The December 2024 New Moon at 10 Capricorn Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in January 2025

by Robert Wilkinson

New Moon happening soon! This is the second New Moon of December, and the last one was at 10 Sagittarius, a degree of forced growth, turning points, and “hopeful choices” as well as goodbyes. This month we overcome old fears, reorient, and gets “glimpses of telepathy.”

This Lunation introduces a new focus wherever we have 10 Capricorn, a degree of overcoming fear through harmlessness, kindness, and “gentle persuasion.” This is another “fork in the road testing our ability to be independent and educated in appreciating prior liberating experiences with a sense of wisdom through what we knew to be true. Some will get ideas about or messages related to “distant lands” which may become a destination in 2025

At this time, we have finished all the inner planet oppositions to the outer planets until late July except for the ongoing Mars retrograde opposed Pluto. This has intensified many things since late October, and challenges us to get at the root of inhibitions in roundabout nonaggressive ways. There is great creative potential if you can get to the root of some truth.

When used skillfully the opposition can help to decrease hostility but is dangerous in that things can blow up beyond recognition very quickly. It forces us all to be on the lookout for passive-aggressive people and situations, or old hostilities from the past suddenly coming to the fore.

Be active in your fearlessness, independence, autonomy, and using skill to manage things. This could be strengthening through annoyances mobilizing. The barely separating intensity of the 8th harmonic angle configuration has shown us work to be done. As with last month, it’s time to mobilize (even at the diminished speed of Mars retrograde), but without irritation, agitation, or annoyance.

Due to where the inner planets are now, the focus of activity these next 4 weeks is in the 68+ degree span which includes the Mercury at 19 Sagittarius, the Lunation, and Venus at 27 Aquarius. An important note: this is the widest span Mercury and Venus can have. From now on Venus will slow until they conjunct with Venus retrograde at 9 Aries just before Mercury goes stationary RX at 10 Aries in mid-March.

An Overview of the New Moon

Today we’ll do an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In part 2 we’ll cover Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.

This mobilizing, educating, maturing, fulfilling, and irritating New Moon at 10 Capricorn occurs at 2:27 pm PST, 10:27 pm GMT on December 30. This is the second New Moon in the new Pluto in Aquarius as Pluto won’t retrograde back into Capricorn for centuries to come.

All of 2024’s Lunations with Pluto in Aquarius have assisted the sprouting of Aquarian seeds which will impact generations to come. This New Moon marks the intensification of the “sprouting of seeds” of the Pluto in Aquarius energies, especially those which have been held up or held back in the past. Mars opposed Pluto encourages us to express our creativity in a way that shows the independence of our true Self.

This is the radical approach of the next opposition of Mars and Pluto. There are three Mars oppositions to Pluto; the first was in early November when Mars opposed Pluto from Cancer to Capricorn. This one is getting focused from 1 Leo to 1 Aquarius. This marks an initial, if frustrated, surfacing of the new Pluto seeds or the resistance to those seeds or the sprouting of past seeds.

This month continues the annoyance of Saturn semisquare Pluto. However, with Saturn being sextiled by the Lunation, it makes Saturn more productive as it sits on the last degree of the first half of Pisces. Uranus continues to show us how to use our expertise in “command situations,” though the sesquisquares from the Lunation will keep us moving whether we want to our not.

At this time of year the Sun shines a light on all of us in our Capricorn sector, allowing us to see the fulfillment of the past 11 months’ work within the larger Aquarian emergent energy. This New Moon will jumpstart Capricorn energy wherever it falls in our chart. As that sign is now a focus of activity, along with a healthy dose of Aquarius and Pisces, focus on the spiritual harvest and the future vision. Go slow, be cautious, overcome fear, and reorient as needed.

So What Rules the Lunation?

This New Moon in Capricorn has Saturn in Pisces as its ruler. As Capricorn is in the axis of the Archetype of the Innocent/Primal, it puts the focus on our ability to know the right thing to do without manipulation or being manipulated. Examine your instincts and step back from too much calculation. Find your inner knowing, but show restraint.

This helps us get clear about the accuracy of our instinctive knowing. Educate simply, and be educated simply. Start with what is self-evidently true, and be guided to greater truths from there.

So the Lunation is ruled by Saturn in Pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter in Gemini which is ruled by Mercury in Sagittarius, making Mercury and Jupiter in Mutual Reception, a very powerful closed circuit of self-reinforcing energies. Venus is in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn in Pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter. Mars is in Leo, ruled by the Sun. Saturn in Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, Uranus in Taurus is ruled by Venus, Pluto is ruled by Saturn, and as usual, Neptune occupies its home sign continuing as a long wave “standalone” dispositor of itself, ruling the fogs and mists of the current collective consciousness.

