The February 2025 New Moon at 10 Pisces Pt. 2 - Sabian Symbol, Jones Pattern, Evolutionary Configurations, and More
by Robert Wilkinson
This article covers significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in this New Moon at 10 Pisces on February 27. This brings the Light of mastery as a fulfillment which will open the doors to a greater spiritual participation in “the work.” This is a time to have faith and cultivate a sensitivity to the collective field you’re in.
We began a new short term era at the 22 Taurus Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April 2024. That will bring effects through 2037, and promised we have seen or will see the “white dove flying over troubled waters” symbolizing we made it through an ordeal and now are moving into a new life. This will become clearer beginning May 2025.
This Lunation launches a month of deep, vast, and heavy feelings as we see what we must do to make a transition into the new era around the corner. Pisces is about endings and feeling compassion, so navigate the endings with faith in the future that as you let go of the ghosts of the past, your life will open to new vistas.
The span between 6-10 Pisces is about “federation” on the social and emotional levels of life. 10 Pisces fulfills the span which began with the new social and/or emotional dedication to the collective we began at 6 Pisces. With the stellium in Pisces including 5 planets and the North Node, it’s time to get closure.
The Planetary Spread
In this chart, because the inner planets are between early Pisces and early Aries in a 31+ degree span, that’s the main focus for the next 4 weeks. At this point, with the planets occupying half of the zodiac between Aquarius and Cancer with none in Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Capricorn, it creates a Bowl Jones pattern. At this time we have planets in Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer.
Depending on the position of the Moon and the inner planets relative to the outer planets, different months bring us different Jones Patterns. These patterns operate their own independent influence, regardless of which planet is in which sign.
Currently, the outer planet occupied span begins with Pluto in early Aquarius, and proceeds through Saturn and Neptune in late Pisces, Uranus in late Taurus and ends with Jupiter in mid-Gemini. (We don’t include TransPluto, since Jones didn’t use it in defining his patterns). Because we have 6 signs represented with an empty span of about 195 degrees, we have a “Bowl” Jones Pattern.
So What is a “Bowl” Jones Pattern and how does it work?
This type of spread, with all the planets occupying approximately half of the signs with an empty half opposite the occupied half, creates a “special type of conscious selfhood,” which Dr. Jones says “marks the Bowl type of temperament. He goes on to state “Fundamentally it is an extreme self-containment,” which “holds things, and a Bowl individual is one who always has something to bear.”
He goes on to state that with the Bowl, “the whole dynamic of man, his total power of achievement, arises in his instinctive realization that he is set off against a definite part of the world, that there is a complete segment of experience from which he is excluded in some subtle fashion. The Bowl not only holds something, but also places whatever it holds into relationship with a larger consideration.”
Dr. Jones continues that “the occupied segment of the Bowl horoscope reveals the activity and organization of the self, since planets are significant according to their place by sign and house, and the unoccupied segment becomes a challenge to existence, or the need and emptiness to which the native must direct his attention. The outstanding characteristic of the Bowl temperament is its marked sense of what is self-contained in contrast with what the self cannot hold, and this take an everyday form in an advocacy of some cause, the furtherance of a mission, an introspective concern over the purpose of experience.”
He concludes his explanation of how the pattern works with “The Bowl native always has something to give to his fellows, whether literally or psychologically, whether constructively or vindictively, because his orientation to the world arises from division; that is, frustration and uncertainty. The leading planets, determined in exactly the same way as for the Locomotive pattern, give a point of application, and shows where and how the native seeks to carry out his mission or gain his everyday justification for existence.”
He brings up another important point of analysis, as he states “the leading planet is of secondary importance in the Bowl pattern, unless it is found in a strong opposition or cosmic cross. The fundamental attack on the problems of life by the Bowl individual is indicated more significantly by the tilt or house-position of the Bowl-segment.”
He concludes this section by stating “the Bowl character is definitely more self-expending, or self-seeking, and more practically interested in what things mean and what they are. It continually throws the emphasis from the signs into the houses. It a general way the Bowl tends to ‘scoop up’ things and initiate experience when the position of the leading planet ranges from the fourth cusp, up and over the ascendant, to the Midheaven cusp, and then inclines to “capture” things or consummate various phases of life when the leading planet is placed similarly from the tenth angle down over the descendant to the nadir.”
