Pluto Transits –Radical, Purifying, Intense, and Nothing Personal

by Robert Wilkinson I was asked recently if I thought that Pluto’s influence/affect by transit, whether by strong aspects or house ingress in our natal charts, can’t really be fully understood until well after contact. The answer is found on many levels of life. Pluto represents depth transformation to the core of our Being. It represents forces beyond our control which bring us into contact with either our personal “underworld” or an external extreme situation which threatens an important factor in our life in some way (also bringing us into our personal underworld!) Pluto is a vast influence, triggering changes in entire generations and subgenerations around the world. It brings collective change based in transpersonal forces clearing out what is no longer needed. The original question is actually one of perception. Our level of understanding the deep and far-reaching changes associated with Pluto is entirely dependent on the "local conditions" as shown by the visible planets associated with the transformation going on. Not all transformations are in the same area of awareness, so to speak. A Plutonic transformation focused through Saturn is a far different experience than a Plutonic transformation focused through Venus. The first transforms our security systems from core to periphery, changing our sense of destiny and what’s possible. The second transforms our values and likes so that people and things are eliminated which we no longer care to possess. When Pluto rubs up against Saturn, our sense of purpose is put under pressure so we can either bring forth new seeds or eliminate all the structures which we no longer need. Pluto putting our Venus under pressure always brings a loss of something from our past we cannot bring into the future. I believe we are all able to navigate such intensely pressured circumstances, even if we cannot anticipate the long term effects we’ll experience down the road. Of course, being human, we naturally develop a version of “20-20 hindsight” after a transformational period when we suddenly realize our life landscape looks radically different than it used to. So while we can understand elements of the transformational process while we’re in the middle of it, it usually does take a while to process a life-transforming experience. That’s why when I do chart sessions for my clients, I always include a focus on their last big transformational period related to Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. By noting when these began and when they ended, I give my clients a fix on the long term process of multiple transformations rather than see these in isolation from the other transformations going on. Even though hard Pluto transits take a long time and are often difficult, I believe we can understand our long term spiritual purification process if we are unafraid to look at the deep and dark stuff usually associated with Pluto. Again, the level of awareness and willingness to explore determines everything. As we make Saturn and Pluto our friends, we cease to fear or be confused by the radical changes we go through in the process of getting our body, feelings, and mind working together for our greatest good. These are main themes in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend with a special chapter at the end explaining how Saturn has put all the Pluto generations on Earth under pressure to come to spiritual maturity in how they express the power of their Soul/Spirit. In my personal experience, I had Pluto exactly squaring my Sun 2013-2014, exactly squaring my Mars 2019-2020, and it’s been partile square my Mercury since March 2022 and literally non-stop ALL of 2023 only subsiding beginning March 2024. Each of these brought major transformations, all of them both extreme at the time and looking back, marked serious shifts in direction. 2013-2014 brought the death of my three Cat-teachers and a tremendous sense of letting go of my old circumstances in the midst of living in a cholla cactus field in a desert miles from the nearest store. I was pretty aware of the Plutonic process at the time, as there are many deaths in the desert, and of course even 10 years later I miss the cats very much. So that helped me transition out of 35 years of service to The Great Cat and Her local manifestations. 2019-2020 brought a ridiculous battle with ridiculous people over an entity which was already almost dead. I had to endure months of business meetings with some dishonest people who would start screaming at a moment’s notice if their corrosive manipulations were brought up. By the end of the process the old entity was dead and I helped sprout the beginning of a new entity which is far more friendly and dedicated to a higher purpose. (While Pluto was square my Mars it was also forming a sextile to my Jupiter.) Pluto squaring my Mercury in 2022 and 2023 were years of intense struggle with one who I was told is “THE most ruthless developer in all of Los Angeles.” He invaded my mental space and I had to maintain inner equilibrium despite the battle and constant calls of someone who hated me because I wouldn’t give him what he wanted. All the Plutonic elements were there; pressure, deception, bait and switch, offer and take away. However, as Pluto was also quintile my Sun during this square to Mercury, I found economical ways to preserve what needed preserving, wore down the opponent through economical means, and kept it laser focused on the positive purpose of holding out and holding on. Ultimately it helped quite a few entities who would have had their lives turned upside down had I not held out and held on. Though the battles were difficult, I did what I had to and in the long run cost the opponent a pyrrhic victory while preserving all I could of the good, true, and beautiful. I was fully aware every step of the way. And I’m aware of the inner Plutonic process which continues, since I feel like I’m still shedding skins from 33 years of living in Los Angeles. I believe these “echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories of perceptions of echos of memories of….” will finally be somewhat done by December, when Pluto moves out of partile square. During every Pluto contact, I’ve had to focus on the positive seed potentials rather than the extremely destructive forces cut loose on Earth right now. Each of the above challenges helped me get to where I’m at right now, navigating the pressure to be true to myself in the middle of externally difficult circumstances. The good thing about this past 11 year period is that I’ve managed to get to Arizona, write two books, keep the Aquarius Papers going strong, and the pressure ultimately had led me to preside over some extraordinary astrological presentations for the ages over at Astrology Arizona! So never fear a Pluto transit. You could wind up coming up purified, powerful, and able to go through hell and back if necessary. And that’s a very good strength and skill to have! © Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology


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