Weekly Astrology March 20-26 Spring Equinox

March 20 SUN sextile Pluto in CAPRICORN at 29 degrees PISCES/CAPRICORN

A very “critical” day, with both Sun and PLUTO at the last aneretic degrees. Very Important karmic decisions, and endings for long term career, artistic and spiritual matters and worldly reputations can be made today at 4:12 pm EDT

March 20 ARIES EQUINOX is at 5:24 pm EDT its also OSTARA an ancient pagan holiday and International Astrology Day, Spring starts in the Northern Hemisphere, day and night are equal and autumn begins in Southern day and night are equal.

March 21 NEW MOON at 0 degrees ARIES the first degree of the zodiac a fabulous time for making very new and passionate intentions. Also a rare event as there are two consecutive New Moon’s in Aries, the second one April 20 is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 29 degrees 50′ ARIES. The beginning of the ARIES North Node/ Libra South Node eclipses this year.

NOTE there will be a rare Two New Moons both Aries March 21 at 0, a Total Solar Eclipse at 29 critical degrees is an Alpha/Omega event. A 2nd chance to forge new starts. Very warring energy, angy mobs. Mars passed its Retrograde degree now full speed ahead. Mars conjunct US SUN at 13 CANCER on Eclipse. I’ll write more about that and do a workshop

March 23, 3 /23/23 PLUTO enters AQUARIUS for the first time in 248 years at 5;13 am PST/ 8:13 am EST until June 11 2023.

CERES retrogrades back into VIRGO on the 23rd

March 25 at 7:45 am EST MARS Finally leaves Gemini after 8 crazy making months, Mars is weak in Cancer

March 25 MARS in CANCER  inconjunct PLUTO in AQUARIUS-a dangerous aspect a big blind spot. ISsues with explosions and water, flooding, electrical explosions near water.
Back up your computers, have surge protestors on your electrical applinces, a possible CME from the SUN could totally shut down the internet

March 26 MERCURY conjunct CHIRON- talk about your vulnerability and wounds in a new way. The greatest bravery is vulnerability.

Please share widelay all content is copyright of Tara Greene. Get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic https://ift.tt/oa9YfP8


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