Pluto at 3 Aquarius is the leading planet on a degree of “A deserter from the navy.” This means that as we enter opportunity or experience, we will go through major purifications related to the collective Aquarian seeds being sprouted.
Some will experience life changing events which involve a “self-realization through a crucial repudiation of a collective status which has become unbearable,” and refuse old cultural patterns. This entry to the Bowl tells us we are all under pressure to be honest to the core and accept an opportunity to individualize, rejecting old social systems and norms.
With Mars in Cancer stationary direct closing the Bowl, we’ll finish experience with a sense of what we need to support our future outreach, or the need for some sort of proper defense, “self-gathering” what we need to sustain ourselves in the future. A lot of people are wondering how to take care of basic needs right now. This will help us all to mobilize on our own behalf so we can take care of ourselves or others.
This leads with actional contribution, and closes with actional consolidation. Because the leading edge is Aquarian Air, approach experience with a sense of vision, cooperation, the uniqueness of each part of the whole, and willingness to rise to an occasion. Because the closing edge is Cancer Water, by the time you’re done with a given experience, you’ll have a new way of mobilizing on your own behalf.
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following month will demonstrate. This Lunation falls at 10 Pisces, and it is said that the first third (decan) of any sign deals with the physical, material, and actional levels of life, and being the first decan of Pisces it has a sub-influence of Pisces/Jupiter with an added dose of Saturn. While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now, this is where we go into depth.
The Sabian symbol for the 10th degree of Pisces is "An aviator in the clouds.” In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols which were published in The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “transcendence of normal problems,” “ gaining of celestial responsibilities,” “consummation of the highest ideals,” and “coronation.”
In The Astrological Mandala he offers that this is a degree of our “ability to develop powers and skills which by transcending natural limitations allow (us) to operate in mental-spiritual realms.” He explains that this “synthesizes the implication of the four preceding (symbols): the dedication to the community … (present and future), self-assertion, and the ambition to reach a social goal.”
He continues that here we master “difficulties implied in a type of operation transcending (our) organic limitations and the narrow boundaries of a localized ‘living space” as individuals “in command of powerful energies, but also as heir to the industry of countless innovators and managers.” He states this “evokes the achievement of mastery,” and says this degree falls in the Span of Innocence, Act of Capitalization, and it’s the fulfilling degree in the Scene of Federation on the social and emotional level.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of our “transcendental powers of comprehension, emphasized here in (our) exploratory genius and (our) gift for creating the endless hypotheses (we) need for solving the problems of a modern world.” He states this degree allows us “to take a perspective superior to any involvement or pattern of limitation, and to examine any special complex of human affairs with a consistent thoroughness of overview.”
He continues “the inner and outer realms of activity are brought to a point of effective revelation of each other. He offers us the keyword OBSERVATION, and he says when operating in a positive way, this degree is “special competence in whole judgment and long-range planning.”
From this symbol, it seems that over the next few weeks there is an ability to transcend old problems and old perspectives, gain higher responsibilities, and solve problems in new ways. We should have opportunities to get a “superior perspective” and show our ability to “fly by the seat of our pants” without needing a visual reference.
As 10 Pisces was the degree of a Superior conjunction of Mercury with the Sun in 2024, as well as the degree of Sun conjunct Saturn, you can bet this next month will bring echoes of the Spring of 2024 as well as an engagement of the themes of the Sun conjunct Saturn. This will show us how well we understand what has been illuminated since this time last year!
As I offered you then, “Given that both Mercury and the Sun conjunct Saturn on this degree, we’ll see “the Guide of Souls” and “the Great Light” both leading us to a new understanding of Dharma, Karma, or “illuminated responsibility” by what we’ve mastered in the way of “celestial navigation” up to now. This will yield new power, new skills, and the fulfillment of our ability to navigate obscure or foggy conditions” which should have led us to illuminated maturity in fluid self-expression involving skills which show our mastery.
Important Aspects
Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. Partile separating aspects show what’s been going on in the Now. This section covers only forming and partile separating aspects.
The Lunation is conjunct Mercury, semisextile Venus, trine Mars, square Jupiter, conjunct Saturn, quintile Uranus, vigintile Neptune, and decile Pluto; Mercury is widely quintile Jupiter, sextile Uranus, conjunct Neptune, and septile Pluto; Venus is vigintile Saturn and semisquare Uranus; and the Sun makes the same aspects as the Moon.
