A Letter to Someone Feeling Held Back While Working With Ascended Masters

by Robert Wilkinson A plea recently appeared on a spiritual FB site by someone who is struggling with breaking free of feeling trapped by their family and cultural matrix and people who purport to be working with “ascended masters.” Today’s offering may help you understand why some things happened the way they did in your early life, with confirmation for you who have found a way to live your Higher Self in the world. This person stated they are a helper, healer, and guide for many but feeling oppressed because their family is putting pressure on them to conform to family religious and social norms set by dad. He stated he didn’t want “random advice about a life you know nothing about. If you are eager to tell others what to do, do not read this post. I am letting out my pain and sharing awareness.” (As an aside, I always find it ironic when people who are begging for help set stipulations on what type of help they’ll accept. I understand he’s reacting to being preached at, and doesn’t want superficial bromides. Still, the assumption that another “knows nothing about (his) life” is a bit strange, as he literally has no idea how much pain the rest of the world is in nor what trials and sorrows others have gone through.) He complained about some he’s worked with by stating “A lot of therapies and meditations confirmed that they are the so-called ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood and beings who say to be the leaders of the lightworkers on Earth. If I talk about them, they complain in my mind a lot and hurt my body. They try to force me to work at a spiritual centers of very low vibration in order to have me controlled and following their agenda.” This statement contains several errors and assumptions which don’t hold water. Unfortunately, over the years I’ve heard more than one complain about some variation on this related to their work with “the Great White Brotherhood” and “Lightworkers working with Ascended Masters.” It seems many are under a delusion of hierarchical control. No one working with a Master need say so. No one working with a Master will intrude into another’s mind or hurt their body. No one working with a Master forces anyone to “work at a spiritual center of very low vibration” to control them or force them to follow some agenda. Anyway, after more complaints, he requested that if anyone wanted to respond, they should IM him and “talk as a mature person.” So of course I composed a response which follows. I rewrote some things to make them clearer: As you posted a long request, I will attempt to answer you “talking as a grown person.” Addressing your statement that I know nothing about your life, I can only say I know more pain than most. I am a man in his 70s who lost 9/10 of my friends in my 30s, culminating in one year when I lost my daughter, my best friend, and my grandfather. In that decade I found there are many ways to die. We all walk with the pain of the world. I have been a spiritual astrologer and counselor for over 50 years. I found the Masters over 50 years ago and they do not offer bad advice, nor do they ever speak in terms which would denigrate the student. While they do insist on a measure of self-discipline and good will, they never offer anything which will be counterproductive to our growth. They certainly never criticize nor put us down nor ask us to do one inappropriate thing. As I read long ago, never complain about your troubles, as it indicates the Lords of Karma think highly of you and want you to accelerate your growth in skill so you can be of help to others that suffer. Like the Buddha, we ALL must slip over the walls of our parents’ castles and find the truth of life for ourselves. My family of origin were good for me until they weren’t. I came from next to nothing, had nothing as a young man, but through sheer persistence over the years I found wisdom, the Way that was perfect for me, and the community of Souls who we all are together. There is nothing to buy. Nothing to sell. No one to worship. No human is a supreme authority, though some have more knowledge and wisdom than others. We’re all in this together. We all have our particular lessons, and we all have our universal lessons to understand. There are Masters; they have given us much wisdom over the centuries, but we are the ones who do the walking, the learning, the understanding, and the service. No one can take this away from us. But we must claim it, stepping outside the chains of mental slavery we were taught to wear from childhood. In the course of our growth we must deal with negative elements so we can learn skills to help others dealing with negative elements. Your father sounds like many fathers I’ve known; you are not bound to his rules or fears. It sounds like you’ve hit the outer limit of your Ring Pass Not. Now is the time to choose whether you will continue to live in an unnecessarily confining condition or claim your divine heritage as an Eternal having a human experience. To achieve liberation, we need a vision, a plan, and the means to execute it. We all must deal with various types of pain in life; that is so we can learn how to break the link between pain and suffering. Life is painful, but we do not have to suffer. That means detaching, with infinite compassion for ourselves and the entirely painful human existence, and using our discernment to generate a positive intention and create the momentum to break into a new view of life and our higher purpose as we define it. We are a loving, wise intelligence. We have a body, feelings, and a mind which all need discipline so we can express our Higher Self as we need to. This is our destiny. Once you are clear in your vision and have a sketch of a plan, then ask Spirit to give you the means to grow into your individual spiritual purpose. If you are clear and patient, you will be given the means to live the life of loving service you are here to do. That ended the original response. To which I’ll add: I’ll close this by stating that the Universe is absolutely beneficent, and brings forth all we need to grow to bring our Soul into manifestation. We are each our own law giver, the dispenser of happiness or sadness, victory or suffering to ourselves. Only we can overcome the sources of suffering and become the agents to serve others who also suffer. As we learn to step outside our family and cultural assumptions, we find new worlds to explore on our own terms. As we hit the limits of our Ring Pass Not, we consciously choose to fall back from the threshold of greater understanding and awareness, or we break on through to the other side of our own fishbowl to find ourselves in a much vaster field of potential experience. How to do these things and more are in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. This book shows you the way to take command of your power to steer your life in a conscious way, using Saturn’s strengths and skills to master life on your own terms. It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, and will help you understand how your life experiences assisted your Soul growth and your power to change negative karma to positive karma. Each time you re-read any part of it you’re sure to find undiscovered gems of insight helping you throw off attitudes which frustrate your ability to live your higher Purpose on your own terms. Happy Western New Year! May everyone who reads this find ways to throw off any lingering chains of mental slavery and claim your Divine Estate as Soul/Spirits enjoying your human experience, loving and living and growing and fulfilling your purpose for being alive. We now begin a year marking the shift from the Winter to the Spring of the 21st Century! © Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology https://ift.tt/XK2BoEy


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