September 14th, 2024: Mercury Trine Ceres

  • Mercury in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (8 deg)

  • Ceres square Black Moon Lilith in Libra (8 deg)

Mercury/Ceres is nurturing words and reassuring information. Instructions are detailed, practical and conducive to growth. This is information that acts as sustenance.

There's a traditional vibe to this - following the plan to the letter. But Ceres also makes a square to BML so the rule of nurturing (or a strict mother) clashes with taboo female energy. There's an imbalance here - perhaps judgement of unacceptable behaviour and care/support that's conditional.

BML is the wildcard and her growth is limited by the very thing that's meant to encourage growth. Leave room in precise discussions for energy that doesn't "behave"- Lilith will not be ignored. She can become quite destructive if she's repressed but at the same time, consider how certain freedoms are interfering with care that needs to happen.

Painting by Joseph Caraud

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology


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