Outer planet aspects feature Mars decile Jupiter, trine Saturn, sextile Uranus, and tredecile Neptune; Jupiter is binovile Saturn, vigintile Uranus, quintile Neptune (via Mercury), and quadrelftile Pluto; Saturn is sextile Uranus and conjunct Neptune (the semisquare to Pluto is over!); Uranus is sextile Neptune, and Neptune’s on the way to sextile Pluto as it goes into Aries.
This month the friction is provided by 1 semisquare, 2 squares, 0 sesquisquares, and 0 quincunxes. While squares challenge “right action” at a turning point of a cycle, the semisquares are more about internal decisions and movement with personal inner crises, both public and private, which we must deal with.
Sesquisquares on the other hand create friction, agitation, and irritation in our world that involves others. In my experience sesquisquares are not necessarily associated with times of crisis, but they do seem to be times of no rest and spurs to act that may be inconvenient and aggravating. They definitely aren’t calm! And quincunxes force adjustments and sacrifices.
Special Configurations in Evolutionary Astrology
This month we have 1 special evolutionary configuration involving Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune.
1) Mars is decile Jupiter and tredecile Neptune with Jupiter quintile Neptune. This activates 3 points of a “10 Pointed Star of Quintessential Serendipity,” promising interactive unique gifts and blessings for those affected. This brings specialization and “quintessential” experiences to planets or points near 1-4 Aries/Libra, 6-10 Taurus/Scorpio, 12-16 Gemini/Sagittarius, 18-22 Cancer/Capricorn, 24-28 Leo/Aquarius, and 30 Virgo/Pisces.
This month we also give a nod to Mercury septile Pluto, marking a “fork in the road” of needing to purify something left over from the past inhibiting our ability to do our own thing in our own way. This will primarily affect planets and points we have near 1-5 Aquarius, 23-27 Pisces, 14-18 Taurus, 6-10 Cancer, 27 Leo-1 Virgo, 19-23 Libra, and 10-14 Sagittarius.
Explaining Harmonics
Aspects in the same series are considered to be various stages of “harmonics” for each series.
The novile (9th harmonic), septile (7th harmonic) and elftile (11th harmonic) series all feature spiritual aspects. All novile series (9th harmonic) aspects indicate things which need to be put on the shelf for a while, or that which has been waiting can now move forward. They represent gestative energies that can lead to great spiritual realizations. Septile series aspects represent forks in the road of destiny, while the 11th harmonic elftile series indicate that faith is required to deal with transcending some dualities, issues and points of evolution where we must make a leap of faith to attain a form of mastery over that type of duality. This series tests our faith. Both the 7th and 11th series involve non-rational aspect values, bringing an element of irrationality in behavior and circumstances.
The quintile and biquintile (5th harmonic) and related 10th (decile and tredecile), 15th (quindecile), and 20th harmonic (vigintile) aspects are all specialization aspects. You can find more by going to Astrology Class on the Specializing Aspects Pt. 1 – The Quintile and Biquintile, and Astrology Class on the Specializing Aspects Part 2 – The Decile, Tredecile, Quindecile and the Vigintile.
You can find out more about the spiritual aspects (septile, novile, and elftile series) by referencing this brief overview of Astrological Aspects – the 7th, 9th, and 11th Harmonic Series Aspects and their Symbols. I did a much lengthier exploration and explanation of how each of the 11th harmonic series aspects work in the article The 11th Harmonic Aspects in Astrology – the Elftile Series of Faith and Transcendence.
Element Balance
This month shows a seriously imbalanced distribution. This month the 10 traditional planets occupy 5 signs. We have 1 planet in Fire (inspiration and warmth), 1 planet in Earth (practical grounding), 2 in Air (relatedness and communicating), and 6 in Water (feelings and experiencing).
Air and Earth are “cool” elements, while Fire and Water are “hot” elements. With this distribution, it’s more hot than cool with a lot of “go with the flow.” This shows an excess of feelings with some ideas, with little practicality or inspiration.
The current sequence at present of Deciding, Feeling, and Thinking
We’ve been through several different sequences over the past few months. There are six patterns, and each has their strengths and weaknesses. This continues the recent pattern. For now, as a process of moving through events, the most effective “firing sequence” for approaching life and experience over the next four weeks involves beginning activity with deciding, then thinking, then feeling.
