September 30th, 2024: Sun Conjunct Mercury

  • Libra Sun conjunct Mercury (8 deg)

  • Mars in Cancer trine Saturn Rx in Pisces (14 deg)

The superior Sun/Mercury conjunction has a Full Moon energy - it's a result/conclusion. Full illumination of a Libra-themed issue: balance/imbalance, partnership, projection, diplomacy. This could be a crucial message that's delivered in a socially correct manner but still reveals a key truth.

Mars/Saturn backs this up with defined actions. The emotional impulse is restrained and focused - you channel the anger, angst or restlessness from the past into something meaningful. The energies of child (Cancer) and parent (Saturn) blend, implying guidance from authority or your own moment of maturity. This trine also means extra work, but it's taken on with no complaint and you have all the strength and resources needed to carry it.

Mars/Saturn is never happy, and sometimes even the easy aspects suggest punishment. Plus, Saturn in Pisces is the sacrifice. If that's the case here, it will be quiet and perhaps indirect, but will definitely have a consequences vibe. But you'll still be able to handle this. You'll absorb the punishment and transmute it into steel as you toughen up - this is the energy of building not destroying. You're getting stronger as you calmly deal with adversity and move forward. Nothing will hold you back.

Combined with Sun/Mercury, this is your "a ha" moment - you see the truth and balance it with necessary action.

Painting by Vilhelm Hammershøi

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology


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