India via Canva Pro Today's tarot horoscope brings positive insight and help for each zodiac sign on March 22, 2023. See how a one card reading can help you understand yourself and others this Wednesday. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Gemini Friendship Compatibility With All Zodiac Signs

Photo: Sarah Noltner via Unsplash / graphixmania and Vastram via Canva When it comes to Gemini friendship compatibility, there are some signs that mesh with the Twins while others can't stand them. Keywords: astrology , friendship , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

The 3 Zodiac Signs With 'Amazingly Powerful' Horoscopes March 21, 2023

Photo: artist4love and SergeyNivens from Getty Images both via Canva Pro The powerful Aries New Moon on March 21, 2023, opens the doors to your wildest dreams, and if you're an Aries, Sagittarius, or Pisces, the best horoscopes are coming your way. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Weekly Astrology March 20-26 Spring Equinox

March 20 SUN sextile Pluto in CAPRICORN at 29 degrees PISCES/CAPRICORN A very “critical” day, with both Sun and PLUTO at the last aneretic degrees. Very Important karmic decisions, and endings for long term career, artistic and spiritual matters and worldly reputations can be made today at 4:12 pm EDT March 20 ARIES EQUINOX is at 5:24 pm EDT its also OSTARA an ancient pagan holiday and International Astrology Day, Spring starts in the Northern Hemisphere, day and night are equal and autumn begins in Southern day and night are equal. March 21 NEW MOON at 0 degrees ARIES the first degree of the zodiac a fabulous time for making very new and passionate intentions. Also a rare event as there are two consecutive New Moon’s in Aries, the second one April 20 is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 29 degrees 50′ ARIES. The beginning of the ARIES North Node/ Libra South Node eclipses this year. NOTE there will be a rare Two New Moons both Aries March 21 at 0, a Total Solar Eclipse at 29 critical de

Tarot Card Horoscope For Today, March 21, 2023

Photo: Chikovnaya, HappyNati from Getty Images via Canva Pro Today's tarot card horoscope for March 21, 2023, brings change into the lives of each zodiac sign. Keywords: astrology , zodiac read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

March 21st, 2023: New Moon in Aries

The Aries New Moon (0 deg) happens at 1:23 pm EDT. It conjoins Mercury (5 deg) and opposes Ceres Rx in Libra (0 deg). This is the impulsive start that includes assertive words or galvanizing info. You boldly put it out there or receive a message that lights a new fire with no room for doubt. Aries is great for starting things however maintaining that initial momentum can be challenging- as you jump forward, pace yourself to avoid burnout. The opposition to Ceres Rx brings a conclusion or turning point along with this new beginning. An issue of nurturing or parent/child relationships will be hi-lighted: this could be a birth that forces you to rebalance the dynamics of care. Or, the end of a relationship, remembering that Ceres also symbolizes the life cycle. But the ending will immediately trigger a new beginning where one or both parties head off on their own. The Aries/Libra axis is about self vs partner, independence vs compromise. The balance is tilted towards Aries with this N

March 20th, 2023: Aries Season Begins

Painting by Lawrence Alma-Tadema: Wikimedia Commons The Sun enters Aries at 5:24 pm EDT and ushers in the Spring Equinox. The hours of daylight and darkness are equal, and after today we tip towards increasing light. Heat, fire and life are on the rise. The flame burns brighter.  Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac so we really are turning a corner into a new seasonal chapter. This happens every year so it's not rare but it's still a powerful time. Good for fresh starts, reactivating passion, reconfirming your independence. Good for celebrating the return of life and the rush of blood that accompanies this awareness.  Aries is the sign of the warrior and pioneer. It's raw, instinctive energy that is just about "GO" without complications because at the start of an endeavour that's what you need to gain momentum. Aries blasts through hesitation, second thoughts, analysis. This sign is also selfish but that's not always a bad thing - sometimes you ha