Saturn Stationary Retrograde in June 2024 at 20 Pisces – Preparing For the Feast

by Robert Wilkinson Saturn goes stationary retrograde at 20 Pisces at 12:07 pm PDT, 6:07 pm BST on June 29, and will remain retrograde until mid-November when it will go direct at 13 Pisces. What does this mean? First, it means that we are now continuing to substantiate the vision we acquired while Saturn was in Aquarius using Piscean energy. Now we begin a review of all Saturn related things we’ve been learning since mid-March, when Saturn entered its 2024 shadow zone. Since then we’ve gotten a look at the span between 13 and 20 Pisces, and now get a different understanding of that same span of experience, but from a retrograde angle instead of a direct angle. As I see it, the path Saturn takes between entering its shadow zone and its retrograde station is our first look at certain Saturn lessons related to that part of the sign. Then during the retrograde we get a different angle on the lessons we’ve just been through. The third time Saturn crosses the shadow zone we know what to expect, what to do, and what not to do. It’s like the first direct span is when we “throw the pebble into the pond,” and the retrograde span is when “the waves hit the far side of the pond and return to center.” We “threw the pebble into the pond” between mid-March and now; the ripples return to center from now through mid-November. Then Saturn goes direct and we get to move forward. So we generated a type of karma in the initial direct period which “returns to source,” for better or worse, during the retrograde span. Then having generated that type of karma, and seen the results of the process, we can move forward with a knowledge of what we’ve generated, what we want to generate, and what we do not want to generate in terms of future effects. This span shows us how to work with actional-material energies in terms of what we want to perpetuate into the future, as well as individual spiritual energies showing us our spiritual group. This continues to help us see what we want to make manifest in the future, as well as the closures required to get to that future. So we generated types of Pisces karmic patterns from March to now, and are about to get a new look as the karmic patterns “return to source” between now and November. Saturn Structuring Future Plutonic Seed Forms Waiting For Jupiter's Four Blessings Due to Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto conjunctions in January 2020 and the subsequent transit of Jupiter and Mars over those points making more conjunctions in Capricorn, we entered a new series of cycles. While some are now done, there are others still in play, including the Saturn/Pluto conjunction at 23 Capricorn which marked the beginning of a 33 year era! The other big news of 2020 was Jupiter’s 3 conjunctions with Pluto at 23 and 25 Capricorn, and then its conjunction with Saturn at 1 Aquarius in December. So Jupiter launched both Capricorn and Aquarius long wave cycles into motion in 2020, with the Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius setting a 20 year Aquarian pulse into life as well as a 200 year Air pulse which will transform our world. Saturn is currently structuring prior transits to this span of Pisces. Neptune transited 13-20 Pisces when it first went SRX at 13 Pisces in June 2016, and then stayed in that zone almost the entire time between March 2017 and February 2021. These “tendencies in the invisible field” were expanded by Jupiter when it transited 13-20 Pisces in February and March 2022. These vast tides in the collective field are now the source of what Saturn’s teaching us this year. The Evolutionary Phase We’re In We now begin our review of the lessons Saturn has placed before us since March. It’s a time to be open to getting different takes on what we need to do, what we need to ignore, disciplines we need to accept, limitations we don’t need to accept, and how the duties or obligations we’ve taken on since the Spring of 2020 related to our authentic Self and our Path of Hastened Attainment. Because it occupies the second decan of Pisces, we’ll get a review of the forms we believe will nurture us in the futures, as well as how empathic, compassionate, and forgiving we are and what we want to release with an eye to moving into a different future in 2025. This is the time to “hear the call to our dinner at the end of our day of labor,” and accept we are moving through the end of the end of an era. Let go, let God, and have faith that in the end, it will be easier to see what’s past than try to hold on. Saturn in Sag (2015-2017) taught us to take a more mature view of our spiritual potentials and examine which truths serve us in our spiritual quest to fulfill Dharma, as well as which lesser truths no longer suit our evolutionary necessity. Saturn in Capricorn (2018-2020) taught us to “grow up and take responsibility” for our actions, feelings, and thoughts, and accept more important duties and roles in our world. We got our preliminary exposure to Saturn in Aquarius in April, May, and June 2020, getting a first look at what Saturn in Aquarius taught us about being part of a whole, and being patient as we cooperated in creating the greatest good for the greatest number. We then were fully immersed in structuring the Aquarian vision accompanied by an even greater holistic understanding of the bigger picture. This retrograde will give us a new look at our wisdom, our willingness to put ourselves before the public, and lead us to a new inspiration between now and September. After that we have many “rehearsals before the battle,” where we will need a form of “camouflage” as we courageously focus our will power. Ultimately, Saturn’s binding energy holds us within boundaries so we may concentrate and understand our potential “response-ability.” It teaches us how and when to act in a mature and thoughtful way, as well as when not to act at all. In any case, we learn by fulfilling various potentials. Saturn also teaches us that once a potential is fulfilled, then either we find a new potential in that same field of activity, or we find a new potential in another field of activity. The Sabian Symbol for Saturn’s Stationary Retrograde Degree The symbol for the 20th degree of Pisces is “A table set for an evening meal.” In The