Astrological Timeline of Kate Middleton Controversy

Note: this is purely for discussion/interest, and is not meant to invite conversation on the politics/various hot-button issues involving other members of the royal family.

I found myself curious of the astrological movements that might have played a part in the recent controversy surrounding Kate Middleton's hospitalization/disappearance/revelation of cancer diagnosis. I used whole-sign, traditional astrology as my approach (though I take note of aspects to outer planets), but if anyone uses different methods that might provide more insight, feel free to share.

Reference: Kate Middleton's birth chart on Astro

First, basic points of reference: Kate Middleton is a Leo Rising, so her chart ruler is the Sun (no essential dignity in Capricorn). She has a night chart, so her most benefic planet is Venus (no essential dignity in Aquarius) and her most malefic planet is Saturn (exalted in Libra). Princess Kate turned 46 on January 9th, 2024, which means she entered a sixth house profection year ruled by Saturn. The sixth house rules health and disease, and Saturn is currently in Pisces, her 8th house of death/regeneration, legacy, inheritance, etc. Her natal moon is in the sign of Cancer in her 12th house directly opposite her sun (it is in its domicile). Her Sun and Moon form a t-square with her natal Saturn in her Libra 3rd house. Finally, while not in the usual traditional methodology, Uranus has been sitting directly conjunct her natal Chiron in her Taurus 10th house. I draw attention to these points in particular because of their relationship to health, the physical body, as well as secrets/taboos.

Now for the timeline:

January 17th ("planned abdominal surgery"): On this date, Kate's chart ruler squared off exactly with her natal Pluto in Libra (the sign which rules many abdominal body parts). It was also nearing its cazimi with transiting Pluto (exact three days later). Transiting Jupiter was also exact (~1 degree) with her natal MC and opposite her natal Jupiter.

  • comments: These last few days of Pluto in Capricorn were intense for many, but Kate's chart ruler forming aspects to this and her natal placements certainly suggest some big changes, especially concerning work and her body.

January 29th (return home): Pluto has transited out of her 6th house and into her 7th (this house for her is still ruled by Saturn), now forming a square with her natal MC. The Sun is conjunct her natal Mercury and Venus in her Aquarius 7th house. Transiting Mercury and Mars are conjunct her natal Sun (~1 degree). The Moon in Virgo also forms a loose trine to these.

  • comments: Her chart ruler conjunct her chart benefic would show a positive shift for her, so leaving the hospital makes sense here, but there is still a lot going on in her sixth house, indicating she would still have recovery ahead.

February 27th (William's cancellation of memorial attendance causes controversy to intensify): The Sun/Mercury/Neptune conjunction is forming (< 3 degrees) in Kate's Pisces 8th house. This forms a sextile to Kate's natal MC and transiting Jupiter, as well as a trine to her natal Jupiter. A trine to her natal moon is just starting to form but is not there quite yet. Transiting Venus and Mars have just transited her natal Mercury and Venus in her Aquarius 7th house. Transiting Mars is forming an exact trine with her natal Mars in Libra 3rd house. The transiting Moon is also loosely conjunct her natal Mars (~6).

  • comments: The intensity of the Sun/Mercury/Neptune conjunction and its aspects are indicative of a lack of clarity regarding her public image, so increasing controversy here makes sense. Here we're starting to see the increasing pressure on the two malefics in Kate's 3rd house, which will continue to be a theme. Additionally, Prince William and Princess Catherine are close in age and Mars had a retrograde in Libra between their births, meaning their natal Mars placements are conjunct within 1 degree. So while this commentary is mainly about Kate, it's worth noting the correspondence to William considering his part in this chapter of the timeline.

March 4th (grainy image of Kate in car with her mom): Venus, her most benefic planet, is in exact conjunction with her Lot of Fortune in her Aquarius 7th house and directly opposite her Ascendant. It is also trine her natal Saturn. Mars's conjunction to her natal Mars is loosening but it is starting to form a trine to her natal Saturn.

  • comments: The benefic influence here hopefully would indicate that she was feeling well enough to go out, but with that pressure still on her malefics, the turmoil around her appearance is continuing.

March 10th-11th (manipulated Mother's Day photo): New Moon in Pisces in her natal 8th house, still pretty cozy with Saturn and loosely trine her natal Moon. Transiting Mercury is in detriment at 29 degrees Pisces, too. Given the nature of this moment in the timeline, its conjunction with Neptune is worth acknowledging. Mars is now conjunction her Lot of Fortune and opposite her Ascendant, trine her natal Saturn. Venus is also trine her natal Saturn. Jupiter is beginning its trine with her natal Sun. By the 11th, when she claims responsibility for the photoshopping and the second grainy photo is released, the Moon has replaced Mercury at 29 degrees Pisces. Mercury has transited into Aries, but the two are still conjunct.

  • comments: We're starting to see Neptune's influence kicking up some dirt (since it has been assigned rulership over cameras, mirror, virtual reality, illusion, etc.). While Mercury is not a strong influence in her chart, it clearly contributed to the communication/dissemination of the manipulated image while it was in the critical degree. Mars is in detriment in Aquarius, but its malefic influence was still felt in its opposition to her Ascendant.

March 16th (video at farm market; Rose Hanbury's lawyers deny rumors): Transiting Mercury in her Aries 9th house is now directly opposite her natal Mars in Libra. The Moon in Gemini is also trine her Mars placement. The Sun is now conjunct Neptune in her Pisces 8th house. Venus is also in Pisces now, sextile her natal MC and trine her natal Jupiter.

  • comments: continued aspects to Mars. This video was released as a "see she's alive" moment to help quell the rumors, but since Neptune was still strongly at play here, it didn't really work. But there's more benefic influence in her chart here, which signals a more positive turn incoming with regard to her public image.

March 22nd (video revealing cancer diagnosis): The Sun, her chart ruler, has transited into Aries, marking the new astrological year. Transiting Mercury and Chiron are conjunct in Aries (~2 degrees), exactly opposite her natal Saturn. The North Node is hanging out in this neighborhood as well. Venus and Saturn (the benefic and malefic of her chart) are exactly conjunct in her Pisces 8th house. Mars is at 29 degrees Aquarius, trine her natal Pluto. Transiting Jupiter is trine her natal Sun and transiting Uranus is trine her natal Sun and square her Ascendant/Lot of Fortune. News reports reveal that she filmed the video on March 20th, and her chart ruler would have been at 29 degrees of her 8th house.

  • comments: I just about flipped a table when I saw that Venus and Saturn were conjunct this day--her greatest benefic and malefic, the latter of which is her time lord this year. Then Uranus, which has been assigned rulership over instability, discovery, and rejecting tradition formed its square to her Ascendant and Lot of Fortune--given the Royal Family's longtime slogan of "never complain, never explain," this video statement certainly broke a long tradition that it seems like Kensington Palace was trying to hold onto throughout this saga.

TLDR: Kate's time lord this year is Saturn, and the transits over the last few months have been through Saturn-ruled houses and into her 8th house, where transiting Saturn is. Many of these transits have also put a lot of pressure on her natal Mars and Saturn in her Libra 3rd house (Libra rules many abdominal body parts). When the controversy was at its loudest, the luminaries were transiting Saturn in Pisces, and the revelation of the diagnosis came on the day Venus was exactly conjunct Saturn. Essentially, these have been extremely Saturnian months for Kate. While hindsight is always 20/20 and there's confirmation bias at play accordingly, I think it's fascinating that each of the milestones in this saga hit major transits in Kate's chart so neatly.

submitted by /u/schneeweisschen1812
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