Combustion and astrology in Birth Chart

I've been studying about combustion and I am confused because a lot of informations diverge. Basically, all the material that I have found is of Vedic astrology, and Classic astrology but it diverges also.

1 - Combust can happens between different signs ? Ex: Sun in 28 Capricorn, Venus in 2 Aquarius, both in the same house . This would be a combustion ? I know that Lilly denies that, others say that could be a combustion. I used to think that Vedic astrology considered that combustion could not occur in different signs, but I saw different opinions about it.

2 - Combust would still happen when a planet it's in his own house/domicile or exaltation ? I don't know what to think about because here, the combust planet is in its largest force. However, the sun (mallefic) its the strongest planet. I know Hellenistics considers that a chariot. But u guys considers this a chariot ? Is chariot a real thing ? And if the combusted planet, which is exalted or in its own house or in its domicile, is in a different sign of the sun ? What effect we have on that tipe of case ?

3 - How to interpret aspects with planets that are combusted ? I know that combustion always weaken the planet (its energy goes to the sun). But if the combusted planet is receiving good aspects of other planets (for example if combusted Venus is in trine with Jupiter, or conjunct to moon) this good aspects will be gone ? They just don't exist ? How does this works ? I've read book saying that in this case all good aspects between other planets would be affected and weakned, and the good things would be turned into bad things. Others, said that good aspects make the combusted planet strongest and minimizes combustions effects. I particularly don't like this first version a lot, because around 33% of people has planets combusted (its a common thing between Venus and Mercury) so they are all destined to a miserable life ? No matter what ?

4 - Is that true that in air and water signs, such as Aquarius, Cancer, Pisces, Libra (some people even mentioned Capricorn, I don't know why) because sun is weakened that would be no combustion or combustion would loose its effects ? I don't agree with combustion would not exist because the combusted plane stilll won't be visible. But what about weakening the effects of a combustion ? This is a real thing ?

5 - Why modern astrologers ignores combustion ?

submitted by /u/hey_luh
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