So this month we have a “Mutual Reception” of Mercury and Jupiter ruling all the planets except Neptune. You can find out more about dispositors in general, chains of dispositors, and mutual reception by going to dispositors and Mutual Reception at the link.

Who Leads the Light?

At this time, the “gateway to the light” is Mercury at 19 Sagittarius. This indicates the “entry to illumination” involves an awareness of larger possibilities and adventures, as well as potentially needing protection in the future, or somewhere to go to escape from material, emotional, or mental “pollution.”

Many will reorient, go inward, and plan some sort of “escape.” As Mercury makes only a forming sesquisquare to Mars and triseptile to Uranus, be practical without being annoyed, see things as they are, and mobilize if you need to with an eye to April, May, and June as activating what’s set into motion in January.

Mercury will continue to be the gateway to the Light until the Sun conjuncts Pluto, when it will become the “gateway to the Light” until Mercury conjuncts Pluto, when Mercury will again “lead the light.” The study of which planet leads the Sun is a crucial but often overlooked part of understanding how the planets work in sequence.

The Sun/Moon Sequence and Its Shifts

There are two patterns: one with the Sun in the same sign as the Sun in the following Full Moon (New Moon between 1-15 degrees of a sign), and one with the Sun in a different sign than it’s in at the following Full Moon (New Moon between 16-30 degrees of a sign). I term these the “Natural” pattern and the “Alternate” pattern, since the Natural pattern shows a continuity of the Light, whereas the Alternate pattern bridges the Light across two signs. Each pattern has its importance in the Soli-Lunar sequence, and at the end of each period of the Natural pattern we shift into a pattern which “bridges the Light” across two different Light signs in the Lunation cycle.

We are now at the seventh New Moon in many months where the Sun sign of the New Moon is also the Sun sign of the following Full Moon. A few months back we finished an era when the New Moon Sun sign was different than the Sun sign of the following Full Moon. This month’s New Moon Sun is at 10 Capricorn, and the coming Full Moon Sun is at 24 Capricorn. This indicates that we’re in a time when the illuminated seed forms of the New Moon are the same energies which will find fulfillment at the Full Moon.

The New Moons and Full Moons are “God’s footprints in time.” Each shows the next in the 12 phases of how things come to be each year. The cycle could be described as follows: Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced and made pleasing in Libra, purified and focused in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.

Eclipses Effects in Play

The 2023 and 2024 Solar eclipses have been removing parts of our lives where we have 20 and 30 Aries, and 11 and 22 Libra. We now care about other things, have a new focus, and can join with others for mutual strengthening. We continue to eliminate old ways of self-expression and equivocating in relationships, and now have eliminated old associations to create space to join with others to overcome “seasonal impotency.”

We are now freed of many old ideals and areas we used to work within. All of these eclipses ask us “What is the purpose to what you leave behind and what you’re moving into?” Certainly the April is shutting down some things in our Aries sector so we may grow toward the stellium conjunct the North Node in Aries. Since April we’re moving in new directions with new people!

Jupiter and Saturn

Jupiter’s conjunction with Uranus in late April at 22 Taurus began a new 13 year adventure into new lives. That conjunction theme is about us seeing “the white dove flying over troubled waters” which promises that our ordeal is completed and we are or will see a sign from Spirit announcing a new day, a new land, and a new life wherever we have 22 Taurus. Mars activated that energy right before it conjuncted Uranus at 27 Taurus in mid-July.

Jupiter is in Gemini and having made its first waxing square to Saturn and gone SRX at 22 Gemini, it now is barely separating from its second square to Saturn. Jupiter square Saturn happens three times over an 11 month span. We had the first one in mid-August is from 17 Gemini to 17 Pisces. The second one happened Christmas eve from 15 Gemini to 15 Pisces.

The third one is next June and falls from 2 Cancer to 2 Aries. As it’s been fairly non-stop between July and now, the mutable squares required we bring forth healthy Virgo and Sag responses, and next Summer, healthy Libra and Capricorn responses.

Saturn is extraordinarily important in this New Moon because as it is the ruler of the Lunation, Venus, and Pluto, and is favorable aspect to the Lunation. Whatever happens this month is a “repeat dress rehearsal” related to what was set into motion last March and April. It finished its review of 20 Pisces back to 13 Pisces, and is now direct in motion, renewing its journey which promises us nourishment and rewards at “the end of our day of labor.”

