Astrology Aspects - How A Tredecile (108 degrees) Works

by Robert Wilkinson I was having a discussion with a friend and he wondered how I got my definition for the 108 degree angle known as the Tredecile. Today we take a short look at how this marvelous “complementary gift” angle works! He asked if it came from something in the Eastern philosophies, where 108 is considered the number of the Divine Feminine, or if it came from Kabbalah, since 108 is a fairly important number in that venerable approach to the Divine. I told him I discovered the angle before I knew anything about Eastern philosophies or Kabbala, so I didn't get it from those sources. This is one of those Occham's Razor types of situations. As there were no explanations about how it worked back when I first discovered this aspect in 1971/72, my reasoning was this: 108 is the complementary angle to 72, the quintile. So while the quintile is always personal (since it only happens 72 degrees (+/- 4 degrees) from any given point, the tredecile - 108 d (+/- 2.5 d) - is always interactive, as it always falls in other hemisphere from the zero point. A waxing tredecile always has a 4th house interactive uniqueness quality, since it falls from the 4th sector from the measuring point. And the waning tredecile has a 9th house interactive uniqueness quality, since it always falls in the 9th sector from the initial point it’s aspecting. It is a complementary angle, so it "complements" whatever is being measured by the aspect, through a specialized "quintessential" interactivity. When I first studied the angle, I noted through a series of "real world" circumstances that it always involved a unique situation, always external to my personal anything, which gave either a) the perfect gift for my circumstance, or b) the perfect circumstance for my gift, or some special personal quality. That’s why I gave it the quality of "serendipity." It is a fortunate highly specialized interactive uniqueness. Any tredecile expands the planets involved into a 10th harmonic resonant field. The 5 points of uniqueness in the 5th harmonic series becomes the same 5 points which would quintile each of the two points in tredecile, plus their opposite points in the 10th harmonic field. As you can see, this could manifest in countless ways. It might be a "wrong turn" which takes you by a gas station selling for 10 cents/gal below all the other stations around. It could be your clutch blowing on a freeway in the middle of the desert at the exact location where the DPS will show up a minute later. You could unexpectedly read something related to something you're wondering about at that exact minute. It could be meeting an old friend at a place who gives you money to pay off an old debt at the exact time you need the money for something else. It could be a random discussion which gives you the exact information you need to deal with something unrelated to why you went there to begin with. It could be that you can't find a parking place around the intended lunch destination, but in looking for one you find another restaurant which is even better than the one you wanted to go to. In one circumstance where a tredecile was active in my chart, I had to go down to Watts in South-Central Los Angeles to drop someone off at a seminar at King-Drew University Hospital. On the way back I blew a tire on Avalon Blvd (NOT a great place for a flat!). Ordinarily I'd have been an easy target, but out of nowhere a 15 minute thunderbumper came in with driving wind and rain while I was fixing the flat. (For those not familiar with Los Angeles, those sorts of storms are unique in the extreme!) No one was out on the street so I changed the tire and though wet, drove on. So I had no hassles while broken down on the side of a main thoroughfare in the heart of Watts. The tredecile was something external to me presenting itself in a unique way at the exact moment I needed it. As Uranus continues to tredecile Pluto at this time, we have invisible interactive serendipity in play wherever this angle falls in our charts. The most affected zones are 1-4 Aquarius/Leo, 6-10 Pisces/Virgo, 12-16 Aries/Libra, 18-22 Taurus/Scorpio, 24-28 Gemini/Sagittarius, and 30 Cancer/Capricorn. Spiritual awakenings and seed forms are yours for the finding each time there's a transit through these zones for the 2 months! If you’ve had experiences of “extraordinary luck” or “uniquely favorable interactive experiences,” there was probably a tredecile at work. The study of the points which tredecile our natal planets can give us insights into interactive unique gifts and circumstances. Have fun plotting your time triggers! You can find out more about the decile, tredecile, quindecile, and vigintile at Astrology Class on the Specializing Aspects Pt. 2 – The Decile, Tredecile, Quindecile and Vigintile. (There’s more on the Quintile and Biquintile in the article before this one.) © Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology


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