This will help us all to get it in gear, make decisions, and act on those decisions. Once we do our decision or action, these will lead us to a new understanding or vision on the basis of the action. Once we get the understanding, communication, or vision, then we must learn to sit with the feelings and experience them, and get clear about what we’re feeling and why.
So lead with deciding and acting, then move into a vision or understanding, and then name what you’re feeling. That way nothing will get bottled up through underuse, and you can move through experiences with power and clarity.
What do you have to do? Find your vision or understanding you need to execute that decision. Are your actions leading you to the understanding you need? When you find your understanding, then take time to feel the process so you can use the flow to take you into the next decisions and actions.
If you’re wondering what to do, go to your feelings and sit with them. What are you experiencing which can help you feel what to do next? If you understand something but don’t know what to do, what are your feelings telling you that you must do? If your actions aren’t bringing you your vision, how can you feel what needs to be corrected so you can just do it. Let your feelings lead you to make clear decisions which you’ll understand better once you do them.
Summing Up
This New Moon will bring forth signs of skills you’ve mastered as you stand on the threshold of a new period of activity coming like an express train! This time is about being the love we ARE while leaving something from the past behind. It could be an idea, or a behavior, a ghost from the past, or an attitude which made us rigid or defensive. This month patience and persistence brings us a new “feeling-knowing,” as well as the potential for a new kinesthetic awareness which brings hope.
Purify, love without limit, and have faith that as you feel your way through the flow, you’ll find the understanding you need and the blessing to go your own way or to do your own thing in your own way. We’ve already had glimpses of what we believe abundance or fulfillment might look like; now we move forward along familiar lines of flow we’ve been navigating since September.
We’re in the end stage of saying goodbye to old ways, places, and people, However, since all forms pass away in this impermanent world, this created space for new ways and new experiences since there’s more potential than there is in whatever has left. Celebrate the uplifting energies at play in your chart, and let go of memories which don’t serve the flow into the future. Feel the lightness of your unique evolutionary dance through space and time. We’re all moving from the interpersonal to the transpersonal level of focus.
Neptune is showing the way to “let go let god” as we approach the threshold of a new Neptunian experience of Aries for the first time in about 150 years. For now, practice sensing the flow and simultaneity of knowing and experiencing a vaster connection to the collective field. This prepares us for receiving what we need to walk into the new collective reality of Neptune in Aries in late March!
We have been exploring our new life, new land, new field and new focus which has unfolded since January 2024. We now will be given glimpses of the future which requires we arouse our “command and control” abilities to “put on the show.” This will be the fulfillment of a dream for many, as well as the end of a long quest. If you feel empty, sit with it and reflect on what you’ve accomplished. The void you feel will be filled in the future through the love which magnetizes what’s true for you. With the Lunation conjunct Saturn, be willing to learn, to see, to understand, and be open to other futures. This helps us glimpse a new worldly order with a focus on joining with our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters.
Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend
While Saturn’s in Pisces, we are learning about the collective field and techniques of “non-local awareness” while developing our subtle senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Forgiveness allows Divine Grace to manifest, and the quicker things flow down the timestream the less of an obstruction they’ll be.
Saturn in a sign of “distributing feelings” is teaching us how to demonstrate practical compassion as we live at a higher level than we used to. We are now living the life renewal we “heard as a call” last June, and can enjoy. Have faith that your faith in your process has brought you to a threshold of seeing the fruits of that faith made manifest.
Saturn in Pisces helps us understand how to deepen our connection with others and Source. It has allowed us to restructure that sign response in our lives, and given many of us a more mature view of life’s passages and common themes. We’re stabilizing our “feeling knowing” over the next few months, so go with the flow, even when it means you have to take a plunge!
Because Saturn plays such a large part in our lives, if you haven’t gotten your copy already, please give yourself the timeless gift of my book, Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. This book shows you the way to take command of your power to steer your life in a conscious way, using Saturn’s strengths and skills to master life on your own terms. It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, and will help you understand how your life experiences assisted your Soul growth and your power to change negative karma to positive karma. Each time you re-read any part of it you’re sure to find undiscovered gems of insight helping you throw off attitudes which frustrate your ability to live your higher Purpose on your own terms.