We’re now solidly in the next stage of our life renewal as we experience “non-local awareness” with our Spiritual Sisters and Brothers within the One Life. We now are “finding nourishment,” have “walked with our wisdom,” and now get to set aside appearances as we focus on real necessities. This is the time to mobilize productively, without haste or irritation. Saturn in Pisces certainly tests our compassion for everything and everyone!

Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend

Because Saturn now draws near its end of sailing the open seas of Pisces, we can use the spiritual maturity, patience, and compassion to demonstrate our understanding of the power of blessing the passages as we prepare to leave the seascape of the collective feelings of all humanity over all time. We’ve all been through a powerful restructuring of spiritual force wherever we have mid-Pisces in our chart. Saturn has taught us a Master Class in compassion and forgiveness practices, and learning a sober view of the collective human condition.

Between 2018 and early 2023, Saturn taught us to be more spiritually effective within a group work than we were before that period. We’ve used those skills since then in our Capricorn and Aquarius areas to achieve closures, helping us prepare for the new era coming when Saturn enters Aries in May of 2025.

Making friends with our inner Saturn is the most important thing we can do to fulfill our spiritual destiny. If you want to know more about your power to throw off oppressive chains, limitations, and fears, please give yourself the timeless gift of my book, Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. We all need to make friends with our inner Saturn if we would claim our power to fulfill our higher purpose for being alive as Spirits in the material world.

The book offers ways to take command of your power to steer your life in a conscious way, using Saturn’s strengths and skills to master life on your own terms. As Saturn is such a dominant energy in life, by owning our ability to demonstrate Saturn's virtues, we take command of our destiny and become the living purpose we were born to make manifest!

It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, and will assist your understanding of how your life experiences assisted your Soul growth and power to turn away from unhelpful karmic cause and effect patterns. Each time you re-read any part of it you’re sure to find undiscovered gems of insight helping you throw off attitudes which frustrate your ability to live your higher Purpose on your own terms.

A Look Back - The Great Compression of 2020 in Capricorn Still Affects Us

We’re now at the end of the fifth year of a long term focus wherever we have late Capricorn and early Aquarius in our charts. In the first 90 days of 2020, we had a “Great Compression” of planets involving Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all making conjunctions in the last decan of Capricorn, setting off a number of Saturn cycles, one of which will last 33 years! We then began an accelerated phase of our collective spiritual evolution which will take us from the threshold of the Age of Aquarius into the Age itself.

You can find out more about the very powerful Sun, Mercury, and Saturn's conjunctions with Pluto by revisiting The Great Compression of January 2020 – Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all Conjunct in Capricorn. That lays out the long wave patterns set into motion then.

Because of the Capricorn conjunctions set in motion in 2020, we reorganized our lives wherever we have late Capricorn in our charts. These cycles will impact all of us for some time to come. Especially with three Jupiter conjunctions with Pluto that year, it’s easy to see that for better or worse things were “expansively purified.”

When Mars conjuncted Saturn at 1 Aquarius on March 31, 2020, it set a cycle into motion which began to expand into a global system at the December 2020 Grand Mutation on the same degree. That Jupiter/Saturn conjunction launched both a new 20 year Aquarian cycle AND a new 200 year era of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in Air signs. That means less materialism than the past 200 years, with more focus on our commonality and ability to share ideas over the next 200.

Saturn in Aquarius led us to understand a more timeless role to play to help create a better world. Since then we have deepened with Saturn in Pisces. As always, Saturn in the harvest signs at the end of the zodiac challenge us to ask “What is our purpose? What structures and self-disciplines do we need to fulfill the ideal of that purpose?”

Neptune in Pisces and Chiron in Aries

In this chart, Chiron is SD at 19 Aries, its stationary direct degree. Since its retrograde station, we’ve had doors open to “concentrated doses of spiritual energies” for the rest of the year. Chiron is said to help us “heal into our Higher Self” and the themes of 24 Aries promise “good fortune upon the putting forth of effort.” Be receptive to higher energies, as they’re blowing through our mind-windows everywhere!

Chiron involves mentoring or being mentored, assisting or being assisted related to these themes. This will help us focus our potency or move us toward our potential. Chiron is now moving us forward in the level of social or emotional potency. This month puts the focus on 19 Aries, a degree of a technique of self-transcendence, where we can get on our “magic carpet” and get a higher view of things, transcending the “industrial ugliness” of modern existence.

