Romantic Compatibility and Chemistry

as stated from the title, this is not the Platonic type with friends or family bonds. Thus I'll be focusing on Venus and Mars. The gist is that which do you all think is much worth it overall? With the consideration that your Sun, Moon, and Mercury with your partner's are either Trine(Same Element), Sextile(Fire+Air or Earth+Water), or Opposition(Opposite). I didnt include Conjuncts and Semi Sextiles, Quincunx or Squares as they tend to be on the lesser harmonous sides(reminder that all things with effort still works out rewardingly worth it in the end so this is all just for fun).

thus as I was saying, Which is much more Romantically better?

Venus and Venus are same element(Trine), or complementary element(Sextile), or even Opposition which often promotes growth and very risky but rewarding connection + same as Venus Venus so it applies to Mars to Mars too and so would it be very high in compatibility and chemistry?


how about if the couple is Trine/Sextile/Opposition in a way that is Venus to Mars and Mars to Venus between the couple? would this much better overall?

(I repeat, this is mainly for fun theoretical discussion so please don't take Astrology too seriously as there is countless more things to life to factor than just Star signs) (Additionally am speaking of Western Astrology here and not Vedic Astrology nor Chinese Astrology(Zodiac Animal Race every 12 years)

submitted by /u/CherryTorn-ado
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