Astrology of Personality, where Rudhyar uses the original Dr. Jones' class notes on the symbols, 20 Pisces is said to be a degree of “encompassing richness of experience whenever a particular ordeal is over,” “Spiritual nourishment,” and “Ingathering of forces.” In The Astrological Mandala he offers that this degree is one of "an indication that in the end and at the appointed time the individual’s needs will be met among those to whom (they) are linked by a spiritual (or biological) web of energies.” He offers that it’s an “evening meal” symbolizing “the return of the Soul to “its spiritual home at the close of the day-of-manifestation” where “it finds that which renews and amply sustains; the happiness of ‘the beyond of existence’ is experienced.” He continues that this symbol “promises a satisfying or fulfilling end to whatever one has been undertaking,” where our “Soul-consciousness finds nourishment is the harvest of whatever… has been relevant to the archetypal purpose and destiny of the Soul.” So this Saturn threshold will lead to that which nourishes our Soul, and heralds future courageous deeds to be done. He states this degree falls in the Span of Protection, Act of Capitalization, and is the fulfillment degree in the Scene of Perpetuation on the Actional-material level. Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of “nature’s prodigality … revealed through the normal satisfactions” which we usually get without much effort. “these take on significance through (opur) instinct for finding every phase of reality a special revelation of (our) own potentials.” Here we discover “that there is no part of the universe (we) cannot enlist for the fulfillment of (our) own desires, and in making every such potentiality an express of (our) own genius (we) achieve its promise in a thorough self-gratification.” He offers us the keyword FAMILIARITY and he states when this degree operates positively, it is “an effective sensitiveness to every passing need of humankind.” So Saturn has hit a high water mark, and we enter a 4 month period of looking back, either a) to see how we were fulfilled in the past, or b) remembering how our needs were taken care of whether we knew it or not. Here we can get new understanding of our power to anchor a collective feeling in action, structuring actional or material forces for a greater good. We’re now getting a different angle of understanding how to cooperate with accepting rewards. Saturn's Dance with Jupiter and Uranus While Retrograde in 2024 Saturn in Pisces is currently being binoviled by Jupiter, preparing us for the exact square in August which will continue in orb through the Summer of 2025. During the coming weeks of this retrograde, Saturn will quintile Uranus through January 2025, favoring a unique blending of the old and new, the established and the innovative. Their 2021-2022 square challenged us all to figure out what mattered and what didn’t. Now we get to find spiritual realizations and high specialization in the coming months. At this June 2024 station, the main aspects to Saturn retrograde involve a long term semisquare to Pluto and a favorable sextile and then quintile from Mars, so we have high specialization and unique circumstances within a frictional larger atmosphere. Again, the big friction comes in August with Mars conjunct Jupiter and both square Saturn and sesquisquare Pluto. Look within to find guidance. Until Saturn Goes Stationary Direct Because Saturn is retrograde, it’s a review, and will accompany returns of some sort. So whether we’re looking back at our long wave disciplines of Self-realization, or past duties, responsibilities, fears, or limitations, we’re ultimately being led to a different perspective about what’s enduring and important in our lives. The 2018 retrograde theme was about overcoming fear and learning “harmless” ways of relating to others which led us to new group activities in 2019. We had to mobilize in the face of “Nature’s challenge” in 2020, and got “shortcuts” to spiritual awareness between June and October 2021. The 2022 retrograde began our practicum in using spiritual power effectively, with a need to rise to some occasion beginning October 2022 through June 2023 which led to the rebirth we’ve had between then and now. During the coming months, those with planets between 13-20 degrees of the Earth and Water signs can make a lot of progress if they’ve made Saturn their friend. As Saturn in Pisces will play a powerful role in our lives from now through early 2025, profoundly affecting planets we have between 13-20 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as 1-5 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, and 28-30 Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries, if you don’t already have a copy, please consider getting your copy of Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. In it you’ll understand how our inner Saturn helps us give form and structure to our quest for Self-realization. That inner “higher power” is the way to take command of our destiny, becoming spiritual adults and fulfilling our purpose for being alive on Earth. By knowing our Saturnian strengths, we can overcome fear and any sense of victimization or powerlessness. It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, shows why some things happened when they did. Even those with little or no understanding of astrology will benefit from understanding why they had to make certain choices at crucial times that shaped their lives in profound ways. Each time you read any section of this book you will find new insights about your power to steer your personal evolution, throwing off attitudes and memories which hold you back from finding and living the life and purpose. In your journey of self-discovery you can live your life on your own terms while fulfilling your purpose for being alive! Please order your copy today! You can find Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend at the linked page and order your copy. The ebook is available through Kindle. Also, if you get your copy through Amazon, please write a review on the Amazon site, since the more reviews, the bigger the boost on their site. Copyright © 2024 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology


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