And now, on a related note….
Because Venus is the ruler of Uranus and herald for the Sun and Mercury, She continues to be very powerful in showing the way to the future. She is on Her retrograde station at 11 Aries, which will introduce a new worldly order wherever we have 11 Aries. This should bring the returns and/or memories of new types of love we had in the past, or old loves who allowed us maximum freedom to be ourselves.
Prepare for a review of early Aries and late Pisces, accompanied by Mercury. This will fuse a lot of information we need for the future, and will allow us to reinterpret some things so we can move forward with our unique gifts and blessings through the Spring.
As She is returning to conjunct Neptune and will quintile Jupiter, we have unique “quintessential” experiences promised this next month. With the harmonious trines and tredeciles to Her ruler Mars, even though She is going retrograde, there’s still a clear signal about what needs to be finished before we leap into the future in mid-April.
aspects and the “fateful” septile from Mercury and Pluto, Venus will light the way to the next Aries era! Expect lucky circumstances by intuiting what, when, and how.Venus has tremendous influence in shaping our expression and how we release our “potential for beauty” or “potential to enjoy life with others.” This month She brings beauty and value to our ability to find new relationships which develop quickly, with each naturally able to be their most genuine self.
If you want to know more about how Venus works its magic to bring us the people and things we need to find spiritual understanding, you can get a deeper understanding of you power to shape your future by getting your copy of The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames.
It’s the most comprehensive book on Venus ever written, and takes a deep dive into how our Venus shapes our likes and dislikes, and how we can change our patterns of attraction to make future relationships more fulfilling. It explains the world of relationship from the angles of psychology, astrology, spirituality, and worldly experience. I’ve been told it helps people find strength to turn away from unhealthy relationships and understand how not to attract anything similar in the future. It examines the qualities in healthy relationships and friendships, and offers tips on how to create long lasting personal relationships and friendships, why Soul Mates come into our lives, and how to know the difference between a Soul Mate and our Twin Flame.
It has chapters on the qualities of each sign’s natural mate, the qualities of Venus in each sign, Venus retrograde, and when crucial choices and changes are made, affecting who we attract in the future. It was written for both astrologers and lay people, and as it has a thousand gems for better relationships, with self, others, and Source, please consider getting your copy by going to the link above! (And when you’re done, please leave a review on Amazon, since it helps the book and all other books on astrology as well!)
The Long View
In 2020 we entered a transition phase in human history. While we will be functioning within the Capricorn cycles we began then, we also have begun an era unknown to humanity since the 13th and 14th centuries. Even then, we were still in the depth of the Age of Pisces, so the awakening of new ideas then were relative to the old era, whereas what’s coming involves wave after wave of Aquarian energies, pushing us to the coming Great Age emerging in the second half of this century.
The long wave Aquarian pulses were initially set into motion by the Mars conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius on March 31, 2020, marking the initiation of archetypal Aquarian preliminary structures offered by Saturn. The promise and potential of the new Aquarian pulse then began to expand into a greater social and cultural vision beginning at the Jupiter conjunction with Saturn, the Grand Mutation of the Solstice also at 1 Aquarius. So we have 20 years of Aquarian energies set into motion by that conjunction!
All Aquarian transits and conjunctions in 2022, 2023, and 2024 have given a new impetus and new expression to the Aquarian structures which took shape in 2021. Each transit strengthens the Pluto in Aquarius “generation” of the 21st century which lasts until 2043. As there will be a Jupiter conjunction with Pluto at 15 Aquarius in 2033, we’ll see the “expansion of the Angels of the Age of Aquarius” at that time.
2021 opened a new adventure for all of us, and the “metamorphosis” we went through showed us what the coming Age of Aquarius is about. 2022 helped us remember we are Beings of Light, a Superstar shining the Light of our Eternal Love into our world. We’re now expanding our spiritual knowledge, understanding, and effective forms of service, and have entered a new phase with Mars in a new Sun/Mars conjunction cycle.
New groups of Spiritual communities have formed since 2021, and are being given a boost this year. Those which are Aquarian in nature will be “lifted on the wings of angels” in 2024. Trust the process. Revolution is in the air! And when you find things and people of eternal worth, value them with all your heart.
© Copyright 2025 Robert Wilkinson
from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology
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