by Robert Wilkinson Around 10:15 am PST March 2, Mercury will enter the final degree of Pisces where it will stay for about 15 hours until it enters Aries. As this degree is where we “dream the pre-formed future into manifestation,” get focused since you may catch glimpses of things to come! From here we move into action. Why Is 30 Pisces so important? As we become more aware in this lifetime, we feel more than we used to. In astrology, the three feeling modes are Cancer (active personal feelings), Scorpio (fixed shared deep feelings), and Pisces (changing vast feelings we share with all others through all time). Cancer is what we experience in the moment. Scorpio is our attraction/repulsion magnetism. Pisces is where we feel, all there is to feel, beyond description. We all have Pisces somewhere in our charts. Pisces is where we tap into the collective hologram, with its ghosts, superstitions, vague imagery, and echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories of perceptions of...