Planetary Light Show Going On With Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars All Bright After Sunset

by Robert Wilkinson

In case you haven’t seen it, there’s quite a light show going on just after sunset! Right now we have five planets visible when the Moon joins the party tomorrow through February 11.

Right now, just after sunset we have the Moon barely above the western horizon and Saturn just above it with Venus just above it. (If you could see it, Venus is exactly conjunct Neptune, which is invisible to the eye.) Then look straight up slightly to the left and you’ll see a bright light; that’s Jupiter, which will have Mars, a bright red planet, just east (to the left) of it.

So after sunset, the Moon and Saturn are just above 3 on the clock, Venus is about 2, Jupiter is around 11, and Mars is around 10 on the dial. The Moon will be very close to Venus and Saturn on January 31 and the evening of February 1, and then will hang out near Jupiter and Mars on February 6 through 9.

So have fun taking a look at all those planets lined up like a string of lights on the early evening Winter skies. Which reminds me of a standard:

Would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a …….?

© 2025 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology


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