The United States progressed lunar cycle

I’m sure there’s some good writings or videos out there somewhere but I’ve just gotten into looking at the United State’s birth chart and specifically the progressed lunar cycle.

The last full moon the country had was in November 2008 when Barack Obama was elected the first black president of the U.S.

I’m newer to the symbolism of lunation cycles, and if someone can speak to it more that’d be great, but full moon’s are when energy is highest and brings to light both challenges and achievements. I would argue Obama’s election was both a great accomplishment for the country while also exposing its challenges with racism.

The U.S.’s last quarter progressed moon hits in early March of 2017, shortly after Donald Trump’s election. This is the stage where “what was built must be broken.” The U.S. symbolically reorganizes its ideology here.

The U.S. hit a new moon in March of this year. What could this symbolize? New seeds of renewal are planted during the new moon but what seeds were planted in March that Americans will see culminate in September 2038?

I don’t know for sure of course but I believe the astrology is more on Kamala Harris’ side than Donald Trump’s.

Trump’s new moon was in November 2019. This I was believe was the early stages of Covid-19 stages which some political scientists believe stifled Trump’s reelection hopes. He would go on of course to lose the election a year later.

Harris entered a progressed full moon in late 2023 showing that she’s at the pinnacle of her cycle.

submitted by /u/Chance-Rhubarb3782
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