Astrology Arizona is Hosting A Zoom Presentation on "Using the Sabian Symbols in Chart Readings” on Saturday, July 27, at 1 pm PDT, 4 pm EDT

Please join us Saturday, July 27, as Astrology Arizona is hosting a free Zoom presentation with Robert Wilkinson presenting what promises to be an exciting talk on Using the Sabian Symbols in Chart Readings. As I’ve done at least 10,000 chart readings these past 50 years using the Sabian Symbols, I thought I might share some of my techniques with people who love the symbols but are perplexed about how to apply them. So this Saturday I’ll be using various charts to show how I might apply them in various contexts. As this is also a roundtable, I'll be taking questions on all kinds of things which should make for a good class in reading charts! This should be another excellent discussion, and promises to be a great event, with good fellowship, lively interactions, and a good hang. We hope you will join us for this event at 1 pm PDT, 4 pm EDT on Saturday, July 27, since “what one astrologer misses another catches.” As I noted, there’s no charge for this event, but you will have to send us a notice of your intention to attend at so that we can send you the link and password. We hope to see you there!

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology


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