In the bigger picture, Jupiter’s conjunction with Chiron in early 2023 began a very long wave healing and mentoring cycles wherever we have mid- Aries. Because Chiron’s last direct station was at 16 Aries, it means in 2024 Chiron is mentoring us and teaching us how to heal into our Higher Self through getting a new inspiration while seeing the relationship between the conscious and unconscious sides of life.

This continues our adventure related to Chiron’s healing and mentoring energies in the last half of Aries. We now have two major Chironic themes in play: one was set into motion when Mars recently conjuncted Chiron in Aries in 2024, which I explained in Mars Conjunct Chiron at 23 Aries. The other major Chironic cycle was set into motion when Chiron went stationary direct last year, which I wrote about in Astrology Healing Cycles in 2024 - Chiron Stationary Direct at 16 Aries. Because Chiron goes direct on December 29, we’ll have new themes in 2025 which I’ll write about soon.

So Aries continues to dominate the Mars/Chiron cycle, with a new long wave Chironic pulse added at the Jupiter/Chiron cycle which began at 15 Aries in March 2023. This began a new cycle of “the expansive healer,” “opportunities to mentor and be mentored,” and "healing and teaching through humor." The last Jupiter/Chiron conjunction happened in late Aquarius in 2009, and this one lasts through 2036 when they meet again at 17 Gemini. This is an important cycle which will help us “heal into our Higher Self” at crucial points over the next 13 years.

Neptune now approaches the end of its depth immersion in its home sign of Pisces, and now is in its long term stay in the last decan, ruled by Scorpio with an added dose of Mars. This is “the end of the end” of the 360 degree “Whole Cycle,” and so encompasses all of the ghosts and unfulfilled mysteries of this past 150 year cycle since it was last here. It also allows us to purify and forgive much of the past and move into a deeper compassion regarding suffering humanity.

This New Moon shows Neptune at 28 Pisces, helping us revisit the sense of abundance we’ve acquired the past 18 months. As it went SD on this degree, we now resume Neptune’s flow toward Aries. We stand at a threshold where the future is just around the corner, so be clear about what you want to see made manifest in the next era.

We are in a time which is a prelude to a new collective mindset coming in mid-2025. We began an acceleration in this “disintegration” energy when Mars conjuncted Neptune at 29 Pisces in late April. The end of Pisces allows us expanded “non-local knowing.”

Summing Up - The Big Picture

The Capricorn conjunctions of early 2020 continue to condition the long wave cycles unfolding since then even as we simultaneously build a new Aquarian social-spiritual ideal. Jupiter raced through Pisces and Aries at perihelion after its time in Aquarius and opened infinite potentials to be actualized over the next 20 years. What Jupiter opened in 2021, Saturn crystallized in 2022, and the promise of fortunate endings made when Jupiter was in mid Pisces February-March 2022 is now being made real by Saturn.

We’re now at a stage where, having heard Saturn’s “call to self-renewal,” we have been flowing into our mastery, our archetypal Self, and our part to play in the bigger picture of our spiritual journey. With Saturn in Pisces, while endings may feel heavy, the immediate lightness which follows helps move us into a new life adventure.

We are now solidly in the dawning of the emergent Pluto in Aquarius era, with new work to be done and new lands appearing. This is a turning point in our relationships, so express your heart, your play, your creativity, and see how all of these are related to relationships in the past. We are now on a new adventure, so enjoy the clarity of Uranus trine Pluto. We are learning how to stabilize and express the dawning Plutonic seeds of the emerging Aquarian era, so things will be very “transitional” from now through 2025.

Summing Up – The Immediate Picture

We are now moving forward into a new life, a new love, a new orientation, and a new fearlessness. This is a “determinative” months, with spurs to act and yet fewer crises than in recent weeks. Even if things seem out of balance, there’s power in acting, even if that acting seems not to be producing results as fast as we’d like.

We’re now heading into a time of great tension, as Mars will oppose Pluto through early January, and then Mars slips back into Cancer where it will begin opposing the Sun! Focus the Leo intensity into some form of creativity with the Pluto opposition, and focus the Cancer intensity into a form of seeing deep and immediate truths. This will certainly educate us in some basic truth.

Redirect your energies as some things slow down and you get a different look at how you got here. The next 4 weeks require a disciplined “correction” of how you’re allowing your Higher Self to manifest. You may have to hit the brakes on some things while working on something else.

Still, the trine from Mars to Neptune followed by the tredecile from Cancer to Pisces between January to March will help us all follow the flow while eliminating what we no longer need. All of it is taking us into the New Era promised when Mars ultimately trines Neptune from 1 Leo to 1 Aries in April, setting fire to the new Neptune in Aries era.

