Mars at 30 Pisces – Initiating the Dive Into Our Future

by Robert Wilkinson Yes, we now enter a very narrow and wonderful window of getting ready to act on something we’ve been visualizing since early March. Between 2 am PDT April 29 and 8:33 am PDT April 30, get as clear as possible about what is beautiful and desirable that you want to see made manifest in the future. Mars is now at the end of the end of the zodiac and enters the 30th degree of Pisces at 2 am PDT on April 29/30 where it remains until it enters Aries at 8:33 am PDT on April 30. This is a time to focus Martian energy to actively plan or get ready to activate a dynamic form of the illuminated “Law” that will create our thought form for the future year. We got signs, signals, and ideas related to this dream of our future when Mercury crossed 30 Pisces on March 9 which were powered up by the Sun when it transited 30 Pisces between 8:15 pm PDT March 18 and 11:06 pm on March 19 at the Equinox, followed by Venus on April 4. As you know from that article on the Sun at 30 Pisces – The Power of Dream Visualization to Create Our Future, it's the end of the zodiacal cycle closing the 360 phases of experience. Rudhyar says it's where we visualize the ideal we would become, and over time we will see that ideal made manifest in our lives. In his Astrological Mandala he notes that this is related to our self-transformational ability that we cultivate through pouring our feelings and will into a visualized "mental image" aka "thought form." This projects that energy pattern into time as a "formula" for future developments on the mental, emotional, and physical levels of existence. You'll find more via the link to the Solar article. All of these transits renew the larger promise Jupiter gave us when it crossed 30 Pisces three times between May and December 2022! This year’s transits of that degree bring value, understanding, and power to what we dreamed. We finish this year’s “dream time” with Mars getting ready to activate it! This Dream Was Awakened 14 Years Ago The origins of the current “dream cycles” began with prior celestial events on this degree, including the Venus/Mars cycle set into motion when they conjuncted on this degree in April 2009 followed by numerous Jupiter and Uranus transits and conjunctions near this degree in 2010, and the HUGE Solar Eclipse on this degree in 2015! Uranus occupied 30 Pisces in May 2010, and Jupiter was on this degree from May 30 through June 6, 2010. This was the "awakening and expansion of the dream." Then Uranus retrograded back across 30 Pisces between mid-August and mid-September 2010. Jupiter retrograded across 30 Pisces from September 9-16. This revolutionized the dream, followed by a new look at the truth of the dream. Jupiter again traversed 30 Pisces between January 16 and 22 2011. This final Jupiterian promise, protection, reward, opening, or greater Way opening was further electrified by Uranus when it made its final pass across 30 Pisces between February 21 and March 12, 2011. March 2011 was especially important, since Mercury conjuncted Uranus at 30 Pisces, giving a final "Guide of Souls" coordination to the dream being individualized by Uranus. This was then vitalized by the Sun, activated by Mars, and mirrored into a self-reflective reality by Venus in March and April of that year. Those factors dominated the dream we lived between 2010 and 2022. Since 2010, each year when the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars transited 30 Pisces, we’ve had a review and/or renewal of the dream awakened by Jupiter and Uranus. Whatever part of that dream we no longer needed began to be shut down at the very powerful Solar Eclipse in March 2015 at 30 Pisces just before the Equinox! So for the next few hours, go Martian, and see how to plan the dream, activate the dream, and move into the dream you’ve seen come into manifestation these past 13 years! This is the next step where we add to that dream so we may enjoy the years to come. It’s another “end of the end and the beginning of the beginning” in the Mars ruled areas of our life! © Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology


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