Mercury Enters Its Shadow Zone at 27 Pisces – Preparing to Review How We Interpret the Past
by Robert Wilkinson Mercury is rapidly slowing, preparing to go retrograde soon! Lots of Aries and Pisces action ahead! The shadow zone is defined by the span between where a planet goes retrograde, and where it goes direct after the retrograde period. In this case, Mercury goes retrograde at 10 Aries on March 3. It will retrograde back to 27 Pisces, where it goes stationary direct on April 7. That puts the shadow zone between 27 Pisces and 10 Aries, and around 1 pm PST on February 28 Mercury enters 27 Pisces, the degree where it’ll go SD. I’ll be writing quite a few articles about the coming retrograde which will post as it comes closer. So we now begin an 8 week run of three passes over the span between 27 Pisces and 10 Aries. We’ll have returns related to Aries and Pisces people and events which impacted our lives in the past. This will be “a look back” at past ghosts, past ways of “being ourselves,” past sorrows, and even parts of past and present motives we haven’t remembered in a long time. We may get “echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of….” or flashes from the past of times we “knew at a distance,” or had deep intuitive feelings about something which turned out to be true. Some will be reminded of past endings and beginnings, past sorrows and past time when we experienced ourselves and our potential in new ways. This one brings memories of prior Aries and Pisces experiences so we can get a different angle of understanding. Mercury retrograde always gives a new take on whatever it’s transiting, and this period is going to remind us to take a look back at “emotion arousing imagery” in our past so we can get a new interpretation of it. We’ve all reoriented since January, and seen the promise of a greater life, adventure, and freedom. Because the retrograde begins at 10 Aries and goes back to 27 Pisces, we may get echoes of the period from 2009 through 2014 when Uranus was in this span, and particularly 2010 and early 2011 when Jupiter conjuncted Uranus 3 times in late Pisces and early Aries. When Mercury transits these Jupiter/Uranus spans, we should be getting information about what was awakened as a promise then, and how it brought us to where we are now. And because Jupiter again transited this span from April 2022 to February 2023, we should catch remembrances from that period as well. During Mercury retrograde, we often see how we dealt with something in the past and come to new insights about how it affected our ways of relating to similar things since then, or we could come to a new way to apply those old insights into life experiences. The sign(s) where Mercury “looks back” opens us to new ways to view those things, giving opportunities to weave, unweave, or re-weave our understanding of how to apply our “second sight” as we are “guided to our Soul.” Since Mercury last went stationary direct in December, we’ve been in a period of an intensification of love and the desire to live more freely. This year is about cutting loose from the past and unleashing our imagination and quest for a greater life adventure. We’ve been learning to see dualities from a different angle, and have opened to a greater adventure. Much of what’s been happening in the Gemini and Virgo sectors of our charts has prepared us for a greater life adventure now in front of us. The coming Mercury retrograde period will definitely bridge the past, present and future! We’ll take a new look at the near past, with many things becoming clear between April 2025 and May 2026 as Saturn transits late Pisces and early Aries. So this retrograde, combined with Venus retrograde, will give us a major look back as we prepare to enter a new world as Neptune and Saturn approach Aries. The Mercurial data you notice over the next 3+ weeks will be clarified after the Sun crosses the Mercury SRX degree March 29/30, about a week after the Inferior Conjunction at 5 Aries. That begins to quicken the information cycle, since Mercury goes direct on April 7, speeding everything up substantially. So in the coming weeks, adapt to the slowing pace of things, get all your papers in order, finish what you can, and prepare to put some things on hold for a little while. Take a look at what's been set into motion with an eye to building in delays, rehearsals, or more research before things again begin to move forward in mid-April. The time before Mercury goes retrograde is good for doing what must be done so that other related things can be done later, as well as reconnecting with people and activities from the past that are somehow related to the future. With Mercury’s retrograde station at 10 Aries, get ready to review and reinterpret the past. This period can help us take a new look at how we achieve closure or forgiveness as a prelude to experience life a new way on our own terms. We’ll be more or less “backing into a new life order” as prelude to a new way to use our imagination to “dominate circumstances” after mid-April. I’ll give you more about Mercury’s SRX degree in a week or so. if you want to know more about Mercury retrograde and how it may operate Pisces and Aries and how it affects your chart, please consider getting your copy of the 2nd edition of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde where you can find out all you need about this retrograde, as well as past and future retrogrades. Here's the Amazon link to where you can order the paperback 2nd edition of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde, and if you want an Kindle ebook copy you can get it there as well. Just make sure you get the much improved 2nd edition with the award on the cover rather than the earlier one from 1997. See you soon with more on the coming Mercury retrograde on a degree of “A man teaching new forms for old symbols.” © Copyright 2025 Robert Wilkinson
from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology
from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology
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