The October eclipse is already helping us release old superficial ways of relating to others, and enable us to see how to assists and teach from a different perspective. While hard adjustments and sacrifices will be evidence the next 6 years, be kind to yourself and communicate truths the best you’re able in a balanced elegant way.

Remember that in this North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra era, Aries wants to get it in gear and Libra wants to look good doing it! As the North Node is in Aries, be willing “to boldly go where you’ve never gone before.” This month pulls us into a higher dimension of how we see things requiring us to “show what wisdom we know” while releasing ambivalence. Keep demonstrating balance and you’ll glide through the occasional tensions.

Use creative imagination, concentration, and a sense of the flow to move into new training. Focus on what you care about and what you need to nurture as you seek the Light, and in spite of the fogs of Pisces obscuring our vision, remember the wisdom of Nelson Wilbury, “If you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there.”

Final Thoughts

In 2020-2022, Capricorn helped us to find new forms of social power, while Aquarius took it into a much vaster context of a greater good. As you journey into the “new lands” promised by the April Jupiter conjunction with Uranus, remember enlightenment is a verb, not a noun, and our connection with the World Soul allows us to act in harmony with “All That Is.”

Because of our total immersion in Aquarian energy in 2021-2022, we’ve received innovative ideas and know who our spiritual allies are. In the past 3 years we’ve broken away, broken free, and broken through whatever used to block our flow. We approach a new cooperative era, and we’re now in a time of new initiatives!

We’re still becoming more conscious of our interrelatedness within the spiritual field and moving through an immersion in a new sensitivity to the generic human condition. The new era dawning will show us that we are in fact individual sparks of Light within an infinite ocean of Light. We are not separate from any other thing, since all things are Light and therefore we are one with All.

This is the beginning of the beginning of a new 200 year era. The powerful forces being released at times may be chaotic, violent, intractable, and irrational, but there is power in our unified vision of a better future. Stay clear about what your vision is, and let go of all which prevents you from flying free with your Spiritual Brothers and Sisters into a better future. Keep the course steady despite the compressed tensions of this time, and know we’re on our way into the future together!

And now, a word from our sponsor!

As Venus is leading the other planets, anticipating their transits which follow, She continues to be the herald for coming transits in early 2025. She has been the first to move through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Capricorn and Aquarius this year. That shows our feelings continue be very important as a way to process experience from now through the Spring.

In Aquarius She helps us appreciate a larger view of the whole of things, and this month helps us see how we can augment our style, our dedication, our ways of managing our individuality or spirituality, and brings “flashes of telepathy” through its tredecile to Jupiter. As She does well in Aquarius’ idealism and the succeeding Piscean exalted qualities of compassion and empathy, She is in a great part of the zodiac. In Aquarius, She continues to bring freedom to dance with others, dance with life, and dance with our freedom to bring "the Beloved" to the balcony of our life through Her rulership of Uranus.

As She was the ruler of the Solar Eclipse at 11 Libra and she occupied 12 Scorpio, the theme for 6 years to come will favor individual and spiritual interactions at the highest level of social dignity. And the Eclipse Grand Water Trine will bring understanding and stability to planets we have in the middle degrees of the Earth and Water signs.

If you want to know more about Venus in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and all the other signs, as well as explore your ability to change what and who you attract to your lives, finding your heart’s desire and a lot of joyous relationships which fulfill your Soul, please consider getting your copy of my book, The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames.

It’s the most comprehensive book on Venus ever written, and takes a deep dive into how our Venus shapes why we like or don’t like the people and things we do, and how we can change our patterns of attraction to make future relationships more fulfilling. It explains the world of relationship from the angles of psychology, astrology, spirituality, and worldly experience.

I’ve heard it helps people find strength to turn away from unhealthy relationships and understand how not to attract anything similar in the future. It examines the qualities in healthy relationships and friendships, and offers tips on how to create long lasting personal relationships and friendships, why Soul Mates come into our lives, and how to know the difference between a Soul Mate and our Twin Flame.

It has chapters on the qualities of each sign’s natural mate, the qualities of Venus in each sign, Venus retrograde, and when crucial choices and changes are made, affecting who we attract in the future. It was written for both astrologers and lay people, and as it has a thousand gems for better relationships, with self, others, and Source, please consider getting your copy by going to the link above! (And when you’re done, please leave a review on Amazon, since it helps the book and all other books on astrology as well!)

See you soon with part 2, which will cover Sabian Symbols, Jones patterns, element distribution, and a whole lot more!

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology


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